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Six Flags Over Texas (SFOT) Discussion Thread

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Is Shockwave a reliable ride like most of the B&M's? I've heard that Uncle Anton's rides are extremely reliable.


When I worked at the park (more than 15 years ago), it was exceptionally reliable. It would have the occasional computer glitch like almost any ride, but those were few and far between. The only major issue I remember when I was there was an empty train rolling back in a valley on the second half of the ride on a cold morning. Many of the issues they've had in recent years have been structural, like the settling of the ride due to erosion in the creek that it straddles and the big issue they had last summer.

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I don't think there is a way to let the train figure out if the riders are properly restrained or not. Safety check definitely needs the cooperation of the ride op! Unless the restraint opened or loose a bit during the ride, Gerstlauer shouldn't take any blame.


To make an assumption like that you must have no clue how most modern roller coasters operate. Sorry for the bluntness, but as a person who is very experienced in operation of over 40 rides, this statement stands out to me. Operators are typically trained by parks that if a restraint closes properly and the ride system says the ride is safe to dispatch, the dispatch is safe. As disinterested as some ride operators appear at their job, I can guarantee you not one of them wants someone to get hurt or die on their watch. I can almost guarantee you the operators on NTAG did everything they are supposed to do when they checked that train. Guests all the time make small nervous remarks about safety, and if the guest really wanted off or seemed way too nervous, they would have let her off. The lap bar most likely made contact with the woman, and the ride system said it was down far enough. If anything, the system told the operators wrong that all of the lap bars were down far enough. Perhaps the lap bars weren't designed to accommodate "weight shifting" which might have happened? To me, the operators most likely did everything right as they were trained to do, and the system they used as a guide for safety failed them.

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I don't think there is a way to let the train figure out if the riders are properly restrained or not. Safety check definitely needs the cooperation of the ride op! Unless the restraint opened or loose a bit during the ride, Gerstlauer shouldn't take any blame.


The issue of the train's safety indicators and whether or not they were functioning properly has been in question since day one. Surely you know this?

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^ I know it. I mean that the indicators would allow the train to dispatch as long as the restraints come down to the maximum locking position but it is ride op's job to make sure the restraints are down enough to secure the riders instead of thinking all the riders are properly secured as long as the indicator told them so. Maybe the victim has thin thigh and the lap bar did not touch her lap because of her belly but the lap bar could not identify whether it's touching the rider's lap or not. This is about cooperation of the ride op, not simply the mechanicals.

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I remember NTaG using non-stop station unloading and loading. Was this in operation during the incident, because if it was, i dought they would go back to it as it seems rushed.


I think they stopped that after 2012, if I remember correctly.


I just love how the media is comparing a train stalled on the pandamonium(sp) ride, to the Texas giant incident.





I am annoyed that they keep saying that Gerstlauer made NTAG. They made the trains. I know that RMC would not be as much at fault as Gerstlauer if the ride design was at fault (Yes, I know airtime, but that is perfectly safe as long as the restraints are designed perfectly, which is Gerstlauer's job.) However, is it really that hard to say that Gerstlaur made NTAG's trains?

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I remember NTaG using non-stop station unloading and loading. Was this in operation during the incident, because if it was, i dought they would go back to it as it seems rushed.


They only tried that as a test run for like a month but went back to normal operations after.


In other news. Just saw this on there Facebook. Not a bad list of freebies.


Six Flags Over Texas

Congrats to Jessica from Abilene, TX! She was our 125,000,000th guest! Here's what she won:


- Check for $1,000

- 4 2014 Six Flags Over Texas/Hurricane Harbor Season Passes

- 4 All Season Dining Passes

- One-day VIP Tour package

- 2 night Arlington hotel accommodations

- Six Flags promotional goodie bag

- $100 gas card

- Nearly $200 in gift cards

- Rangers Stadium Tour

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I saw the Facebook post on that lady winning. How cool! Sad that people commenting on her post poo-poo'd on her win by ugly remarks regarding a bad PR incident with a disabled vet at SFFT. They were on that post and another post. One even told her that she should donate that money to the man. Wow. I was sad to see they initially denied him a refund (even though they post on their website that they don't offer refunds), but they did refund the money (too late to save off bad press), and it wasn't at this park. It was a neat prize package. Good for her!

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Going to be at the park on the first weekend in May. Is that typically a busy time? I would guess not, but just want to check with some of the regulars who know the park better.


Also hoping Shockwave will be open. Love that ride!

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So I just tried to buy a ticket through SF's website since it says you can save $15... Turns out there's an $8.99 "processing fee" and a $4 tax, so that comes out to about $63 when admission at the gate is $65. I guess I might as well just buy a season pass at the park since it's only a $5 difference and take a road trip down to Dallas again in the Fall.

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^ I know it. I mean that the indicators would allow the train to dispatch as long as the restraints come down to the maximum locking position but it is ride op's job to make sure the restraints are down enough to secure the riders instead of thinking all the riders are properly secured as long as the indicator told them so. Maybe the victim has thin thigh and the lap bar did not touch her lap because of her belly but the lap bar could not identify whether it's touching the rider's lap or not. This is about cooperation of the ride op, not simply the mechanicals.


Well said. The indicator on the train only tells the operators that the lap bar is down past a certain position, it cannot tell whether the lap bar is actually against the rider's lap. Imagine a child who is just tall enough to ride sits down and barely pulls the lap bar down, leaving several inches of space above his or her thighs. As long as the lap bar is at or below the maximum height, it will give the green signal even though the rider is obviously not properly restrained. The ride operator needs to visually make sure the lap bar is actually down on the riders lap. The woman who fell off the ride had the lap bar on her stomach and not her lap, and that is something the ride operators needed to catch. If it wasn't part of their training previous to the incident, you can bet it is part of their training now.

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So I just tried to buy a ticket through SF's website since it says you can save $15... Turns out there's an $8.99 "processing fee" and a $4 tax, so that comes out to about $63 when admission at the gate is $65.

What a load of garbage

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So I just tried to buy a ticket through SF's website since it says you can save $15... Turns out there's an $8.99 "processing fee" and a $4 tax, so that comes out to about $63 when admission at the gate is $65. I guess I might as well just buy a season pass at the park since it's only a $5 difference and take a road trip down to Dallas again in the Fall.


If you are a clubtpr member there are six flags discounted tickets available, or if you aren't already yet another reason to sign up

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It should be open- It was open last weekend. The Park looks good. Maybe we are back to normal. May Saturdays can get busy with School trips, etc. Overall shouldn't be too bad.


Someone else mentioned school trips to me as well and I thought that sounded odd. They do school trips on weekends there?

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