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Which ride at Six Flags Magic Mountain Is the best

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My list is a little different than the rest of you, but almost the same


1. X (the HOLY CRUD factor is insane. Its the only coaster thats gotten me to say every single cuss word throughout the course of the ride over 15 times. Comfortable restraints)


2. Tatsu(awesome. Speedy lift. Plenty of air. Breathtakeing views of the park. Very fun. Comfortable restraints)


3.Deja Vu (im a sucker for boomerangs because my first looping coaster was one. The ASTOUNDING you get in the back row-16)


4. Riddlers (really fun, really long, and IF you wait for it, its worth the wait)


5. Scream (Fun, a little rough but bareable, fairly long, good cource, Comfortable restraints, etc.)


6. Collossus (My first roller coaster was Ghostrider when it had opened about 6 months before i rode it and i was "bred" on wooden roller coasters, the next one i rode was American Eagle at AFGAm. IM a sucker for old wooden roller coasters)


7. Superman (fun launched coaster. Not the fastested but still exciting. Like the restraints better than other launched coasters)


8.Goliath (fun only if you sit in the front row. one big drop then lots of boredom, then a huge helix thats really fun, then more boredom untill the end. The exciting part of the ride is the drop and then its just meh...)


Others i like in No particular order:





Canyon blaster (luve it..)

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its been 12 years since i was at SFMM last, so some things may change come March 11th!!! so without having been on X, Goliath,tatsu,S:TE, riddlers, DeJa Vu, and scream(not that that scream would ever make it anyways) my number one would have to be FLASHBACK(an all time top 3 regardless of parks) I loved Viper, i always remember Psyclone being fun(so bash me fine!...) Batman was an all time favorite, and revolution!! great ride, deserves respect.

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i gotta choose SFMM best rides from some kinda POV vids because i've

never been to that park!


i'd say what rides are the best.....?


Batman The Ride

Riddler's Revenge

Superman The Escape

X Xtreme The Xperience


wrebbit> oh i forgot to add Tatsu lol!!

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Well in this order for me from best to worse














i just love these coasters the most. I dont care much for the others


VIPER was the best coaster I had been on in my life when it was first built. I had never seen anything that big. I rode it 30 times in a row my first time there. It was on a MOnday and the park was empty. Now it is just a big headache.


BATMAN was the most awesome thing I had eva seen and I rode it only twice the first time because the load time was very slow but now it is so small in comparison to alphengheist.



GOLIATH well I ride it all the time at SFOT, but after the first drop it becomes boring to me.


COLOSSUS who cares



SCREAM- unimpressive such a clone of other six flags park rides. It reminded me a lot of SUPERMAN at SFFT.




DEJA VU- never road line was always too long


PSYCLONE- was just plain horrible.


THE reason I like Magic Mountain is because of the terrain and the assortment of rides. It has the best log ride there is.

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My favorite is The Riddler's Revenge, but here's my opinion of all the coasters there:


Batman: The Ride - Very fun and intense. Great inversions and non-stop intensity... definitely for when you're craving some g-forces! (9/10)


Canyon Blaster - Never ridden it. (?/10)


Colossus - Nice and fun, but nothing all that great. Getting back seat on a cold night makes it much more fun. Also, the right side seems to be smoother than the left side to me. (7/10)


Deja Vu - Great ride. Very underrated in my opinion... and actually quite smooth for me. Great thrill factor, too. I got only one instance of headbanging, and it was very light and painless. (9.5/10)


Flashback - Never ridden it. (?/10)


Gold Rusher - Kinda fun, but nothing special. A nice mine train ride. (5/10)


Goliath - In the day, it's meh... But get back seat on a cold, windy night and it's loads of fun! Definitely a ride that shows great potential at night, although the layout is a bit lackluster. (Day: 7/10) (Night: 9/10)


Goliath Jr. - Never ridden it. (?/10)


Ninja - Fun, and fairly smooth for such an old coaster. A little slow near the end, though. (7/10)


Psyclone - Very underrated, in my opinion. Yes, it's rough and has a major lack of airtime and good elements... But most people make it out to be the coaster from heck. I actually enjoyed my four consecutive back seat rides, thank you very much! (Ride quality: 2/10) (Fun for the heck of it: 8/10)


Revolution - Meh... Some fun, but very uncomfortable. The trims NEED to be removed, too! (6/10)


The Riddler's Revenge - Best ride I've been on in the park. Smooth, fast paced, intense, and fun... Everything a coaster should be! Worth almost any wait. (10/10)


Scream! - Overrated by the general public; underrated by enthusiasts. Yeah, it's a bit shaky, but lots of fun as a whole. The zero-g roll is simply awesome! (8/10)


Superman: The Escape - Overrated. Weak launch, low intensity, and very mild airtime. Only worth a minute-or-less wait for me. (5/10)


Tatsu - Excellent ride. Previously my favorite, it's very fun and smooth. Great intensity too. Unfortunately, the elements seem a bit drawn out, and it can get a little boring after riding it too much (at least for me...) (9/10)


Viper - Underrated. It may not be smooth, but that adds to the fun of it. Great inversions and out-of-control feeling (I love Arrow's track designs...) (8.5/10)


X - Never ridden it, but looking forward very much to the day I do ride it. (?/10)

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almightyfire said

BATMAN was the most awesome thing I had eva seen and I rode it only twice the first time because the load time was very slow but now it is so small in comparison to alphengheist.


SCREAM- unimpressive such a clone of other six flags park rides. It reminded me a lot of SUPERMAN at SFFT.


Am I getting this right you thought Scream was a clone but you loved Batman? There are way more Batman clones in the world then Scream ones.


From best to worst:



Riddlers Revenge

Deja Vu









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i have been to a lot of other parks. the log ride at sfmm is the best TO ME. it has an element of surprise because it goes up a steeep first lift hill and goes back n the mountains and for a first timer that is thrilling because u dont know whats next, also i am a height freak and the last drop is the tallest THAT I HAVE BEEN ON.

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I can't believe how much love Riddler's is getting in this thread. It was the roughest thing I rode at SFMM a few weeks back. I had a stiff neck for the rest of the day after riding that piece of crap. It also had a bad case of rattle. I will never ride that thing again. Seeing as how the ride pretty much had a constant rattle I can't imagine it's ever that smooth.


I didn't get to ride X, Goliath, or Ninja when I went. But, I'll break down the rides I did get to ride.


Tatsu: the loop is a lot of fun, but the ride is overrated other than that. The flying position isn't comfortable.


Viper: rough and awful. Vortex and Tennessee Tornado are both better Arrow loopers.


Revolution: slow, rough, boring. Such a shame to castrate this masterpiece.


Colossus: some airtime in the back seat. Rough, but not completely awful. Not good though.


Scream!: I rode this one a lot. It's not great like Kumba, but it's pretty decent. The floorless aspect doesn't add much, and I could kick the seat in front of me if I stuck my legs out. Has some rattle. They should fix it.


Batman: one of the better rides at SFMM. My first ride seemed rough, but I think that's because I was still nursing my Riddler's wounds. I love B&M inverts. Has a bit of rattle. They should fix that.


Deja Vu: Long line. Rode it one time. Bashed my head.


Gold Rusher: a pretty crummy mine train compared to Adventure Express.


Canyon Blaster: probably the best kiddie coaster I've ridden. It has little dips that deliver something that resembles airtime.


Superman: The launch is weak. I didn't feel that much airtime up the tower. The ride is entirely too short and too loud.

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I can't believe how much love Riddler's is getting in this thread. It was the roughest thing I rode at SFMM a few weeks back. I had a stiff neck for the rest of the day after riding that piece of crap. It also had a bad case of rattle. I will never ride that thing again. Seeing as how the ride pretty much had a constant rattle I can't imagine it's ever that smooth.


Riddler's is a tempermental ride. Sometimes it can be smooth and fast and just a lot of fun. Other times it's a rough POS.


That's pretty much the case for every coaster at SFMM.

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I've never been on a Stand up, so I'm looking forward to riding Riddlers. Im looking forward to riding X as well


Honestly, I prefer King's Island's old Togo stand up King Cobra to the two B&M stand ups I've been on (Riddler's and Chang). I think going through several inversions while standing up is asking a lot of the rider. King Cobra was about the right size/length for a stand up ride.


Stand ups are a silly idea anyway. When you've been walking around all day and standing up in a line, the last thing you want to do is stand up on the ride also. It's nice to sit down and give your legs a rest.

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Stand ups are a silly idea anyway. When you've been walking around all day and standing up in a line, the last thing you want to do is stand up on the ride also. It's nice to sit down and give your legs a rest.


And your man parts from undesirable pinching from the bicycle seats!

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1. X

2. Riddler's Revenge

3. Scream!

4. Ninja

5. Deja Vu


I did not like Batman and I think Flight Deck at CGA is a lot better. Tatsu was fun but not comfortable by any means. Goliath was fun but I'd rather have inversions (with the exception of Ninja) over speed.


I don't know why, but I loved Ninja the first time I rode it.

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Six Flags Magic Mountain for what is my favorite list?


My favorite roller coasters list.


1) Tatsu

2) Scream

3) Riddler's Revenge

4) Viper

5) Colossus


My favorite flat ride list.


1) Grinder Gearworks

2) Buccaneer

3) Scrambler

4) Swashbuckler

5) Atom Smasher


My favorite water ride list.


1) Log Jammer

2) Tidal Wave

3) Jets Stream

4) Yosemite Sam Sierra Falls

5) Roaring Rapids


Lost my favorite ride list.


1) Circus Wheel (Tilt-A-Whirl)

2) Circus Wheel (Trabant)

3) Freefall

4) Reactor

5) Crazy Barrels

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