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Six Flags Over Texas (SFOT) Discussion Thread

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  • 5 months later...
4 hours ago, Doppel Looping said:

Did they play pink floyd as you looked up at the dark side of the moon?


it would have been cool if the t shirts were glow in the dark.  Next time…

Check out my YouTube video for the songs played. The theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey was played as the sun went into full eclipse. The shirts were not glow in the dark.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That looked like a great event.  We lucked out in the DFW area with the weather.  The sporadic cloud cover didn't dampen the impact of the few minutes of darkness even a little.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hey all, my husband and I are visiting SFOT tomorrow Saturday 8/17. We already bought our tickets and Flash Pass but was curious if anyone has any recent tips on the park. We visited once about 4 years ago and enjoyed it, but we’re definitely more familiar with the east coast parks. 

It looks like everything should be open, but there website is a little unclear on the loose article policies. Does anyone recall if lockers are mandatory and if so which rides? Also, is Mr. Freeze still running one train forward and one backward?

Appreciate any recommendations for the day, especially if there are any operational “quirks” we should be aware of! 

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if you see Freeze running?  go to it.   It will go up and down all day, and if it goes down while you're in queue?  give it 20 minutes.  (it likely will come back up). 
Same is true of Riddler (the Zamperla giant discovery - it goes down a lot because people pull on the restraints and trigger estop, and the mechanics have to come reset it . . a LOT).

Freeze typically is only running one side. . so expect just to go forwards.   (if the 2nd side opens, it's a pleasant surprise).

I don't recall any rides requiring lockers on my last visit (in April) and most coasters/rides have cubbies.  (even Runaway Mountain. . don't miss it. . it's an indoor coaster that doesn't do much, but it's a lot of fun).

expect La Vibora to have a line - even with Flash Pass you'll end up waiting, that's because this Bobsled has glacial loading.  it just is.

if you have ANY back issues?   Avoid La Vibora, and Judge Roy Scream.. ..   but if you do ride the judge?  go for a non-wheel seat for a tolerable ride.

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