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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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The more I think about the tree the more I like it. I’ve always hoped Dollywood could have some centerpiece sort of like how Disney has the castle. This tree will at least be the center piece by design of Wildwood Grove.

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This looks really great! Dollywood certainly didn't need another coaster, but Firechaser Express was a big hit with my older two, and another one at that level is appreciated.


That bear ride looks really fun! I haven't seen anything like it, but apparently some of y'all have. That's the sort of ride we'd all like.


Having just been last year, realistically it'll be a while before we can get back, but definitely will spend some time in Wildwood Grove when we do.

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  blk_mamba said:
I am very impressed with this expansion. This is going to increase the capacity of the park significantly, and it will add some pretty cool night time entertainment.


Do you guys think parking capacity is ok or will they have to add some?

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This new land for Dollywood looks awesome and all and can't wait to go and check it out...But does anyone wanna place bets on when it'll be open in 2019? Not that I wanna bet, I just wonder if Dollywood can realistically get this open before Summer next year. This is huge and maybe a little pessimistic but I'm guessing it may either open in stages throughout the year or all at once late in the year...Maybe late Summer. I'd be totally surprised if this is open before July 2019.

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  The Geek Mojo said:
This new land for Dollywood looks awesome and all and can't wait to go and check it out...But does anyone wanna place bets on when it'll be open in 2019? Not that I wanna bet, I just wonder if Dollywood can realistically get this open before Summer next year. This is huge and maybe a little pessimistic but I'm guessing it may either open in stages throughout the year or all at once late in the year...Maybe late Summer. I'd be totally surprised if this is open before July 2019.


I was curious of that too. One of the analysis videos I watched (can't remember which one) stated they figured it would be May before it was ready. I bet they will try their best to be ready on opening day though! Since they are four years ahead on the $300 million expenditures I wonder if we will go several years with no additions or not. Dolly stated they about ran out of money so she was going to be making more so who knows they may just bust their budget and keep adding lol

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Pete said in an interview today that the 2019 addition is just Phase One. He said Phase One and Two put together are around 15 acres. Which is so huge haha. So we are just now dipping into this expansion. He also said that LR WILL NOT be getting a chain lift, that they are waiting to do some safety check offs and get it to their liking. They’re working on something that they want to work over a long period. There’s the interview

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  Dollywoodlover20 said:
Pete said in an interview today...that LR WILL NOT be getting a chain lift, that they are waiting to do some safety check offs and get it to their liking. They’re working on something that they want to work over a long period. There’s the interview


And the angels sang, HALLELUJAH (the launch is not the issue confirmed)

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Parking capacity is low. A couple years ago when they were breaking their own records, it wasn't uncommon to have guest park in splash country for Dollywood.. they haven't needed to do that this year or much last year because attendance has been down but if it brings a lot of guest, yes parking will need to increase


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  dstephe9 said:
Parking capacity is low. A couple years ago when they were breaking their own records, it wasn't uncommon to have guest park in splash country for Dollywood.. they haven't needed to do that this year or much last year because attendance has been down but if it brings a lot of guest, yes parking will need to increase


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I was thinking that may be the case. When I look at google maps of some places (Six Flags St Louis comes to mind), the parking areas are often as big as the whole park lol.

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  thrillerman1 said:
  Dollywoodlover20 said:
Pete said in an interview today...that LR WILL NOT be getting a chain lift, that they are waiting to do some safety check offs and get it to their liking. They’re working on something that they want to work over a long period. There’s the interview


And the angels sang, HALLELUJAH (the launch is not the issue confirmed)


Considering the launch and speed record was the big marketing campaign around the ride, I'm not shocked it's staying. Hopefully these fixes finally work, but the proof is when it can actually operate through a summer.

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  thrillerman1 said:
  Dollywoodlover20 said:
Pete said in an interview today...that LR WILL NOT be getting a chain lift, that they are waiting to do some safety check offs and get it to their liking. They’re working on something that they want to work over a long period. There’s the interview


And the angels sang, HALLELUJAH (the launch is not the issue confirmed)

He's been saying that for years.. next month folks will be saying the launch is to blame yet again lol. That's why I always try and remind folks lol



The launch is the only part that has actually been mentioned several times as consistently running great every since opening season.



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I think the best part of his interview is another confirmation that this is a multi-year project. The announcement is phase 1 and this also goes along with Jane Coopers statements in the blooloop interview. It also confirms the "Cave/Tunnel" on the map might lead to phase 2. Right now we are at what 5 - 6 acres? He said the entire expansion would be 14ish! So phase 2 will be 10 acres or so? Large coaster on those 10 acres?? New hotel?? A completely different themed land?


The tunnel/cave is already on the map, I wonder when they will announce the rest? Leaving the tunnel/cave on the map, if that is actually the path to another part of the expansion, makes me believe they will announce more sooner rather than later. The new area already looks AMAZING but knowing it isn't stopping soon is a great sign and even more exciting.

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  dstephe9 said:
I think the best part of his interview is another confirmation that this is a multi-year project. The announcement is phase 1 and this also goes along with Jane Coopers statements in the blooloop interview. It also confirms the "Cave/Tunnel" on the map might lead to phase 2. Right now we are at what 5 - 6 acres? He said the entire expansion would be 14ish! So phase 2 will be 10 acres or so? Large coaster on those 10 acres?? New hotel?? A completely different themed land?

Things will get very interesting if they do a themed hotel with a park gate that's exclusive to those that would be staying there.

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^ That sounded just like what Tokyo Disney Sea is now planning to build: a hotel

with private access to and from their expansion of the park (Magical Springs?), by 2022.


It's a catchy idea for parks, if they have the space to build it alongside the park itself.

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Phase 2 being bigger than phase 1, I can easily see a hotel. And HFE president did mention they are looking into the next step for their lodging at Dollywood. It's going to be an exciting couple years!


Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk

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