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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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Same trains Boss has always had. The trains that were under Batman are the same Gerstlauer train that Boss uses except with the enclosed front vs. the open front.


Not trying to beat a dead horse here, but did the same trains Boss always had not have seat belts? The trains I rode on Saturday did not have seat belts. The front was enclosed as well. Not open like the trains on AmThunder. I'm pretty sure they were running different trains.

Edited by SFStl Fan
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Looking to possibly hit up the park on Sunday after a stop at the Arch and a boat tour on the river. Michael won't be able to go up into the arch unfortunately as walking up 96 steps would be a bit too much for him.


Even though the park is only open until 7:00, I assume that I could still hit up all of the major coasters and rides in a few hours? I was figuring that perhaps we might arrive at the park around 2-3:00 and plan to stay until park close (around 4 hours). Given that it's a Sunday in early May, I assume that crowds might be fairly light?


How about terrain? We are bringing Michael's wheelchair and I have no problem pushing him around, but if it's anything like Dollywood, BGW or SFMM, then perhaps we might splurge and rent the electric ones. I don't want to wear myself out completely before we get to SDC!


So far the weather is looking pretty decent at partly cloudy and 79!

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How about terrain? We are bringing Michael's wheelchair and I have no problem pushing him around, but if it's anything like Dollywood, BGW or SFMM, then perhaps we might splurge and rent the electric ones. I don't want to wear myself out completely before we get to SDC!


So far the weather is looking pretty decent at partly cloudy and 79!


It would probably be worth it for the electric. Not everywhere is bad but the further back you go the worse it gets. I think Dollywood would be a fair comparison. Alternately we always used the train to get most of the climb out of the way. There is a steep path that leads up to the super loop, drop tower, boomerang, and Eagle.

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Probably not super light crowds but you should get through everything easily enough. To give you an idea, we were there this past Sunday and the longest wait was 35 for Justice League and Namtab. Nothing else was more than 20, and we walked on to American Thunder, Screamin' Eagle, Log Flume, and Thunder Rapids.


Skip Boomerang and Ninja, they're terrible. If you feel you must ride them, make them last so if you run out of time you miss out on a crappy coaster. Personally I feel your time is better spent on Freeze or any of the woodies though.


Terrain is decently flat (well, for Missouri) in the front of the park, but gets steep toward the back. Unlike SDC, I never see too many wheelchairs in use here, so you're probably ok to feel it out.


Speaking of which, go ahead and plan for an electric wheelchair at SDC and get it right away before they sell out. You'll be glad you did.

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Yeah others have said it but the park does get pretty steep near the back of it. You are probably fine on time, though. Justice League is really the only ride to worry about as far as queue as its usually the longest line on any given day.


You know, in the never-ending "Ninja is crap" discussion I've always been of the mind that if they were going to potentially add either a Free Spin or RMC Raptor, they'd be better off scrapping tidal wave and leaving Ninja. After seeing how kickass the Raptor looks, the Ninja spot probably is the most ideal. I'd happily say get lost for one of those bad boys - in fact, give me the sledge hammer.


I wonder what the cost of one of those is compared to a Free Spin?

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Didn't they replace the restraints on the Ninja? If that's the case, I don't see it going anywhere any time soon and sadly, I don't think they'll give it the Blue Hawk treatment either. I wouldn't mind keeping Ninja and dumping the Tidal Wave for something new. That part of the park still doesn't really have any draw other than the Eagle.

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Didn't they replace the restraints on the Ninja? If that's the case, I don't see it going anywhere any time soon and sadly, I don't think they'll give it the Blue Hawk treatment either. I wouldn't mind keeping Ninja and dumping the Tidal Wave for something new. That part of the park still doesn't really have any draw other than the Eagle.

The restraints don't really seem especially new to me. And I doubt new ones would block them modernizing the trains later they are a safety item. A more extensive renovation of the fiberglass and hardware would be a bigger investment.


I'd be fine with Ninja staying with a better train to sit in. Do it to Boomerang while you're at it


And I'm not sure that part of the park needs another draw - you only have one path without stairs on it and that one narrow railroad crossing that can already get busy at times.

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Thanks for the responses folks...most appreciated!


Speaking of which, go ahead and plan for an electric wheelchair at SDC and get it right away before they sell out. You'll be glad you did.


Oh yeah, that is definitely a given as I have seen the hills from several trip reports - looks like Dollywood 2.0!


We are also planning on getting one at CP the following weekend just because of how huge the park is. We will have Michael's wheelchair if we need it, but will only use it when we really feel the need to. We'll just need to take the shuttle from the Breakers to the front of the park to get it as it didn't look like there were any options at the back of the park at the Soak City entrance. It will be all about racing to get his wheelchair and then immediately to get a FL+!!

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^ As someone in a wheelchair who is regularly all over the park, the topography is part of what gives the park one of the best skylines out there (seriously that view from I-44 with the white Eagle acting as a canvas making the vibrant colors pop, not to mention the tallest Ferris wheel in a theme park in the country). However, when I help out at Superman, once I’m up the hill, I refuse to go down until the end of my shift. That hill can be rough.


In other news, the slide tower for Typhoon Twister is now easily seen from the interstate with large slide sections assembled and waiting for placement taking shape in the parking lot. I am really liking the colors on this thing and am excited to see it all put together.

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That part of the park still doesn't really have any draw other than the Eagle.

You mean the back stretch leading from Tidal Wave to the Screaming Eagle? I like Sky Screamer and Superman. Other park goers seem to like Boomerang during the full week of its operating season.

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That part of the park still doesn't really have any draw other than the Eagle.

You mean the back stretch leading from Tidal Wave to the Screaming Eagle? I like Sky Screamer and Superman. Other park goers seem to like Boomerang during the full week of its operating season.

That section of the park is definitely not missing any draw. Anytime I'm in that section of the park there is always a lot of people around, most of them clustered around Superman and Boomerang.


The only section of the park missing a draw is over by Ninja and Joker. There is usually a small group of people by Joker but outside of that the area is a ghost town.

Yeah that whole area could use a change. A good example

of a weak spot in a park getting TLC although maybe at a larger scale was the sleepy corner of SFOT near Flashback - over the years that has become a really active area even before the land expansion.

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That part of the park still doesn't really have any draw other than the Eagle.

You mean the back stretch leading from Tidal Wave to the Screaming Eagle? I like Sky Screamer and Superman. Other park goers seem to like Boomerang during the full week of its operating season.

That section of the park is definitely not missing any draw. Anytime I'm in that section of the park there is always a lot of people around, most of them clustered around Superman and Boomerang.


The only section of the park missing a draw is over by Ninja and Joker. There is usually a small group of people by Joker but outside of that the area is a ghost town.

Yeah and once they get Fireball up and running, you'll see people there too. Illinois has gotten most of the new rides this decade.


Agreed on the Ninja dead end, and I'm still beating the drum of replace it with a new compact yet exciting coaster. Don't care if it's Wonder Woman, Joker, Sky Rocket II, whatever.

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I'd love to know the actual thru-put numbers on Ninja. Regardless of how busy a day is, it's always been walk on for me. The craziest thing is that even at holiday in the park, when the outer section is completely closed and therefore the rest of the park sees heavy foot traffic, it's still always been a station wait at the longest, as least as far as I've seen personally.


And yeah HWFan, the topography of the park is one of the most defining characteristics. The way everything is layered with the attractions in the rear gradually rising in elevation gives the park a miniature-village style of appearance from the front, which is awesome.

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They're quite a bit better than you think. That ride is a capacity monster and can get through a crowd in no time.

Heck they used to run three trains on it didn't they?


That reminds me. There are only two trains on the track for The Boss right now, has the elimination of the Helix reduced it to to train operation?

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I'd love to know the actual thru-put numbers on Ninja. Regardless of how busy a day is, it's always been walk on for me. The craziest thing is that even at holiday in the park, when the outer section is completely closed and therefore the rest of the park sees heavy foot traffic, it's still always been a station wait at the longest, as least as far as I've seen personally.


And yeah HWFan, the topography of the park is one of the most defining characteristics. The way everything is layered with the attractions in the rear gradually rising in elevation gives the park a miniature-village style of appearance from the front, which is awesome.



Last year during Fright Fest Ninja actually had a fairly significant line. I waited in the over flow queue for the first time in my Coaster riding life lol!

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Last weekend they were doing a really good job of keeping 2 trains moving. Typically one train was being sent while the other was flying by the station. Not where they'd need to be for 3, but pretty good. No trains were waiting outside the station at all.

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So for those that have ridden it . . . . what do you think of The Boss now that's it's been re-profiled? (better, worse or . . . same)

I think I've already given my two cents. Worse but significantly more re-rideable - which is a huge positive because they make it easy to re-ride when lines are short. Kind of a wash then I guess.


Edit: Justice League report today. Everything except the fire and I think one scene door is working. The mist for the projection is a tad weak but it is operational.


Colossus wasn't running last Sunday and is still closed today.


Also Macho Nacho - LOADED



Edit2: Still sad.



Typhoon Twister going vertical.



Not only is Colossus not open but none of the ride lighting is on.


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