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Theme Park Review's "Pick N' Mix" Video Contest

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No, sorry, this was the easiest way to do this. We split them up into three files, but we figured the rest of the work should be done by the contest participant!


It shouldn't be that much work to drag them into your timeline and cut them up into smaller files.


--Robb "We can't do all the work for you!" Alvey


Well, first off, your MPG file format is muxed so on a Mac you don't get sound when you convert them to MOV (or order to create clips), MP4 or any other format for that matter.


Some of us use non-destructive video editors, so your little butchering advice doesn't apply (to Macs).


So, Mac people, ignore this thread. Contest doesn't seem to apply for those of us using iMovie, FCP or Motion.



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Stop bitching. Here's a freeware program for Mac that'll demux and convert to basically any format you want.



MPEG Streamclip lets you play and edit QuickTime, DV, AVI, MPEG-4, MPEG-1; MPEG-2 or VOB files or transport streams with MPEG, PCM, or AC3 audio (MPEG-2 playback component required); DivX (with DivX 5.1.1) and WMV (with Flip4Mac WMV Player). MPEG Streamclip can export all these formats to QuickTime, DV/DV50, AVI/DivX and MPEG-4 with high quality encoding and even uncompressed or HD video.

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Well, first off, your MPG file format is muxed so on a Mac you don't get sound when you convert them to MOV (or order to create clips), MP4 or any other format for that matter.


Some of us use non-destructive video editors, so your little butchering advice doesn't apply (to Macs).


So, Mac people, ignore this thread. Contest doesn't seem to apply for those of us using iMovie, FCP or Motion.







Jarvis "one less video to worry about" Morant

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Stop bitching. Here's a freeware program for Mac that'll demux and convert to basically any format you want.




Oh Gawd whatever.


Spend 2-3 hours demuxing, remuxing, resplicing MPG video before I even get to an editor?


Get a brain. No one would do that.




edit: I realize I'm on a minority platform -- and I don't expect a work-around from R or E. But you other folks, don't tell me I'm whining when you don't have that sort of work cut out for you. Give me a break.

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^ credits...I barely had enough time to make a pleasing video lol lol



Stop bitching. Here's a freeware program for Mac that'll demux and convert to basically any format you want.




Oh Gawd whatever.


Spend 2-3 hours demuxing, remuxing, resplicing MPG video before I even get to an editor?


Get a brain. No one would do that.




edit: I realize I'm on a minority platform -- and I don't expect a work-around from R or E. But you other folks, don't tell me I'm whining when you don't have that sort of work cut out for you. Give me a break.

has anyone been banned from TPR yet...


dude, it doesnt hurt to ask if it can be saved a particular way for you instead of acting the way you are right now...I know they have gone above and beyond for others in other situations...

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Oh Gawd whatever.


Spend 2-3 hours demuxing, remuxing, resplicing MPG video before I even get to an editor?


Hi. I'm on a Mac. It took less than five minutes to demux one of the MPG's to a Quicktime movie compressed with Apple Intermediate Codec. I didn't have to remux, it imported it right into FCP with the sound attached. I'm running a G4 with a gig of ram from three years ago, not some fancy Quad-Core G5.

You complained, I gave you the solution, and you called me an idiot. Did you even try the program?

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If anyone using a Mac needs a tutorial on how to get the footage working, here you go:


1. Download MPEGStreamclip from: http://www.alfanet.it/squared5/mpegstreamclip.html

2. Open the program.

3. Open one of the provided files from TPR. You can either use the Open... command from the File menu or just drag the clip into the center box.

4. Export To Quicktime from the File Menu, or just Apple+E


5. Make sure the settings match the below image. Use the Apple Intermediate Codec, make sure your quality is up 100%, Sound is Uncompressed Stereo, Frame Size is 320x240, and that you have deselected Interlace Scaling and Reinterlace Chroma. Hit Make Movie when you are done.


6. The file will now demux and recompress. This should take anywhere from 5 minutes to 20 depending on the speed of your system. My G4 took less than 5 minutes to recompress the movie.


7. That's it! Repeat the steps for any other video files you need to demux. You can now import the saved files into FCP or iMovie. I have tried both and they work fine. The longest process seems to be iMovie importing the file.

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SO i'm having a problem with those MPG files, so i'm converting them to AVI to see if that does anything. Anyways whats happening is that the sound will play normally, but, the video is playing in super fast mode when I previewed it, (so basically I'm not completely sure what I'm doing, i'm basically editing with really bad eye site, and no glasses) So hopefully the converting will become the glasses and I will be able to see.


- edit - it works, let the games continue!

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Oh Gawd whatever.


Spend 2-3 hours demuxing, remuxing, resplicing MPG video before I even get to an editor?


Get a brain. No one would do that.



Wow. When I left work I saw nothing but people being excited about the contest, and I get home an hour or so later and all I see is whining and bitching. At least from one person. Given that many people ahve already finished videos, it can't be THAT hard. But just in case, let me make a few things clear...


1. In order to do this contest so as many people could participate, I had to gear it for the "lowest common denominator." And if that does not include Mac users, well, sorry. I realize that the file format may not work for everyone's editor or system, but I had to choose one, and I stuck with the one that has given me the least amount of compatitbilty problems over the past 5 years.


2. There is already a fellow Mac user here who didn't seem to have any problems and also tried to HELP you, Jose, but you moaned and bitched at that person. Exactly what kind of response did you expect?


3. Jose, I'm sorry but to say "If you are a Mac user skip this thread" you were OUT OF LINE saying that. Other Mac users have not had a problem.


4. Is is REALLY the best idea to start arguing and whining with other members of the forum who would be JUDGING YOUR SUBMISSION?


I'm sorry, but this bickering really annoys me.


So, if all you are going to do is whine about the way the segments were put together, the format they were put in, and not being thankful for others on the board helping you out, then please don't participate and you are more than welcome to start your own contest! This thread is about the CONTEST, the discussion of it, and for memebrs to HELP each other. Any further bickering or whining will be deleted.


For those of you who want to participate based on what you have seen so far, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! We look forward to your submissions and we think this contest is going to be a lot of fun, and we hope you agree.


I hope you all understand where I'm coming from.


--Robb "Is anyone else still having problems with the FTP because it's working fine for me." Alvey

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I've pretty much done mine. Got a good soundtrack in mine (it won't be offensive to anyone, but it syncs almost perfectly). WMM seems to be able to import everything fine, but it isn't smart enough to trim the clips into scenes properly and cut out the black screen.


If it sucks, then it's because it's a Vekoma.


As a side note, does anyone know of a good (aka. "free") WMV->MPG converter?

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So I've dug out a possible 3 tracks so far to cut the video too and all of them came out at around 210 seconds


Oh well I guess it's off to edit the tracks before I get to edit the video hehehe


Oh and by the way... I will be doing this on MAC!!! OMG

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Also, the TOTAL amount of time cannot exceed 180 seconds. That includes credits.




Aww crap I was totally thinking it was only 120 minutes! Now im wondering if I should extend it or leave it as is.


Jarvis "how can I understand rob and not elissa!" Morant

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I've gotten 3 videos so far and all of them have these weird large blocks of color over most of the image when I play them back in Window's Media Player. I'm assuming is a problem with my machine, but has anyone else experienced this or know what I should do to fix it?






Oh, yeah, forgot to mention that the videos look fine on one of my other computers, but not my main machine. It's odd because I have no problems viewing .avi's or .mpgs, but this .wmv files look strange.

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