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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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Like it has been said before, people need to be evaluated and licenced before they can have a child. China is correct in this department, IMO. I have 7 siblings between 2 houses (parents split and both remarried) and I am the oldest of them all and it sucks, but my biological parents are teachers (one teaches 11th grade math and the other teaches 6th grade science) and my two step parents are district managers for American Eagle and Starbucks. So they have the experience to handle that many kids. Or I have to deal with the little brats.

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I am sure there is much more to this story. It makes no sense to leave a child period and especially for a weird ass reason like "to look for the mother."


I'm sure by "to look for the mother" he really meant "go get drunk at the strip club". But hey, that's just me. What would I know?

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I am sure there is much more to this story. It makes no sense to leave a child period and especially for a weird A$$ reason like "to look for the mother."


I'm sure by "to look for the mother" he really meant "go get drunk at the strip club". But hey, that's just me. What would I know?



I was thinking the same thing, except I was thinking more along the lines of crack or meth. Really, this story makes me want to vomit. I'd take that poor baby in, but DCF would probably force her to go back to her "parents" after they attended a parenting class, or something.

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People never cease to amaze me.


Of course, if the story was "Man leaves child in bushes at Wal Mart" would we REALLY be surprised?


Hate to say it, but Universal is basically the Wal Mart of theme parks in attracting the lowest common denominator. Not to mention it was Mardi Gras.




Mardi Gras+Alcohol+White Trash-Common Sense=Leaving a baby while drunk looking for drunk girlfriend/baby mama

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Wizarding World of Harry Potter Grand Opening Date Will Be Revealed March 25th!


From the Orlando Sentinel:

Universal Orlando is preparing to reveal more details about its Wizarding World of Harry Potter -- including when the grand opening will be.


The big theme park announcement about its new attraction within Islands of Adventure will be made on Thursday, March 25, a Universal spokesman said.


Among the details promised next week are facts about Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, the area's signature "dark" ride that's built into the Hogwarts Castle area of Wizarding World.


The company has been tight-lipped on most details, especially on when guests could expect to visit the new area. Its official opening date has been vague -- spring 2010 – but in recent weeks, Universal has begun selling Potter-oriented vacation packages for as soon as May 28.


Very exciting news! Message boards around the world will be going crazy March 25th

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The way this is being pressed it had better be better than Spidey. I dont like "The most incredible theme park experience ever" part, thats a little too far for my taste. As you can see the hate 13 is getting for being over hyped may come to Potter.

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So there's a press release about a press release? Wow, how meta.


All the chains do the same thing. ...Cedar Fair, Six Flags, Disney, etc. It's all about the hype.



The way this is being pressed it had better be better than Spidey. I dont like "The most incredible theme park experience ever" part, thats a little too far for my taste. As you can see the hate 13 is getting for being over hyped may come to Potter


...Of course they are going to hype up their new attractions. As for the "The most incredible theme park experience ever part", I believe they are talking about the new themed land as a whole, not just the ride inside the castle.

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A press release announcing a press release. Redundant much?


From what I've seen so far, the area in general looks pretty awesome, theme-wise. Hogwarts castle looks massive.


I got some friends in California who are planning on coming out this summer just for this land. Going to try to work it out so I can go with my fellow Potter dorks.

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