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Everything posted by TheArchfiend

  1. I don't like them at all... but I will download their album off the Internet just for the hell of it.
  2. What?!?! I refuse to believe that at all. Sure he named him and his group; Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars... but that doesnt... nevermind, I can't find an excuse to make. Oh, Ziggy... you could play guitar. Thank you, drugs for your influence in this great man's music. And you gotta be on something when your found in bed with Mick Jagger.
  3. ^ You should see what happened to the British girl who ate Mentos and drank Pepsi. I posted video of it today in the "Random Video Thread".
  4. I think every person walking the Earth has called EVERY member of a boy band "gay" at one point or another. I think it's Prince's turn to come out. A little late, but who are we kidding at this point? Prince doing American Idol was the icing on the cake is his "total gayness".
  5. And he was with Paris Hilton at one point. Maybe she turned him gay? Whatever. Their music still blows. Did I just say... nevermind.
  6. I hate insects. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Leave me alone when I go out jogging dammit!!
  7. And that was with Pepsi. A nuclear fusion would have taken place and destroyed 3 square miles is she did the same exact thing with a Coke.
  8. Boy, this is just too common this year. My gut tells me that it's only a mater of time before people start dropping dead on rides like Ka and TTD because I literally feel like I am going to die during those launches. Someone with an unknown heart defect or other serious illness is going to ride those rides sooner or later. I don't think the future looks too good for some of the older wooden coasters that are a tad rough with it's riders. I like the rough wooden coasters but I can completely see why any park would want to dismantle them at this point.
  9. I added the video of what happens when you eat mentos and then drink Pepsi to the "Random Video Thread". Enjoy.
  10. Mentos + Pepsi + British Girl = ... Enjoy the power of the Mentos!!
  11. So... you haven't seen that video with the English girl that does just that, eh? I'm sure someone can dig that one up. It's quite entertaining.
  12. I love my job. Yet, I want a new one. Edit: If this isn't an omen then I don't know what is... about 2 minutes after I typed this response did I receive a call from a job that I applied to recently. Woo hoo!!
  13. Roger, Roger. What's your vector, Victor? Do we have clearance, Clarance?
  14. Geez... no need to be creeped out over it. I only really noticed it cause my computer ironically had the same little yellow shield prompted like literally 10 seconds before I read this post. Didn't mean to bug anyone with that comment, just found it ironic to point it out in my work day here. If they gave me more to do at my job, I'm sure I'd have much less time to examine TPR pictures
  15. ^ 15, was about the age I realized I disliked California as well.
  16. Lambs blood but that was all part of the ritual. Do you know someone who smells really bad and is unaware that they do?
  17. O kwan tanzen wa. Kwa-umza la gee wan. Are the Reptillians hell bent for leather?
  18. Ummm.... You sound like a duck. Quack, quack, quack, quack
  19. I know thats what I say, but I'm right! (I really don't remember much from the opening dialouge )
  20. We should just do our best from memory whether it's exactly correct or not. It may make for an more interesting read if we gaff a few lines here and there.
  21. I hope we have a clever way of getting around F-Bombs or else this transcript will have very few complete sentences in it.
  22. What? Mayonnaise. Damn! Yes I took the next three lines I wonder what words are in the next line? Edit: Go for it BeemerBoy
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