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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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"It's part of the Green Initiative from NBC."


I'm still laughing at this. I'm all about "going green," but I'll continue to file this excuse in the "tragically lame" folder.


What's next? Vegas announcing they'll only be open 'till midnight before it's lights out?

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Lame, Lame, Lame. I hate Harry Potter and between Dragons entrance, the Enchanted Oak, and this... ughhh.


IOA can take that butterbeer and SHOVE IT!


Agreed. Though I don't hate IOA, I just disagree with a lot of the stuff they're doing now.

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I'm dissapointed to hear about the Water Vortex being removed...I'm heading up there this Saturday along with my sisters and their husbands...I'm thinking about skipping this attraction all together & STILL filing the complaint anyway....who do we go to to complain about something like that? Guest Relations?

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^I think it is safe to say that the system has not been removed--just turned off. If Poseidon's Fury will remain as the anchor for the Lost Continent when the Wizarding World of Harry Potter is complete, the effect may be turned on again to attract more guests with that "wow factor."


My only fear which I think logically backs up management's justification of this effect's retirement is that the majority of the guests (meaning those first-timers) will likely not even realize what the tunnel was meant to show. In other words, they won't know what effect used to be there, and will not miss it.

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Here's a video Orlando Rocks uploaded of the vortex-less tunnel.




That's just sad.


Wow...U can almost hear the crowd laughing & carrying on at the LAMENESS of the waterless tunnel.


w/o the vortex, the attraction loses MASSIVE points IMO. If this is a permanent decision, you can bet that the attraction's days are numbered.

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It looks as though the only thing they're waiting to start building the coaster is the ground for the Amphitheater, its gutted to make room for the pipes that needed to run underneath. It seems that once thats done they should be able to start building HRRR. It nice to see how different that entire area is and how different it will be.


They're also building that load platform pretty quickly, they're in a hurry to get this thing up

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Yes, This is very sad news.

That tunnel is one of the most memorable experiences I have at IOA, next to our tradition of having a drink in the Tavern(which is also gone) and Hulk. There was something truely special and unique about Poseidon's Fury.

It was great while it lasted!!


I do understand the reasoning behing the loss.


I must say it will be very interesting to go back to IOA, it will be a whole new experience. That I can look forward to!

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^ Think about it. There HAS to be a lot of block brakes if this ride has any chance of being high capacity due to the small trains so they need to be able to run a lot of them. My guess is like on Space Mountain, they are not trims, just blocks. I don't think they are a big deal.



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I don't care much about the blocks, as I don't think they'd actually use them as much as the animation shows. But to me, some parts of the ride seemed to be a bit bland and unexciting. However, I think whipping just over the people in the midways and paths as well as having the your selected music blasting will help make it more interesting.


That non-inverting loop looks like it could really throw you around...awesome.

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I think the blocks are all going to be pretty high up, so the train probably won't have a lot of speed to trim through them anyway. Plus, it should make for a few pretty good drops off of them. Like I said before, I think that second block is going to have to be at least 115 - 120 feet in the air and I would bet that the third block is close to 100 feet. I wish they'd get to building this thing because I can't wait to see how it'll change the studio skyline. I guess next to Dr Doom - this will be the tallest structure at either of the parks.


Another thing, is coming off the 2nd drop, the train will probably blast out of the front of the building on the street around 55-60 mph. Should be quite a sight for on-lookers.

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Have you heard how high the castle will be?


If they do it right (and I think they will) then I would imagine it would be close to 200' if not higher so that it doesn't look dissapointing compared to another famous castle nearby. I'm guessing that it'll be built overtop of the new building/ride.


I think the construction will go pretty fast after the lift and the first "loop" get put up, especially the lower sections. I still have a hard time seeing this thing opening by end of April/early May.

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I'm not sure of the actual height, but I doubt that it will be taller than 200'. The reason being that in Orlando, anything over 200' needs a red airplane warning beacon which doesn't exactly fit into the theme of Harry Potter and Hogwarts. That's also the reason why Dr. Doom's is 199'.

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