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Six Flags Over Texas (SFOT) Discussion Thread

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Although I haven't ridden this one I did do the Season Pass Holders preview on Dare Devil Dive at SFOG on the 12th and was in the first 20 to ride and still had just over an hour wait. The ride was fun but next time we go both my wife and I agree we will not do the VR again. I wish SF would be a little more careful about the content as first and foremost from what I have seen here is that Shockwave and Dare Devil Dive don't differ much as far as the video and both land on the carrier the wrong way. Also in this one they had Air Force personnel there because as it was stated that this was a fighter pilot video. Well the Air Force does not fly off carriers. Just a little nit picky and most riders who know nothing of the military will never know about those mistakes. I will reserve my opinion on this ride until I ride it later this year as I will all the VR coasters in the US. But after DDD at SFOG I would rather be able to enjoy the ride without the VR. I get more of a thrill without. VR is not a bad idea and was enjoyable but I like DDD better without. Just sayin.


Last time I checked we also have never had an Alien Attack on Earth either. I don't think your reasoning is good enough not to enjoy this technology on this ride. It's fun and thrilling all at the same time. Who cares if the "workers" in the hangar never move or that the jets land the wrong way on the carrier, just enjoy the ride.


Last time I checked I have a right to my opinion as do you and I voiced it. I never said I did not enjoy the technology, I did enjoy the ride on DDD but I prefer it without, which is my choice and to each his own. As I said, I will reserve my opinion on SHockwave and the rest of the VR rides when I ride them which will be later this year. I'm really looking forward to Superman in SFFT. I don't see anything in my post that mentions workers not moving in the hanger, in fact I never brought up the hanger. As far as the planes landing the wrong way, it would have been very simple to do it right. I am not the only one who has mentioned that in this forum. The whole reason for VR is to add realism to the ride experience so why not make it right when it would have been so easy to do so when the software was written. You need to concentrate on you having a good time on the rides and I will take care of myself.

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The whole reason for VR is to add realism to the ride experience

Um...what? The experience of riding a roller coaster has always been realistic. You actually experience falling, twisting, looping. Those aren't simulations; that's really happening to you. A roller coaster is about as realistic as it gets.


This VR is basically doing the opposite: adding fantasy. That's really a major component of the theme park experience: To take us away from ordinary experiences of cubicles and yard work and bring us to an entirely different world. I think for a lot of us, electronics are part of ordinary life, so having them interrupt such a visceral experience as a roller coaster is a jarring dose of the ordinary in what should be exceptional.

Edited by ytterbiumanalyst
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I traveled to SFOT from Los Angeles this past Sunday. Thanks for those who posted advice, much appreciated! So many times we ask for advice, and never get thanked later, so I thought I'd do so.


I'd been to the park before, but TNTG was new to me, and I was happy to get to preview Shockwave/New Revolution! I was surprised to see that the line for TNTG was relatively short. I was really looking forward to this one, as it was one of the first Rocky Mountain coasters I remember hearing about... but having since ridden a few more (Goliath at SFGA, TC at SFMM), to a certain degree, I found it a bit disappointing.


The biggest surprise for me was the VR! I was quite skeptical, but totally enjoyed it! And found the sounds of the GP, it sounded like it was a huge it. Really, I can hardly imagine riding without it, and I'm now looking very forward to TNR at SFMM when it arrives. Thought I am curious to see how the line moves once it's fully open to the public. I noticed they were handing out return times... will that be a new policy for the GP later on?


On a random note, I went to Raising Caine's to eat (near Lincoln Square), and saw this vintage SFOT map in the hallway to the restrooms. That was pretty cool!


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On a random note, I went to Raising Caine's to eat (near Lincoln Square), and saw this vintage SFOT map in the hallway to the restrooms. That was pretty cool!


Vintage?!?! That map is from either 1990 or 1991! (has Texas Giant - opened in 1990 - and the dolphin/dive show arena - removed after 1991 season) That is a cool map. Glad you had a good day at the park. I'm betting the long operating hours, cool weather in the morning, and the fact that it was the last day of spring break made it a great day to visit.

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^^That map also shows the Six Fags Air Racer, a problem plaged ride that is now mercifully extinct.


I remember riding Six Flags Air Racer when I was younger, and I thought it was awesome! Of course I was like 7, so to me anything was awesome at that point.

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I'll be heading to the park next weekend, and as a few people have pointed out, it looks like it'll be crazy-packed. I'm tempted to buy a platinum flash pass, but there seems to be a discrepancy of info online.


Does anybody know if you can use the pass for multiple rides on the same ride? There's a scathing complaint from someone who claims that you can only ride each ride one time during the entire day. My guess is that they're referring to the consecutive re-ride rule on NTG and Titan, but from what I can gather, all you have to do is jump in line again? I've never used a flash pass at any park, so any clarification would be helpful.


I'll probably get there super early and buy on-site, but I'm also willing to skip a number of the rides (only really care about riding NTG, Judge Roy Scream, La Vibora, Mr. Freeze, and Shock Wave), so the flash pass might not be necessary at all.

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Last I checked double rides were no longer a thing, but you can re-queue the ride immediately after your not is scanned so on a play pass your max wait is likely the time is takes to grab a ride. Judge Roy is not on FP, nor is Shock Wave. The bring a friend free is the real culprit next weekend, it's usually light on but an hour after opening look out. Yhe weather also looks to be perfect for next weekend, assuming that holds it'll be packed.

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Last I checked double rides were no longer a thing, but you can re-queue the ride immediately after your not is scanned so on a play pass your max wait is likely the time is takes to grab a ride. Judge Roy is not on FP, nor is Shock Wave. The bring a friend free is the real culprit next weekend, it's usually light on but an hour after opening look out. Yhe weather also looks to be perfect for next weekend, assuming that holds it'll be packed.


Thanks, Chadster. Again, noob question: re-queueing a ride is simply a matter of getting off the ride, selecting the ride again on the gizmo, then jumping back in line?


In addition to the friend deal, ScreamScape has warned that there's some WWF nonsense taking place right down the street as well, so hotel prices jumped through the roof, and there have been warnings that the traffic will be a disaster in the area. I'm expecting the worst, so I think the platinum pass is inevitable. Now I'm torn between buying online ($117, it seems) or waiting and buying in the park ($85 with gold pass discount).

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I really hope Six Flags someday adopts the Cedar Fair version of Fast Lane. I really enjoy just merging with the main line when I visit Cedar Point or other Cedar Fair parks. It really stops the headache and you can still choose to wait for the seat you want to sit in. I'd rather wait longer in line for those who paid for it than be about to get on and find out flash passers are going to sit where I was about to get on

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The AT&T Stadium traffic tends to be worse closer in to the stadium and more of a problem on the north and west sides (away from the park). If you approach the park from the Six Flags Dr. intersections near 30 and 360, you should be okay. If there's traffic getting into the park, it will likely be because the weather is nice, the park is busy, and there's a bring-a-friend promotion.


If you're going to be driving yourself, look for hotels farther out. The DFW area has no shortage of decent hotels and I would think you could get the price down if you stay farther out.

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If you're going to be driving yourself, look for hotels farther out. The DFW area has no shortage of decent hotels and I would think you could get the price down if you stay farther out.


Actually, I found a place right on the other side of the 30 that clearly didn't get the memo that there was a big event going on. The prices were super reasonable, and it's probably close enough to walk to the park (although, looking at Google maps, it doesn't like there's a sidewalk!)

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^^That map also shows the Six Flags Air Racer, a problem plaged ride that is now mercifully extinct.


easily was my favorite ride in the park, and I mourned when it was taken out (hurt more than when they pulled out Spinnaker (the Enterprise).


but at least ShockWave is still brilliant.

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Air Racer was one of my favorites growing up too. I remember the first time riding it and thinking how cool it was to be able to look down and see the Runaway Mine Train's tunnel under the water.


There was a place on US377 west of Denton that had a pair of the Air Racer planes sitting out front for sale for several years. One had its wings and the other one didn't. I always wished I could buy them. The business closed up a few years ago and something else is in that location now. Whenever I drive past now, I always wonder what happened to the planes.

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I will be visiting the park in August and have booked a cheap motel right outside the park on Six Flags Drive (Sleep Inn) Is it easy to walk to the park from here does anyone know or is a car the best option? Thanks a lot.

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