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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Today I've got some construction photos of the latest progress going on with Universal Orlando's newest coaster, Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit!


I'll be back later today with an update from the construction site of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, so stay tuned!


Some interesting work going on within the dirt.


A large trench has been dug out in the center of the construction work.


Concrete and all that was before has been torn up so that new pipes and electrical wires can be put down.


Dirt lovers prepare...


The area of work is extremely large, giving a real perspective as to how much space the coaster will take up.


Construction trailers are littered throughout the construction zones...


Halloween Horror Nights guests queuing for Interstellar Terror or Body Collectors get an up-close view of the construction going on within the former boneyard.


The outside queue for Twister: Ride it Out! has been mostly razed with little aside from the above structure remaining.


Work and construction markings are to be found throughout the area.


The entrance to the park from the former Studio 18 has been narrowed heavily.


The construction walls for the coaster have expanded to the entrance plaza of The Blue Man Group Sharp Aquos Theatre.

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I'm a little bit confused by the pictures? Are they tearing down the whole DD castle that you would previously queue up through? It's a damn shame if they are!


i hope they leave the DD-castle the way it is is, in my opinion it´s the most awsome queue for a ride ever build! there are lot of themeparks that even haven´t themed their walk-troughs so heavily!

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Thanks for the update... just when I wanted one, I got one. Thanks again.


Great to see work progressing especially a lot of ground work. Can't wait until they start vertical construction, some of the footers been on site for quite a while now.


Anybody have a rough estimate like what month HRRR might open besides the given "Spring 2009"?

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I can't wait to see more of this. I hope the theming will beat all other themings in other parks.

It's a bit sad though that the nice entrance of Dueling Dragons had to go.

But about the construction, isn't the building below not Hagrids Hut? I'm very confused


Hagrid's Hut: Check!

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The area is really in a sad state right now. And like hydra brought up, it will be VERY interesting to see how they cover up the show building from the Jurrasic Park area. It was all very much in the open when I was there a couple weeks ago.


Hopefully they're replacing the former beautiful area with a better looking area. I'm a fan of the Harry Potter books and movies and am looking forward to this, but it was kind of depressing to see what used to be a beautiful original land all torn up.

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I can't wait to see more of this. I hope the theming will beat all other themings in other parks.

It's a bit sad though that the nice entrance of Dueling Dragons had to go.

But about the construction, isn't the building below not Hagrids Hut? I'm very confused


The circled item is not a building, but a smaller support or footer, from what I believe was a former structure within the demolished area around the Enchanted Oak Tavern. Hagrid's Hut has yet to be built within visible sight, so there isn't anything to look for just yet. Much of the visible work is taking place near the former entrance of Dueling Dragons. The new entrance itself is covered heavily in trees and greenery to help detract attention from the ongoing demolition and construction work.


I've got some photos to post in addition to the ones Brian posted which should expand on what has been shown so far. Those should be up very soon!

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^A large number of supports are lying in the vacant lot along Turkey Lake Road where the new Universal hotels are supposidly to be built (eventually). The supports themselves continue to be shipped in during the morning where the pile they have been lined in has continued to grow for the last few weeks.


At this time, the only information regarding the opening of the attraction is an estimated time of Spring 2009. Nothing more has been released at this time, and I doubt anything will until track work has begun.

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^There was no sarcasm to be picked up on. What I posted was straightforward with no hidden meaning. Even after reading through my entire post several times I have seen no comments that I made that could have been interpreted as sarcastic...


It is time for another photo update! These photos were taken on September 29th, 2008 (as were Brian's photos, as he was at the parks with me).


The invasion begins. 2010.


Dueling Dragons comes very close to the construction site but is still photogenic, regardless of the debris surrounding it.


Another portion of the Enchanted Oak Tavern has been roughly retained for future use.


Though a little out of place, the view of the construction has built up quite a nice audience...


Get them while they still are brand-free!


The entrance to Jurassic Park is pretty narrow, especially with the addition of the locker systems to the right.


Oddly enough, this structure has been saved.


The former Enchanted Oak Tavern and Dueling Dragons entry plaza has been completely ripped apart with little left to represent what once was.


Lots of dirt, and not much more.


Some building cover work has begun...


Not as big as the "Potter box" but still significant considering how flat the terrain is right now.


Another new building?


The coaster itself hasn't been altered in any way since the start of construction aside from the removal of all previous theming surrounding it.


Patience... The opening will come.


It looks like the coaster has been sitting untouched for a while...


Dueling Dragons' new entrance path is pretty unique because it starts inside of Jurassic Park. Plus, it's sign is the former sign for The Flying Unicorn.


Jurassic Park has become a buffer zone for guests searching for Dueling Dragons as well as the entrance to the new bridge.


From any side that you look, the future ride's structure is gigantic.


From what is visible, not much work has been done to the interior of the building.


The "Harry Potter box" is a shed-like structure, similar to the enclosure of The Dark Knight coaster at Six Flags Great Adventure--just much bigger.

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Those Dueling Dragons shirts are awesome!


Why couldn't they have those last year? I love coaster shirts that actually show the coaster itself, and mega bonus points if it's done right, like these are. (A good example of bad ride artwork is Sheikra's vekoma/arrow style track on the shirts.)

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I'm going to universal studios next year. Can't wait to ride it, but i think the airtime in the "non looping thingy" is going to be intense+the lateral forces while you twist upwards and downwards i also think will be intense IMO. The crowd surfer i think will have some lateral hangtime, but i will know that wen i ride it


Hope it rocks!!!!!!!


Love the layout and concept art

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To all,

I recently found this post about the removal of Dueling Dragons from Universal Studios in Florida. I know they are replacing it with a Harry Potter attraction. I was curious if anyone knows if they are re-purposing these set pieces, and walk through portion, if they are trashing it, or selling any of it. I plan to open a Halloween attraction in 2009, and it would be amazing to get any part of this dead attraction... Thanks in advance!

Any ideas or contact information would be so helpful!

Bill Rod.


P.S. I am looking more for the walk-through set pieces used on the queue line, than any of the outside facade, or dragons

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They are not replacing Dueling Dragons construction is going on around it!The ride will close to the ending of this year and next year for the construction of harry potter.If you saw the concept drawings of the land it still has dueling dragons in the picture if they where they would of announced it.I know this because I'm a annual passholder.Please post correct information instead of false information.

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