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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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They could also expand a bit further into JP. There's really not much between HP and the Discovery Center. But, yeah, I'm not sure why they didn't take all of Lost Continent in the first place.


And for those bemoaning the possible loss of Mythos, I'm really going to anger you with my HP expansion plan: Tear out Dragons. It takes up a huge amount of space, and even with HP crowds, it almost never gets above a 10 minute wait. Put in a new, more compact single-track coaster, a proper Hogwarts Express train ride, and probably about 10 other things.


/When they opened IOA, Dragons was supposed to be the killer ride that people would run to.

//Now it's the middle of super-everyone-loves-it-land, and still no one will ride the thing.



Obviously, they're not actually going to do this.


Even though they should.


Yeah, I'm evil. Yeah, I'm an idiot. That's fine.

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EVen though the idea of losing Mythos (probably the coolest in-park restaurant I have ever been too) is saddening to imagine, I for one eould encourage Universal to expand WWoHP.

Someone please shoot this man.


As much as I love Mythos, Potter has been huge for the park. And the next logical expansion is into the rest of whats left of the lost continent. Though you never know, they could save the restaurant and just come up with some story as to what it is and leave it alone...as unlikely as that is.



^I have zero interest in a restaurant that Rowling would be involved in, because I doubt the food would be anything near world-class, since it would "break the immersion". Unless the characters of the Potterverse spend their time dining at Nobu. That would be OK.





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^I have zero interest in a restaurant that Rowling would be involved in


That would be the trick: Keep the Brit as far away from the food as possible.


I know I'm just dreaming. If nothing else, having a $300/person restaurant in a theme park would likely be a terrible business decision, because typically only a major city can support places like that.

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Good news for Universal. I wonder if this will encourage them to part ways with the Marvel license if Disney does offer to buy it? Switch out Spider-man for Tranformers, and there is your tentpole attraction for a "Sci-Fi" city. Maybe that will help split crowds between different sides of the park? The shell of LC certainly is ideal for the Potter expansion. Sinbad is not a beloved attraction by any stretch of the imagination. Poseidon definately would be a stretch to fit into the Potter mythos, but pretty sure they could find a way to do a magic battle with the existing infrastructure. Or junk it, as use most of it a line for a whole new attraction.

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Yeah right Elissa. We know you got that bigger house just to hold you ever growing collection of wands and robes. How many wands do you have now, 30, or is it 40?. At the Christmas party I distinctly heard you practicing spells when no one was looking. Yes, I was stalking you.

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They already got rid of two of the best parts of LC.. Might as well rip the bandaid off quick!

The problem is, this is totally correct. I hate the idea of Mythos going away, because I feel it's the single best restaurant put into a non-licensed area of any theme park. But I felt the same way about Lost Continent in general.


Having visited Wizarding World, it's actually made me want to visit IOA... LESS.


So really, if they just ripped out the rest of it, I probably would not make a visit back unless:


A. They put in a new ride.

B. I was with a group who had never been before.

C. Even if it was B, I'd probably spend most of my time at the Studios park.


--Robb "Harry Potter land replacing Lost Continent is like if DisneySea took out the whole Volcano section and put in a giant Pixar area..." Alvey

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^^100% agreed. I honestly have no desire to go back to IOA any time soon. Used to be one of my favorite parks in the world, but how the place has been run in recent years, plus the destruction of LC, and the dumbing down of Mythos...meh.


And if they ditch the Marvel stuff and re-theme the area as anything BUT "Dave & Elissa's SyFy Channel Experience", it will be totally worthless. Who wouldn't want to ride a version of Spiderman re-themed to Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus?!? Yeah, that's what I thought...



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I love Harry Potter and I thoroughly enjoyed the land but I still don't know if it would be enough to get me to leave Disney if I was staying on property without a car (which is my preferred way). I kind of agree with what Robb said, if they had something new or I was with people that had never been, I would go. I think IOA/USF are both cool parks but I have never thought they were that great. I have said this before, but I wouldn't even have gone to the Universal resort again for many years if it wasn't for Harry Potter when I was there In October.


Regarding Mythos, I ate there maybe 5-6 years ago and thought it was just ok. I felt the same way about Enchanted Oak. However, a group of us ate at the 3 Broomsticks and we all thought it was excellent. I liked the food and Butterbeer and I was able to walk the 50 feet to the next land and fill my Butterbeer mug up with Diet Coke for 99 cents.

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Tear out Dragons. It takes up a huge amount of space, and even with HP crowds, it almost never gets above a 10 minute wait. Put in a new, more compact single-track coaster, a proper Hogwarts Express train ride, and probably about 10 other things.


/When they opened IOA, Dragons was supposed to be the killer ride that people would run to.

//Now it's the middle of super-everyone-loves-it-land, and still no one will ride the thing.




From an enthusiast standpoint I'd have to say, I sort of agree with you.. and whats sad is, it all starts with the queue. From a GP standpoint, do you think its actually seen a decrease of ridership because maybe its a little to extreme or intimidating for some of the GP that would want to visit the park JUST for HP? I know my mom loves HP, but there is NO WAY she'd ever think of getting on the coasters. I might have trouble getting her on the Forbidden Journey when I take her.

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I love Harry Potter and I thoroughly enjoyed the land but I still don't know if it would be enough to get me to leave Disney if I was staying on property without a car (which is my preferred way). I kind of agree with what Robb said, if they had something new or I was with people that had never been, I would go. I think IOA/USF are both cool parks but I have never thought they were that great. I have said this before, but I wouldn't even have gone to the Universal resort again for many years if it wasn't for Harry Potter when I was there In October.


Regarding Mythos, I ate there maybe 5-6 years ago and thought it was just ok. I felt the same way about Enchanted Oak. However, a group of us ate at the 3 Broomsticks and we all thought it was excellent. I liked the food and Butterbeer and I was able to walk the 50 feet to the next land and fill my Butterbeer mug up with Diet Coke for 99 cents.


It's pretty tough for me to leave WDW as well, but I will have to go once to check it out. I love all sodas, so I will defintely have to try the Butterbeer, but it's good to know that they have Diet Coke (I still cringe when I think of Coke Light) really close to wash it down if it's gross.


When I went to Mythos about 9 years ago they had the best Cedar Plank Salmon I have ever had. I went back two years ago and the restaurant was still incredible, but the salmon was gone

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Thats the 'ok' thing about mythos and its food.. They don't really need to attach food to the HP mythology, since there seems to be a revolving door on the menu. If anything, whenever they change something they can give it a new 'HP-esque' name to try to draw more people to eat there.


I'm sure we'll probably see they will keep what they're doing food wise in Mythos, alter the facade a little (or a ton, depending), put a new ride in Posideon, a HP themed show in the Theatre, and they'll be good to go... As much as some of us might not like it.

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Thats the 'ok' thing about mythos and its food.. They don't really need to attach food to the HP mythology, since there seems to be a revolving door on the menu. If anything, whenever they change something they can give it a new 'HP-esque' name to try to draw more people to eat there.


Fine in theory, but JK Rowling would not approve.

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The issue with Mythos is that is used to have a really varied menu, and had a lot of stuff that you'd never see at an in-park restaurant (outside of Disney, of course). About five years ago or so, they totally "dumbed down" the menu, taking away a lot of really interesting choices (the cedar plank salmon, balsamic chicken, all of their amazing desserts) and made the food a lot more "standard". It's still good, but NOTHING like it used to be. I've admitted this in the past, and will admit it again, that I am a total food snob, and I realize that my food tastes and what I consider "good" usually are not going to match up with a lot of people, especially amusement park patrons. But I personally always like to see a place that's trying something different than the usual park fare.


I could see it possibly being re-themed into some sort of Potter restaurant if they expanded into the area, but it would be nothing like it is now. Rowling would not allow it.



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Back in July, I rode the Hollywood Rip, Ride & Rockit. The verdict: it was okay. There was one blaring problem, it was bumpy. Sure, the ride had a lot of positive qualities, but they were all overshadowed by the fact that i was in a human blender for the duration of the ride.

6 months and a killer refurb later...


I just got back from Universal, as in today. I just could not wait to write about this. My sister and I have year passes (living in FL), and my brother had a three day pass. We had been to Universal twice already and both times the Rockit was closed.


My brother was sorely disappointed since he had never ridden before. So when the news got out that the Rockit had opened again, we planned a trip for his last chance to ride the ride.


I had not heard a single word about the result of this "seasonal maintenance", but I sure felt it. Six months ago, two rides on the Rockit would have left me with a killer migraine. Today, we rode it FIVE TIMES. Now, it was not as smooth as a baby's bottom, but it was much, much more enjoyable. All trace of unbearable roughness was gone.


This showed me the good parts about this amazing ride...a killer soundtrack, sensational drops, and more airtime than anyone could know what to do with. It was enough for the Rockit to finally forge ahead of Mummy for me, and that is saying something.


I was curious as to how this was accomplished, so I took a closer look. It seems as if (though I am no coaster pro.) the wheel structure had been rebuilt. Again, I am not sure of this but that is what I think occured during that downtime. I know it seems short for a car revamp, but I don't know what else could have caused it.


What do you all think?

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We also experienced vastly improved rides when we visited over Thanksgiving immediately after the rehab. Air was plentiful, particularly in the first and last two rows. Not El Toro ejector, but far better than anything in the air-deprived west.

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