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Knoebels Discussion Thread

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Risks like this are high risk-high reward.

I'm not even 100% convinced on that TBH...Will the ride be that amazing and popular in the long term to warrant the effort.


It would give them something unique.


I could see it being mildly thrilling. The top speed isn't that high but taking turns that tight could be fun...although with all the talk of the park trying to neuter it, who knows.

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I don't think that they're trying to neuter it - I thought the biggest problem with the ride was that the trains were jack-knifing. They probably need to get the trains under control.

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Hearing complaints about Flying Turns not being ready is nearly as annoying as hearing liberals complain about conservatives and conservatives complaining about liberals.


Basically, none of it makes *ANY* sense and is considerably close-minded


Kudos to Knoebel's for continuing to work on it. Go to most big parks (Cedar Point, Kings Island, Magic Moutain, Great Adventure) and look at your alternatives. (I left out Great America on purpose; they rock!)



Yea, the only complaining I see is about the unfortunate situation, not really the park itself. I think we all understand shyte happens. Heck, this park along with Europa and DisneySea are probably the least complained about parks on this site.

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This is what, the 6th time they've had to tear up and replace sections of track?


Just ugh...this is so frustrating. I wish they had taken all the money they've wasted on this ride and built a Boulder Dash style coaster on the side of the hill by the skyway...or hell, ANY type of coaster that would actually operate. It's obviously late for this, but I wish they had purchased Bullet from Flamingoland and put it on that piece of land to replace Whirlwind.


I totally agree...the money they've spent on this so far they could have done so much else!


Hindsight is 20/20 I guess. They knew they were taking on a very ambitious project but I imagine if they knew it would take this long, they would have considered something different. At this point though, they are pretty much all-in.

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Risks like this are high risk-high reward.

I'm not even 100% convinced on that TBH...Will the ride be that amazing and popular in the long term to warrant the effort.


It would give them something unique.

No doubting that....But there are a few rides out there that are unique, but still a bit rubbish at the end of the day.

I think bobsleds are 'okay' at best TBH.

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This is what, the 6th time they've had to tear up and replace sections of track?


Just ugh...this is so frustrating. I wish they had taken all the money they've wasted on this ride and built a Boulder Dash style coaster on the side of the hill by the skyway...or hell, ANY type of coaster that would actually operate. It's obviously late for this, but I wish they had purchased Bullet from Flamingoland and put it on that piece of land to replace Whirlwind.


I totally agree...the money they've spent on this so far they could have done so much else!


Hindsight is 20/20 I guess. They knew they were taking on a very ambitious project but I imagine if they knew it would take this long, they would have considered something different. At this point though, they are pretty much all-in.


Back around the time Flying Turns was announced I kept hearing a rumor about Knoebel's possibly "resurrecting" the Rye Airplane Coaster. Who knows how true that is, but that would've been a much better route to go down.


I'm sure I come off as obsessed with this debacle, but I've been dreaming about a woodie on the mountain by the Scenic Skyway since like 2004. I won't be fully satisfied until that's realized

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^Good thing this isn't a bobsled, then.



How else would you categorise this ride type? It is free running vehicles, running in a curved trough. That's a bobsled.


I'd like to know how it would feel significantly different, other than the sound of wheels on wood rather than wheels on steel.


Also, RCBD tags it as a bobsled: http://www.rcdb.com/3458.htm

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I lost my Knoebels virginity on Sunday, and honestly I have nothing but positive things to say.


Phoenix is easily my favorite Wooden, the brass ring carousel was a treasure, the food was delicious, the operations fantastic, the prices great.


Knoebels is a gem, and a classic. I'm just sorry it took me this long to get out there.

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I'm going back up tomorrow and I'm not even out of the fudge that I bought at Stony Gables a week and a half ago. I got some Blueberry Cheesecake flavored fudge and i am seriously am thinking about getting a pound of it before I leave.


Had Tri-taters last week, so maybe I should go for some Alligator Bites or waffles and ice cream?

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This has become the Chinese Democracy of roller coasters.


At least this will be good..............


Slow down there. This is something that always happens. People build it up. Then it opens and reality smashes it down!


Yeah, if you can get past the no Slash & Duff thing, it's probably one of the more solid rock albums of the last 10 years.

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Had a great time at Knoebels today, even though it was so heeeee-umid. I got six laps on Phoenix, once on Twister, once on Black Diamond, and twice on the Grand Carousel. I only missed one ring both times I rode the Grand Carousel, and the second time I got all of my rings in the Lion's mouth. Pretty solid performance if I do say so myself.


Also, I have GOOD NEWS!!! Knoebels IS working on the Flying Turns!





No one was around for me to bother, so I did the right thing and just moved on. By the looks of things, we may have five-car trains. Also, there are three sets of brackets, so we may see three-train operation with this thing. That would help capacity a lot, as typical bobsleigh coasters only take two people per car.


I have MORE GOOD NEWS! Phoenix and Twister have gotten some new track!



It was difficult to get a good photo of Phoenix's new track because of the trees. The new track runs from the tippy-top of the lift to the tippy-top of the first turnaround. It really makes a difference; I can now ride in the back seat of the yellow train and not have my head rattled. Phoenix is still my number one coaster!




Twister's new track is in the bowl, around the outer ring. It really makes a difference as well; the bowl was a source of bitterness for me in the past because it shook me around so much.


Finally, we have some news from the Giant Flume.




They've switched around the entrances to the ride and the viewing platform. The queue now has a few switchbacks. This helps keep the pathway in front of the Giant Flume open - even on this humid day with the queue stuffed with people, it did not extend onto the pathway. A new section of bridge has been built so that guests can access the viewing platform from the new entrance.


Now, I realize Chris (Ccron10) confirmed everything I just said here already, but as usual I wanted to go see things with my own differently-prescriptioned eyes.


That is the end of the news. Great day at Knoebels, and I can't wait for Phoenix Phall Phunfest!

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"Wow, Far out Man, that is so cool with the latest update" =)


Maybe getting the Flying Turns opened by October of this year doesn't sound so far fetched. I do plan on revisiting Knoebles in October with a friend regardless of the Flying Turns condition (I've got some Fascination and Pokereno tickets to win, plus with my friend with me I can finally ride the Big Ferris Wheel).


One more thing to note: There was a long line for the Log Flume? From all the times I've been there I've never seen a line for the Log Flume ever being THAT long. It must have been a very hot day, although many people would be heading to the pool or to their shoot the chutes ride. Besides the log flume at Kings Dominion, Knoebel's Log Flume is my second favorite.


"Sorry, I don't feel like talking anymore. I just want to sleep."

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