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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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Hmm... what would i like to see there?


Perhaps another vintage roller coaster like a Virginia Reel or Switchback Railway. Perhaps a Wild Mouse as well.


I'd also like to see the Haunted Mansion get a total renovation as after over 40 years it needs some TLC.

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I don't know why everyone is so obsessed with those cyclone coasters. They were notorious because they were poorly designed and very painful to ride. If anyone actually tried to recreate them you'd all just whine about how rough it is.

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I still think they need another large® roller coaster, wood or steel. I've mentioned my desire for a Boulder Dash style ride on the mountain by the Skyway ad nauseum. I get sick from pretty much any ride other than roller coasters, so I'm usually done with the park after an hour or two. Another woodie would help with that big time.

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^The layouts are intriguing though, that's why people want to see some form of them come back, and I agree. They looked like fun rides (issues aside). Though, with modern safety standards, who knows if you could even actually do it.


They may look like fun rides, but by all accounts they were not, unless you enjoy whiplash. I don't see the appeal.

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I would like to see them move Ozark Wildcat to the park.



Now that'd be awesome



I've always wanted to see a Traver Cyclone re made. I figured it'd be much better designed today and with better technology.


Can we rebuild the Rye Airplane Coaster while at it?

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If I weren't so bent on Knoebels resurrecting a forgotten old ride/coaster or getting one relocated there, I would definitely agree with this:

I've mentioned my desire for a Boulder Dash style ride on the mountain by the Skyway ad nauseum.


But I would disagree with this:

I get sick from pretty much any ride other than roller coasters, so I'm usually done with the park after an hour or two.

Phoenix says hi. I would marathon that thing if it didn't have constant 10-15 minute queues.

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As great as it would be for Knoebels to get a Boulder Dash style ride, unfortunately I don't think it's reasonable to expect them to do anything different from what they've been doing, same with any park, and thus far they've never built a coaster that wasn't a relocation or recreation. That's why I love the wooden wild mouse idea, it could be fun and intense and totally unique on this continent.

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As great as it would be for Knoebels to get a Boulder Dash style ride, unfortunately I don't think it's reasonable to expect them to do anything different from what they've been doing, same with any park, and thus far they've never built a coaster that wasn't a relocation or recreation. That's why I love the wooden wild mouse idea, it could be fun and intense and totally unique on this continent.

I want to see Crystal Beach Cyclone recreation

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^WHY??? The rides were supposed to be awful! I will never understand this.


I suspect people's fascination with them has more to do with their reputation for "intensity" than the layout itself. "I'm hardcore man, I love extreme rides! Make the GP flee in terror!" But this isn't smooth, controlled I305 intense, this is "whips your neck around and gives you a bloody nose intense". And if you're thinking a modern coaster company could change the layout to avoid all that, then what's the point exactly? Why take a bad layout and put all that work into fixing it when they could just make a great new coaster from scratch? It's not like you'd be getting the full, genuine Crystal Beach Cyclone experience anyway.


Which you don't want anyway, hence the reason none of them still exist. It's a historical oddity that belongs in the past.

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^Dude! You're so intense. Who hurt you man? Perhaps there are other emotional factors involved with your anger. Deep emotional factors. We need to explore your psyche. Break down your feelings. Get to the source of your diress, so you can live emotionally free again. Fly little hatchling, fly and be free to explore the skies like you have never explored before.

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^WHY??? The rides were supposed to be awful! I will never understand this.


I suspect people's fascination with them has more to do with their reputation for "intensity" than the layout itself. "I'm hardcore man, I love extreme rides! Make the GP flee in terror!" But this isn't smooth, controlled I305 intense, this is "whips your neck around and gives you a bloody nose intense". And if you're thinking a modern coaster company could change the layout to avoid all that, then what's the point exactly? Why take a bad layout and put all that work into fixing it when they could just make a great new coaster from scratch? It's not like you'd be getting the full, genuine Crystal Beach Cyclone experience anyway.


Which you don't want anyway, hence the reason none of them still exist. It's a historical oddity that belongs in the past.



Yeah the ride was violent with 1920s technology. But when you Topper Track it/GCI it with Modern technology, The ride can be more exciting and less violent. Look at Rattler/ Iron Rattler for a comparison.

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^Dude! You're so intense. Who hurt you man? Perhaps there are other emotional factors involved with your anger. Deep emotional factors. We need to explore your psyche. Break down your feelings. Get to the source of your diress, so you can live emotionally free again. Fly little hatchling, fly and be free to explore the skies like you have never explored before.


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I'd love to see the park try to bring back something less dangerous but still notable like Riverview's Bobs or Rye's Aeroplane. The Bobs is regarded as one of the greatest coasters of all time so why not bring it back? So far Geauga Lake was the only park to revive it but it wasn't as intense as the original.

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I'd love to see the park try to bring back something less dangerous but still notable like Riverview's Bobs or Rye's Aeroplane. The Bobs is regarded as one of the greatest coasters of all time so why not bring it back? So far Geauga Lake was the only park to revive it but it wasn't as intense as the original.



The Bobs layout would be a little too similar to Phoenix but Aeroplane would be cool.

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^WHY??? The rides were supposed to be awful! I will never understand this.


I suspect people's fascination with them has more to do with their reputation for "intensity" than the layout itself. "I'm hardcore man, I love extreme rides! Make the GP flee in terror!" But this isn't smooth, controlled I305 intense, this is "whips your neck around and gives you a bloody nose intense". And if you're thinking a modern coaster company could change the layout to avoid all that, then what's the point exactly? Why take a bad layout and put all that work into fixing it when they could just make a great new coaster from scratch? It's not like you'd be getting the full, genuine Crystal Beach Cyclone experience anyway.


Which you don't want anyway, hence the reason none of them still exist. It's a historical oddity that belongs in the past.



Yeah the ride was violent with 1920s technology. But when you Topper Track it/GCI it with Modern technology, The ride can be more exciting and less violent. Look at Rattler/ Iron Rattler for a comparison.


I'm no expert, but my impression is that the violence was due to the tightness of the turns, the speed they were taken at, and the way the banking and transitions were shaped. All topper track alone can do is make it smoother, which might help (though I imagine the ride was pretty smooth when it opened, like any wood coaster), but they'd still have to make a ton of changes to the profiling of the ride, and at that point you're really not reviving the ride anymore. That's my argument.


How about Knoebels revives another Traver coaster, the Cyclone Racer at Long Beach? That was supposed to be one of the best coasters ever built, and Knoebels should totally have a racing coaster, that would really fit their business model. I mean really, there's no end to the old, great rides they have to choose from.

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If I weren't so bent on Knoebels resurrecting a forgotten old ride/coaster or getting one relocated there, I would definitely agree with this:
I've mentioned my desire for a Boulder Dash style ride on the mountain by the Skyway ad nauseum.


But I would disagree with this:

I get sick from pretty much any ride other than roller coasters, so I'm usually done with the park after an hour or two.

Phoenix says hi. I would marathon that thing if it didn't have constant 10-15 minute queues.


Unfortunately I can only do a few laps on coasters before getting sick as well. When I rode Flying Turns I started getting a slight headache after just one ride, and it's far from rough.


I remember riding Twister nearly 50 times and Phoenix about 20 on opening day in '03 without any sort of sickness/headache, but those days are long gone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

^I know I mention it a lot, but the Scopolamine motion sickness patch is amazing! It's prescription only, but it's absolutely worth it. Without it, I can only ride about 2-3 coasters and I'm done for the day. With it, I can ride anything, as many times as I want. I can last the entire ERT session on any coaster, and can even ride the teacups as much as I want! I rode them 3 times in a row, spinning as fast as I could, and wasn't sick at all!

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My problem is that when I get "comfortable" riding a coaster I tend to look in every direction BUT forwards while riding it. With coasters like the Phoenix it's okay but when I rode Fahrenheit at Hersheypark in 2011 I got destroyed because of it.

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What would I like to see at Knoebels?


1. A fun house. With a barrel and a slide and a wacky staircase. Knoebels could really stretch their imaginations on this.


2. A Tumble Bug


3. I wish they could acquire one of the Derby Racers. The one at Rye Playland is amazing. They run it really fast. I dread the day someone falls off and gets hurt, resulting in the ride being forever slowed down. With Rye's precarious state, I think Knoebels could better manage such a treasure.


4. How about some kind of Steeplechase ride? Too dangerous?

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