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WDW Disney's Hollywood Studios Discussion Thread

p. 86: Monsters Inc door coaster preview!

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Sorry if this question has already been asked. I heard a rumour that Dude (Looks Like a Lady) was removed from the Rock N Roller Coaster's soundtrack because it's offensive. Does anyone know if this is true?


I don't know if that is the reason, but I haven't heard it on my last several rides.

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Sorry if this question has already been asked. I heard a rumour that Dude (Looks Like a Lady) was removed from the Rock N Roller Coaster's soundtrack because it's offensive. Does anyone know if this is true?

A Google search brings up nothing about this, and I'm sure one of the die-hard Disney fan sites would have been talking about it by now.

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If you're coming to DHS during the INSANE holiday weeks, come see ME play piano for the Comedy Warehouse Holiday Special!


Shows times are 1130am, 1230, 130, 330, 430, and 530pm from Dec 20th through Jan 3rd with added shows on New Year's Eve.


And if you wanna see ME in person, I will be playing the following days and shows:


Saturday Dec 26th All 6 shows

Sunday Dec 27th last 3 shows only (330, 430, and 530)


Sunday Jan 3rd All 6 shows


See you there!










Edited by pianojohn
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If you're coming to DHS during the INSANE holiday weeks, come see ME play piano for the Comedy Warehouse Holiday Special!


Shows times are 1245, 145, 3, 5, 6, and 7pm from Dec 20th through Jan 3rd with added shows on New Year's Eve.


And if you wanna see ME in person, I will be playing the following days and shows:


Saturday Dec 26th All 6 shows

Sunday Dec 27th last 3 shows only (5, 6, and 7)


Sunday Jan 3rd All 6 shows


See you there!

Since we are in town this Christmas season we will make sure to catch one of your shows!

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Last week we were invited to come out to Disney's Hollywood Studios to check out the new "Star Wars Launch Bay" and we figured that with The Force Awakens opening on Friday, what a great time to post our report since everyone is in the height of Star Wars Hype right now!


So what is "Launch Bay?" Well, it's sort of an all-around interactive display for Star Wars geeks! It has tons of models, props, costumes, etc, from all of the movies including the new one, as well as TONS of merchandise you can buy! (If you all thought we were flooded with Frozen stuff, just wait until the flood gates for Star Wars opens! We haven't seen anything yet!)


But by far the most impressive part of Launch Bay was the character encounters with Darth Vader and Chewie, both who talk to you! (Well, Chewie just sort of growls...)


The movie at Launch Bay is a lot of fun and gives you a behind the scenes look at the new movies. The Cantina is also there with Jawa's wandering around. While it's not a new attraction or land, it's certainly a fun addition to hold you over until the new lands open.


Oh, and don't forget on the other side of the park is also a new section for Star Tours, an updated Jedi Academy show, and another Star Wars moving showing in the old "Monster Sound Stage" theater! On to some photos...



Good morning Hollywood Studios! We love the look of the entrance area at 6am!


Star Wars Launch Bay takes over the old Animation building and you wouldn't recognize it at all walking in here! They have done a GREAT job of completely changing over the building!


In the queue area to get into Launch Bay you'll find lots of pictures and artwork from the films.


Yay! BB-8! We haven't even met this droid yet and we already love him!


The giant mural covering the entire Star Wars film universe was amazing!


Inside the theater is a great film giving you a behind the scenes look at the new movies.


...yet somehow in the future.


You'll find lots of models, props, and costumes from all of the movies.


If you want to get an up close look at an X-Wing pilot costume, here ya go!


Not sure what this is, but it looks cool!


Yay! Return of the Jedi!


The Darth Vader encounter was pretty cool. I wasn't exactly sure what to do in the presence of the Darth One, so a mean fist was in order. I'm pretty sure he choked me after this.


Hey Chewie! It's impressive that both of these characters actually talk! (Well, Chewie just sort of growls...)


The Cantina is here and you can hang out in this area...


OMG! This Jawa just wanted me to trade my iPhone for some Droid parts! lol Silly Jawa, I'm an Apple user...not gonna trade for your crappy Droid...sorry! ;)


Oh, yes... you can play video games!


Here you can "Try before you Buy" the latest Disney Infinity figures. It's sort of like when Blockbuster was still in business.


New stormtrooper from the new movie!


And yes, we all should know what this ship is.


Tons of artwork everywhere!


Just in case you always wanted an official Storm Trooper costume.


For just 5 bucks, you too can be Han Solo and all the chicks will dig you!


These light saber lamps were awesome! Which side are you? The Rebels...


Or the Force?


And ONLY at Launch Bay can you get this assortment of exclusive Magic Bands!


The selection is awesome! Star Wars fans will want to make a lot of bands!


More characters...


More stuff to buy...


And you can even buy your very own old guy Darth Vader life size bust.


Path of the Jedi is being shown in the old Monster Sound Stage theater and if you've not seen any of the Star Wars movies, this is a great film to get you caught up on what's going on.


Star Tours also has a new segment inspired by The Force Awakens!


**LOVE** Star Tours! It's kind of the grand daddy of simulator rides and still the best!


Yes, there are BB-8 cupcakes, and they are delicious!

VIDEO! Check out the new Star Tours scene!


Jedi Training Academy received some upgrades and now can accommodate even more Jedi Trainees!


Some surprise characters show up...


And everyone helps battle Darth Maul!


The new section is great! Star Wars fans.. check it out!

Edited by robbalvey
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Looks a bit more well-polished than the Disneyland version. Pretty much exactly the same but I noticed the displays seemed to have more "life" to them. Then again, the Launch Bay bored me to tears as it's essentially a prop garage so I was only in there for 10 minutes.


The new Jakku scene in Star Tours was excellent, though! I loved the callback to the original, far superior, Star Tours, when Finn comes on the side screen and says, "Star Tours?! What are you doing here?!" Also another callback that you really need to pay attention for, "Brakes! Brakes! WHERE ARE THE BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKES?!"


Unfortunately the rest of the ride is still a steaming pile of crap compared to the original, but that's the way my brain works.

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It should also be noted that in addition to the new The Force Awakens-inspired sequence in Star Tours, variations of existing scenes have also been unlocked on the ride. One example is when riders visit Naboo, the home world of Padme Amidala and Jar Jar Binks (seen most prominently in Episode 1), they normally pass by a swimming Jar Jar Binks, but in the variant sequence, they actually hit Jar Jar as he slides across the front viewport of the Starspeeder 1000. There are other variations throughout the original sequences that launched with the ride a few years ago and I've only seen a few so far, but it really does up appeal of riding again and again, particularly if you are a Star Wars fan.

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Quick update:


They changed the showtimes for Comedy Warehouse Holiday Special


Shows times are 1130am, 1230, 130, 330, 430, and 530pm from Dec 20th through Jan 3rd with added shows on New Year's Eve.


All shows are at the Premier Theater (right next to the Phineas and Pherb meet and greet and where the Frozen singalong first was presented last year)


And if you wanna see ME in person, I will be playing the following days and shows:


Saturday Dec 26th All 6 shows

Sunday Dec 27th last 3 shows only (330, 430, and 530)


Sunday Jan 3rd All 6 shows


See you there!


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