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What would rides be like on the moon?

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This is the most important topic in TPR's history. What would rides be like.......ON THE MOOOOOOON


Not to mention being the topic where you bullied me into leaving TPR for about two years.


I would prefer that this topic not be brought up, especially as it involved several moderators ganging up on me.


No, I haven't forgotten.


Somewhat hard to forget being ostracized from a community for one's interests, especially when there are certain segments of the populace whose views are far more deserving of ridicule than mine.

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This is the most important topic in TPR's history. What would rides be like.......ON THE MOOOOOOON


Not to mention being the topic where you bullied me into leaving TPR for about two years.


I would prefer that this topic not be brought up, especially as it involved several moderators ganging up on me.


No, I haven't forgotten.


Somewhat hard to forget being ostracized from a community for one's interests, especially when there are certain segments of the populace whose views are far more deserving of ridicule than mine.


Moderators on TPR can be real assholes sometimes (They are normal people too, and all normal people can be moody.) They have this "Who cares what we say to anyone or how bad we piss them off or offend them, there are people out there who will get our 'sense of humor'" mindset. You just have to learn to take the hit, and not let them know they get to you.


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Moderators on TPR can be real assholes sometimes


Only to people that bring it on themselves. On the moon no one would even notice, because everyone takes responsibilities for their actions on the moon.


I wonder how much bread and milk would cost on the moon?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...
How has science failed us and still not put rides on the moon? It makes no sense...




I believe there are rides on the moon 20 miles below the surface to counteract the effect of gravity. I probably should not be revealing this secret but Tokyo DisneySea's Journey to the Center of the Earth is modeled after a real ride on the moon.


Sorry, I can't reveal my sources, but Lava Monster really does exist. You will all have to trust me on this one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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