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Giant B&M loop, blue box, yellow rails and orange support. Why this combination? I enjoy B&M coasters and want to do as much of them as possible, and I like this color scheme a lot (somehow). Within the loop there stand (although hard to read) Roller Coaster Traveler and next to it 3Bross, So it makes RCT3Bross (My user name). The reason i made RCT red was to point out it has nothing to do with the yellow 3 or the blue Bross, so it actually says Roller Coaster Traveler 3 Bross, it has a certain meaning, I'm the only Roller Coaster Traveler of 3 brothers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Couldn't resist making a change for the Holly Daze...


This one was taken by Dan (CoasterFev) in the hotel

"bar" at our Tokyo Hilton Hotel, after I had returned

from Major Souvenir Shopping at Bon Voyage, near

(and outside of) the parks. This was the resort's

30th Anniversary "ears." The Japanese aren't too keen

on the actual original ears cap model. They like these

much more, it appears.


Sadly, this is The Only Time I wore It. It was much too warm

and humid to even try wearing it in the parks. Not to mention

figuring out where to put it, on certain attractions.


But Dan captured me with it on, if only for one evening, lol.

Thanks Dan!


Here it is, just in case I decide to change my avatar...again. (o;

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  • 3 weeks later...

This one was an on-ride pic taken (July 6, 2010) on the family coaster at Duinrell in The Netherlands.

This was an extra park, visited after the TPR 2010 UK-Europe tour was ended, at Amsterdam airport.

I forget the name of my riding buddy behind me, there. It was over 3 years ago, so memory

loss at my age is ALLOWED, lol.


Here's a copy of it, just in case I change avatars, like I normally do through the year.

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New avatar here. Found it somewhere on the net.

Liked the "tranquility" of it, and kept it on file.


Here it is, just in case I once again,

suddenly decide to change avatars. (o;

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New avatar here. Found it somewhere on the net.

Liked the "tranquility" of it, and kept it on file.


Eherm. Well uh, this is awkward. Just reverted back to my pre-christmas avatar to find this


It's a Brazilian Raintree, my favorite species. Maybe I need to change it

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< An old logo for Magic Mountain back in the 1970's, BEFORE franchises took it over.

It's actually a darker colour on the flyer, so I lightened it up some, to be able to read it.


Yeah, you got HIGH in those days, by riding coasters, man.


And we DID have fun back in....Sept.1975?

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