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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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I would say "forget the Simpsons".


I vote for a TPR member-ride. I wish for the "Derek Potter-and the-Goblet of Beer" Extravaganza!


It could be themed as an intense ride simulator or as a 3 or 4-D show.

(Insert storyline here.....)

Weetopia-should get the director credit.


Link: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=26959&start=0


*Oh. And by the way, it says WB on the box...Cheers!

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Praise Jesus! I'm not sure if I have ever wanted a rumor to be true more than this one!


I really hate Back to the Future, and only ride it when I am forced (like by my mom last year). It's just overly rough, lacks a compelling story for 2006, and something about the seats always pulls chunks of my hair out. Plus it is possibly the worst, most drawn out, horribly done, and just plain BORING preshow I've ever seen. It feels like I am making a time commitment longer than the triolgy itsself to ride it!


I think a Simpsons land is way past due for a theme park somewhere in the country, and I would LOVE to see it go in at Universal Orlando. I'd love to see an entire land, like Suess Landing, or the Curious George area, not just a ride. But just a ride would be ok, so long as they ditch those horrible Delorean simulators.


Please oh please oh please let this rumor be true!!



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Instead of a Simpsons ride, I'd like to see the park(s) spend some money and refresh the ride...New motion bases, new screens, the new IMAX digital projectors, and a new film (perhaps based on the original script of the ride?)...Maybe even use IMAX 3-D technology?


Just a pipe dream that I've thought about for a few years...

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Yep, BTTF Is defenatly going next year, And will be replaced by a Simpsons Simulator. From what I've heard, They're gonna re-model the Deloreans Into more of a Simpsons style, Also, This ride has been In development for 2 Years now so the film for the ride Is all ready.



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Again folks, to recap reasons stated above...


Hill Valley 2015... back in 1990, it seemed kinda possible that we'd have hovercars and Mr. Fusions by then. Sadly, were in 2006, and oil is f***ing expensive and I still don't see a hovercar. Thanks for making us optimistic, sci-fi!


Everything seems so, eh, now with the ride. Its not as smooth as it once were, the projectors are wearing out. The nostalgia of the ride is gone. Sure, the movies were great, but BTTF isn't that popular anymore. The Simpsons, they are still somewhat popular and they've been around for a long time. Granted, its not like the 1990's when the show was good.


BTTF has aged badly, Biff annoys me, end of story. In favor of a new Simpsons ride? Aye.

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In my visit to Universal in July, BTTF was actually pretty smooth! I think the USH version is pretty smooth too.


I've been hearing the Simpsons simulator rumor for a long time now. There's an article of it on www.jimhillmedia.com. I was hoping it would go into the old Herc and Xena building.


The bottom line to remember: if Universal doesn't say it's so, it isn't so.

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Yep, BTTF Is defenatly going next year, And will be replaced by a Simpsons Simulator.




Again, this means nothing without sources... legit sources.


Oh, I've got my sources, But they'll probably get Into alot of trouble If I say who they are...

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I will not miss this attraction. It's rough, not fun, and the pre-show is the most torturous pre-show ever, except perhaps the one for Terminator 3D. I don't know if a Simpsons ride is a good idea or not, but it would be nice if it wasn't a simulator.



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You shouldn't believe everything you read, especially on the internet. Screamscape rarely confirms things. They mostly spread rumors with no actual basis whatsoever.


The Simpsons wouldn't even fit into the theme of that area.


The theme of the area is pretty generic..."World Expo" can mean a lot of things...I mean you have MIB, BTTF, Animal Planet, Fievel, Curious George and E.T., I dont' see any regular theme there.


Here's a link to the overhead view of the area...they have a TON of room bck there beside MIB and behind BTTF:



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Yep, BTTF Is defenatly going next year, And will be replaced by a Simpsons Simulator.




Again, this means nothing without sources... legit sources.


Oh, I've got my sources, But they'll probably get Into alot of trouble If I say who they are...


If you don't, we have no reason to believe you when you state something matter-of-factly. Everyone has "sources" these days. It's amazing.


The theme of the area is pretty generic..."World Expo" can mean a lot of things...I mean you have MIB, BTTF, Animal Planet, Fievel, Curious George and E.T., I dont' see any regular theme there.


World Expo's theming isn't very good, but it's a theme nonetheless. The only World Expo attractions are BTTF and MIB. Everything else you mentioned is in the Kidzone.

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Dreamworks is, but not WB, WB is down the hill from USH it tells you on the tour.

Nope Dreamworks is Spielburgs and 2 other guy's company. Although since Spielburg has had such a long relationship with universal, I'm sure anything they ask to use he agrees to in a heart beat.

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Here's a new rumor from screamscape..

The latest buzz on the rumored Simpsons ride is that the working title right now is The Simpsons: Sprint Through Springfield. In addition to using the IMAX system for the ride, we’ve heard the plan is to add a bunch of 4D Theater style effects to the new ride.

Looks like the Simpsons ride is most likely going to happen.

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I dont know if I like it.. I mean, the simpsons are great and all , but USF already has an animation-based motion simulator and an animation based 4-d theater.


Ive heard a rumor that instead of a simpsons based motion sim that they were going to put one in themed to the Fast and Furious movies. Now Im not a fan of those movies myself, but I could see that being a more realistic possibility, and would probably be more exciting than the simpsons IMO. Then, next to the BTTF building, they can put in a BTTF themed 88mph Intamin rocket.


I would rather them save the simpsons idea for something bigger... I like how someone else mentioned making a whole new island in IOA dedicated to the simpsons. That would be sweet!

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I dont know if I like it.. I mean, the simpsons are great and all , but USF already has an animation-based motion simulator and an animation based 4-d theater.


Ive heard a rumor that instead of a simpsons based motion sim that they were going to put one in themed to the Fast and Furious movies. Now Im not a fan of those movies myself, but I could see that being a more realistic possibility, and would probably be more exciting than the simpsons IMO. Then, next to the BTTF building, they can put in a BTTF themed 88mph Intamin rocket.


I would rather them save the simpsons idea for something bigger... I like how someone else mentioned making a whole new island in IOA dedicated to the simpsons. That would be sweet!

I heard that rumor too about Fast and the Furious but I just disregarded it because I think those movies don't have a big enough fan base to make a ride out of it...Plus, they probably won't make a new Fast and the Furious and there aren't any memorable scenes, so the ride will get old very fast.

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