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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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I had noticed a train in the station building on my visit the day after Thanksgiving - the train had water dummies within it. I figured the new trains had come in. I'm sure they are trying to get the trains tested in order to have them ready for the business holidays.

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Yes, I know. I work at Islands of Adventure and have friends over there. The company [Maurer Sohne] is supposed to be in town working on it.


ADMIN EDIT: I have gone ahead and fixed your post for proper speller and capitalization, as defined by the site's rules.

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Sorry about my last post i wasnt thinking. Yes the banner is fully up now and looks pretty good.


ADMIN EDIT: One more example since it doesn't seem like you completely understand.


Sorry about my last post, I wasnt thinking. Yes, the banner is fully up now and it looks pretty good.
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I posted a ton of pictures of WWoHP in my "Christmas around Orlando" thead but I'll put some in here too. If you want to see the rest just check out that thread.




My attempt to sneak a peak in the Three Broomsticks.




The structure in the center of the coaster.


The now all grey Flight of the Hippogrif.


Castle, which is deceivingly large in pictures. It's still big in person but no where near as large as these pictures make it out to be.

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its been down for the last 4days no idea whats going on.


Holy crap...still down? I was at Universal for 2 1/2 days. On the evening of 12/9 it was down, on 12/10 it finally opened sometime around 2 or 3 and stayed up till closing (when I managed to get a single ride), then was down all of the next day. Thing is less dependable than the early days of TTD. What gives? If I were the Universal mucky-mucks contemplating their Shiny New Paperweight, I'd be miffed.

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Beautiful architecture! Very good to see this much progress made.


It is definitely very beautiful and extremely detailed. It really is amazing to see all the progress made. I've been visiting Universal Orlando almost every other week (sometimes more) since late July and it really has transformed.


^You're very welcome TheRapidsNerd, I am very glad the area between the floating castle and the show building is starting to get filled in, it looked funny though.

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Great pics guys! So has Dueling Dragons closed yet to be re-themed?


As of last Friday it was still open. I'm asuming they'll keep it open over the busy holiday season and close it for the re-theme shortly after.

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Great pics guys! So has Dueling Dragons closed yet to be re-themed?


As of last Friday it was still open. I'm asuming they'll keep it open over the busy holiday season and close it for the re-theme shortly after.


Thanks I will still like to ride it when I move in January before is closes. I'll be at the park the 5th.

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I really don't know if it will be open. The only reason I say that is because there is now Hogsmeade construction extending over the bridge that connects JP to WWoHP/The old Lost Continent. I would think that they couldn't progress much further unless they closed the ride down.


Anyways, if you ever want someone to hit the parks with let me know. I'll be free before Jan 18 when I start working at WDW.

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