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PortAventura Discussion Thread

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I hate the Lake part!...

Poor Lake

And a curiosity, we've seen two artworks, and they're different, in the first, the train passes less than one metre of the water, and in the last artwork the train is 4 or 5 metres from the water

I'm confused...

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Yeah i think this coaster is all about speed seeing as there is no real list of elements.


However i do feel that this coaster will provide a new coasting experience.

On many other coasters you feel a bit restricted. On floored coaster's, really only your head and shoulders are exposed to the environment around you but you feel very secure in your tain.

On inverts you can't really see much of the surrounding environment unless in the front and even then you are secured to the whole train.

Then on flying coasters your only really exposed to the ground when your flying and still feel very secure by the restraints.


Sorry for the rant, Now on these new wing walkers i feel will be very different.

I know X is a 4d but the seat's are similar but they rotate. Now on that I felt very exposed. My legs were hanging but without the big bulk of an inverted train infront of me, and without the safety of a normal train either directly behind or infront of you as you are on these arms that stick out of the main train.

Now X has plenty of elements but no real interaction with the environment, except maybe the last gully but put the exposure that these seats give on a speeding coaster(fastest in Europe) and have these interact with the surrounding environment, a small forest, a bridge, a walkway, a kind of near station fly by and a lake water feature and you've got one scary ride i feel.


I definitly think this coaster is about exposure and interaction with the surrounding environment.


I cant wait to try it at the end of the summer.

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this isn't it a top hat...(or minimum a top like others that we know) this is the last part of the track. for me this is the worst think that can do the new direction of portaventura... because the lake (now it's to small) in the next season will be more litle and the shows could be only concentred in one litle part... for a few people too


see you!

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I can't decide if this ride is going to be really freakin' cool or really freakin' lame. It really looks like it could go either way. The high speed and trenches will be cool, but there isn't much elevation change at all. Doesn't seem like a great deal is happening. Hopefully I'm just not seeing very good angles and its really freakin' cool.

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I can't decide if this ride is going to be really freakin' cool or really freakin' lame. It really looks like it could go either way. The high speed and trenches will be cool, but there isn't much elevation change at all. Doesn't seem like a great deal is happening. Hopefully I'm just not seeing very good angles and its really freakin' cool.


The best is will wait to test it... I think this coaster can mejorate... but the speed, the low-height, the new trains, the nearly of the water...


Best wait to ride it.... no?


P.D: Is a Intamin coaster... Intamin not defrauded

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IMO the coaster looks great! The speed, the turns, the wingwalker trains, the part over the lake,... The arguments for the coaster being lame are good ones, but i think the speed and the other special features will make up for the lack of a top hat. Anyways, nothing's sure yet, let's hope the reviews turn out good!

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I can't decide if this ride is going to be really freakin' cool or really freakin' lame


I think the ride will be great because launching at 84mph then into a 40ft drop and through a huge trench at 90mph will start the ride of great.


The in line twist and the lake turn look great and the new trains will add loads to the ride.


It will be a short ride but most launch coasters are short rides.


The que and station themeing should be fantastic and the ride should have a great atmosphere.

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