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Fave Holiday Movies


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Christmas Story--note the ornament in my holiday avatar.

Christmas Carol--any of a number of versions, but I am fond of the one with George C. Scott as Scrooge.

We're No Angels--Now I am not talking about that wretched flick with Robert De Niro and Sean Penn (nearly unwatchable crap), but about a movie from the 1950s with Humphrey Bogart, Peter Ustinov, Aldo Ray, and Basil Rathbone. As far as I know, it's the only Christmas movie set on Devil's Island. Bogie, Aldo, and Pete are three convicts who, along with their pet snake, Adolph, escape the prison and are trying to find a source of ready cash to book passage off the island. They glom onto to a family who run a little general store, planning to kill and rob them; but being as this is Christmas and all, they end up helping them out, instead. One of many funny moments: The three cons have just cooked Christmas dinner for the family, and Pete and Aldo lament how it just doesn't seem right to kill them now. Bogie berates them for being soft.


"Beat their heads in! Gouge their eyes out! Cut their throats! Soon as we wash the dishes."


It starts out a little slow, but stay with it--a charming little movie with just the right touch of dark humor.


EDIT: Correcting fuzzy recollection of Bogie quote.

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Christmas music on the other hand....I can't stand it.


Of course, I prefer Christmas music as it should be heard. As music.


Full orchestras, some jazz versions, some rock versions, too.


Songs with singing, tho.... I am not too kean on most of that. Even choral stuff can get me feeling icky.


But orchestrated classic carols and pop songs are nice, when they're done well. IMhO.

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My list is a little long, but I love all these movies:


Christmas Story (I will watch all 24 hours of it, or until my wife tells me to turn it off!)

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

It’s a Wonderful Life

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

Grinch (Cartoon)

All the old 30 minute shorts (Santa Claus is coming to town, Rudolph the red-nose reindeer, Frosty the snowman, etc.)

Home Alone, the original

Elf, slowly becoming a classic

Polar Express, I saw this last year in the IMAX theatre. It was awesome!


I’m sure there are some more, but this is my list for now.

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