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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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  prozach626 said:
*holds breath for more teaser shots*



You asked and you shall receive! The park had a small media day yesterday and shot a bunch of footage for commercials. Without giving away too much as the park wants to keep a lot of the lights a secret until they open, here are some pics. The flag pole trees can be seen very well from the highway along with the lights on top of the palace, and the big green tree also.



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^For instance, the light show that happens every twenty minutes in the Palace Garden has a focal point of the five, beautiful pole trees (which have special lighting packages of their own) but the show is also made up of the 18 trees in the Palace Garden. We're the only park to have a light show that immerses Guests like that. (SFMM has their D.C. Heroes area but it's not quite the same feel). I just went around the park all lit up, and I think that the topography and insane amount of large trees helps to give our event so much character!


Tomorrow is media day, which is being covered first thing in the morning by channels 2, 4, & 5. I'm also going to work on a huge collection of pictures of each themed area for a big "trip report" type post. I'll probably wait until Friday to post that to respect the park unless I get the okay to post early.

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Yeah I wasn't criticising our event. My technical mind really does wonder what that type of installation really takes.


I do quite like each HITP getting its own focus and unique features.


I would point out that a previous wish of mine would really pay off for this event - imagine how well an advanced LED package on Colossus could work within this holiday setting

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Three things I learned tonight:

1. I'm not the best at serving popcorn & hot chocolate.

2. HIP is getting rave reviews from the employees.

3. My phone & I take horrible low-light photos.


With that in mind, I'm hoping the other Josh I know on here wouldn't mind taking lots of pics to share on here, as he's great at that sort of thing. However, one picture I took came out really well. I don't take panoramic photos often, but I took one to send to a friend from Sally Corp. The DC Comics plaza is very minimalist on the lights, but this picture really looks great, especially with no Guests or Team Members around:



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Here are a few more photos from last nights employee preview. Oak Island Creative and the Six Flags install team are still not done so there will be even more out by the time the park opens on Friday! Generally the park looks pretty good, the Palace Garden area has 5 pixel mapped trees in different heights, along with the 18 other trees programmed into the show. The only area I did not like was studio backlot, very underwhelming but maybe more will be added. The inside of Miss Kitty's looks incredible. I'm not going to share the other pics from inside the saloon as Oak Island hasn't finished yet so I don't want to show the partial product.







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  coasterbill said:
An outside contractor handles all of this. As of now Great Adventure is the only park with the pixel mapped tree and honestly I kind of like that. It's cool that each park offers something different.

Six Flags St. Louis received 5 pixel mapped trees in front of the Palace Theater. The middle one is 30 feet tall, then 2 15 foot trees, and then 2 10 foot trees. It was pretty impressive. Oak Island Creative is the primary contractor but they subcontracted out the programming of the trees.

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  castaway_kid said:
[six Flags St. Louis received 5 pixel mapped trees in front of the Palace Theater. The middle one is 30 feet tall, then 2 15 foot trees, and then 2 10 foot trees. It was pretty impressive. Oak Island Creative is the primary contractor but they subcontracted out the programming of the trees.


Thanks castaway kid and HWFAN for posting pics. We are getting really excited for HITP at SFSTL! Totally skipping the Zoo this year!



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I was doubtful at first, but after finally seeing it all up and going, I am highly impressed. There are few things and a few areas that i think could be a little better, but overall, I think the crowds will be VERY HAPPY! You can't compare it to SDC, its different, there are some things about SFSTLs that I like better than SDC.

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  castaway_kid said:
  coasterbill said:
An outside contractor handles all of this. As of now Great Adventure is the only park with the pixel mapped tree and honestly I kind of like that. It's cool that each park offers something different.

Six Flags St. Louis received 5 pixel mapped trees in front of the Palace Theater. The middle one is 30 feet tall, then 2 15 foot trees, and then 2 10 foot trees. It was pretty impressive. Oak Island Creative is the primary contractor but they subcontracted out the programming of the trees.

The park uploaded that to YT too.


Edit: I should really refresh before posting. There's a caroling video too.

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