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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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We went to the park Wednesday. LRod was running one train, and had a 75 minute wait most of the day. No downtime until around 915pm when the train we were on had a "roll back." The ride then closed for the night.


Sounded like they were doing a lot of work to the other train below the station. The train was also loaded with water dummies.

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  dstephe9 said:
So sounds like all the issues still aren't worked out very well yet.. it's to crowded to only be running one train


Sent from my MHA-L29 using Tapatalk


Even if it is just one train, at least it is open. Something that couldn't be said for a month stretch.

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Yes but you would think that would of been one of their goals during the month of downtime.. from experience both this year and last year, adding the second train causes over half, if not more like 75% of the downtime..


I'm here today, park is fairly busy for a Sunday.. parking is in F.. only one train on LR.. Dropline is in fast mode (meaning it never makes a full stop at the top).. good day so far


On a side note, I started watching the newer Amazon Prime show "I Love Dick" and in the pilot, Dollywood is mentioned in the first few minutes of the show. He tells his wife when they pass through TN he wants to stop at Dollywood, but that she can't go because you are required to have big b00bs to get in haha


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Completely unrelated question. The Thrill in the Hills event this year, does that include all-day Friday or maybe can it be added on as an option with your event ticket? (Asking for a friend.)

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I thought some folks on this thread would appreciate this article about Dolly Parton. She has a fascinating life story.




You won’t get very far as a poor woman without believing you are equal to men – and if someone embodies this thought, it is Dolly Parton, writes Sarah Smarsh

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  dstephe9 said:
Yes but you would think that would of been one of their goals during the month of downtime.. from experience both this year and last year, adding the second train causes over half, if not more like 75% of the downtime..


I'm here today, park is fairly busy for a Sunday.. parking is in F.. only one train on LR.. Dropline is in fast mode (meaning it never makes a full stop at the top).. good day so far


On a side note, I started watching the newer Amazon Prime show "I Love Dick" and in the pilot, Dollywood is mentioned in the first few minutes of the show. He tells his wife when they pass through TN he wants to stop at Dollywood, but that she can't go because you are required to have big b00bs to get in haha


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Even when the park was dead a few weeks ago, I think they may have had fast mode on too since it never stopped.

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I got to experience the best and worst of Lightning Rod today. Early afternoon, we waited an hour plus and made it until we were literally next in line at the gates and then, of all things, the fire alarm in the station went off and they evacuated the building. After getting over that frustration we tried again for a night ride. That took another hour plus wait, but it was worth it. A night ride is absolutely insane. It is pitch black back there after the launch. Maybe the best coaster experience I have had. Why are more people not talking about how awesome this coaster is as a night ride??

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  BryanRph said:
I got to experience the best and worst of Lightning Rod today. Early afternoon, we waited an hour plus and made it until we were literally next in line at the gates and then, of all things, the fire alarm in the station went off and they evacuated the building. After getting over that frustration we tried again for a night ride. That took another hour plus wait, but it was worth it. A night ride is absolutely insane. It is pitch black back there after the launch. Maybe the best coaster experience I have had. Why are more people not talking about how awesome this coaster is as a night ride??


It is a terrific night ride, as is Tennessee Tornado.


It's super dark during Smoky Mountain Christmas.

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  BryanRph said:
I got to experience the best and worst of Lightning Rod today. Early afternoon, we waited an hour plus and made it until we were literally next in line at the gates and then, of all things, the fire alarm in the station went off and they evacuated the building. After getting over that frustration we tried again for a night ride.


Hooray for LR night rides! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next few weeks until my first ever DW visit in hopes that LR continues to run consistently. I want to ride it so badly. A few questions... Besides the fire alarm, was the ride down at all during the day? Are they assigning rows or are you allowed to choose? Still one train ops?

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  TBpony414 said:


Hooray for LR night rides! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next few weeks until my first ever DW visit in hopes that LR continues to run consistently. I want to ride it so badly. A few questions... Besides the fire alarm, was the ride down at all during the day? Are they assigning rows or are you allowed to choose? Still one train ops?


It was mostly up the 2 days I was there this week (tues and wed). They were assigning rows and not allowing requests :/ And yes, 1 train ops make the line just crawl along sooo slow. You can see the 2nd train directly under the loading station still full of dummies. But the ride is so good that it's worth putting up with the frustrations to get on it.

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One thing I am curious about. Here lately when LRod has a launch failure they evacuate the train manually at the bottom of the hill and walk everybody back to the station - even when they are just operating 1 train. The ride does have the capability to back up the train to either the station, or to re-launch - we've seen this happen in technical rehearsal. When our train "rolled back" last week, it took the staff about 45 minutes to get us off the ride as they were having difficulty with the manual releases and seeing in the dark. Seems like it would have been easier to just back the train into to the station.

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  BryanRph said:
Why are more people not talking about how awesome this coaster is as a night ride??

Probably because it almost always breaks down before night time. When it doesn't, it breaks down at 9:15. Buy a lotto ticket, ASAP.

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I rode on Tuesday after an 80 minute wait. Only one train was operating and the line was barely creeping. Those with fast passes were causing the line to be extremely slow but it ended up being well worth the wait!

Edited by fireman1000
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  LawlessBagel said:
  BryanRph said:
Why are more people not talking about how awesome this coaster is as a night ride??



First of all it's been hard enough for people to get a ride on it no matter what time of day it is. Second the park isn't open very often past daytime regardless.


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According to various sources, they're supposed to attempt relaunching after a rollback.. but they never do.


In April, I witnessed a true rollback.. they evaced at the bottom, re-secured the restraints, and relaunched the train. It crested successfully... they tested it for about 10 cycles then opened back up... was open for the rest of the day. Rollbacks on this coaster always scare us because it's so temperamental.. when in reality almost all of the downtime I've experienced this year was never the result of a rollback.

Edited by LukeFlynn
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  LukeFlynn said:
According to various sources, they're supposed to attempt relaunching after a rollback.. but they never do. They always evac, then relaunch an empty train.. test for 20 minutes, then open again.

I think the relaunch policy is only for true rollbacks from what I have been told.. not failure to launch issues.. but again, this is just what has been told to me so who knows how correct it is


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  BryanRph said:
It was mostly up the 2 days I was there this week (tues and wed). They were assigning rows and not allowing requests :/ And yes, 1 train ops make the line just crawl along sooo slow. You can see the 2nd train directly under the loading station still full of dummies. But the ride is so good that it's worth putting up with the frustrations to get on it.


That's good to hear! At this point my trip is rapidly approaching and I'll happily take 1 train ops with assigned rows over closed LR.

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