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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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They have 3 trains and they have said they will have up to all 3 trains running at a time so I don't think there will be a problem with capacity. I do see a coaster like this being easier to manage with one train so on slow days I fully expect only one train running, however, Dollywood does this anyways so it shouldn't be a problem

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  Moose said:
Have they said anything about capacity? I fear reusing a portion of track for forwards and then backwards will cut it down.


Looks like each train holds 14 passengers and they can run two trains at a time. Don't think they could get a third train going, but of course I could be wrong.


Edit: And the above poster just proved I was wrong.

Edited by ernierocker
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No, I might be wrong, I am just going by the spec sheet you posted a few pages back that said it would have 3 trains and then in one of the interviews I heard, they had mentioned being able to run all 3.. That interview even mentioned the capacity but I don't remember what was said. I was thinking somewhere a little over 900/hr but I could be off on that


I assume there will be a breaking dock right before the switch. If you watch the video it looks like a long straight path beside the station there. I bet that will be the holding area for the trains while one is loading


EDIT:: Found the exact information. It is on a press release I have.. The real capacity is 750/hr while running 3 trains


the press release is similar to the one found here just worded different



Edited by dstephe9
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I guess I should have given Dollywood more credit, this looks pretty fun! I like the whole backing into the fire station concept and I can imagine that the station will be heavily themed on the inside.


I don't know if this has already been established, but are they using old sections of the ropes course for the watchtower?

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Also, if you watch closely the POV makes it look longer than it actually is. Serveral areas are "Shot" from different angles which makes it seem a little longer. There is one part the train goes through "3" times but is actually just different angles.. Looks like an amazing ride though i really cannot wait!

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  DougMJr said:
I guess I should have given Dollywood more credit, this looks pretty fun! I like the whole backing into the fire station concept and I can imagine that the station will be heavily themed on the inside.


I don't know if this has already been established, but are they using old sections of the ropes course for the watchtower?


yes they are being reused. Dollywood never tore them down so we have all assumed that to be the case anyways

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There is a switch right outside the show building (you can see it in the POV if you pause it right when the train enters the building) so as soon as the train launches out of the show building the train in the station will launch. At that time, the train on the holder track beside the station will come in. The train currently running backwards will be held right outside the station.


If the coaster works that way, it can easily run 3 trains at once. If something gets "held up" the three trains can be held at the main station, show building, and then break track outside the station

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This ride is looking better and better and should be an excellent addition to Dollywood. The theming and the setting should be top notch, and I think park guests will like it. It reminds me a lot of Runaway Mine Cars at Hong Kong Disney.

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  robbalvey said:
  supertrooper said:
I'm wishing the Mini New Hotness tour could take a slight detour next summer.

With Carowinds getting their big new ride in 2015, it just makes sense for us to hold off doing Dollywood as a tour until then.


Ahhh...that makes sense. I guess I'll just have to do another trip in 2015 then.

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  robbalvey said:
  supertrooper said:
I'm wishing the Mini New Hotness tour could take a slight detour next summer.

With Carowinds getting their big new ride in 2015, it just makes sense for us to hold off doing Dollywood as a tour until then.


Thank for this information Robb!



I think this new coaster is a excellent addition to the park. It actually looks like it will be a lot of fun. A lot of families will enjoy this.

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  DougMJr said:
I really hope that it is bears that set off the explosion in the firework factory. That would be perfect.


Those damn bears and their explosion scared me the first time. I just was not prepAred for all of the stuff that goes on in that cave.


This dies remind me of that ride which is a very good thing.

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  dstephe9 said:
There is a switch right outside the show building (you can see it in the POV if you pause it right when the train enters the building) so as soon as the train launches out of the show building the train in the station will launch. At that time, the train on the holder track beside the station will come in. The train currently running backwards will be held right outside the station.


If the coaster works that way, it can easily run 3 trains at once. If something gets "held up" the three trains can be held at the main station, show building, and then break track outside the station


This seems plausible to me. And the ride ops at Dollywood are usually very efficient so the system should run smoothly barring mechanical problems.

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