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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Maybe. But Dragons' load station queue already kind of looked like a big tent. Replace the old spell book with this goblet thing, and voila!


I think we're either in for a complete overhaul of the queue (mainly because Express access has always sucked) or just a few subtle changes like you said.


Obviously Merlin's Spellbook will be the Goblet, that's just too perfect and easy to change.


Hopefully they'll actually use the preshow room now. Just replace Merlin with Dumbledore and a new video.. (the Dragons one was one of the coolest videos at the park! I think I might still have it memorized from standing there for hours.. and hours)


Also, towards the station there was "Merlins Final Warning" with the skull and the spiderwebby thing. Apparently original plans called for that to have some kind of projection system. That's why the room is circular shaped with the random empty area. So they could utilize that.


I hope whatever they do they dont completely trash all of the old stuff! I miss the dragons already!


My biggest question is if they are going to repaint the track.

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But what happens when they stop making movies? They have already stopped making books. I wouldn't consider harry potter to be a classic.


I don't know, look at Star Wars. They made the last of the original Star Wars trilogy in 1983. Star Tours debuted in 1987. The Star Wars brand was still extremely popular by the time the prequels came out in 1999, and is still extremely popular today.


Or Indiana Jones, which is a series FAR LESS popular than either Star Wars or Harry Potter. Last movie came out in 1989, ride came out in 1995. It still gets some of the longest waits at Disneyland.

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^ Exactly.


And furthermore, specifically in regards to Universal Orlando, when was the last:


- Jurassic Park?

- Men in Black?

- Shrek?

- Twister?

- Mummy?

- Jaws???



Seriously, the parks are doing just fine with what they have, and have made an excellent choice with Harry Potter.


As you mentioned, the Potter books came first, and will be passed down through generations. It tends to get lost or forgotten, but the fact that this series of books helped revive childrens interest in......*gasp*....READING, says quite a lot. I think that alone is worthy of "classic" status.


And again, if anyone still questions how long the park is willing to stretch a character's or franchise's popularity out, take a stroll through Toon Lagoon.

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My brother was just in Orlando but sadly only went to all the Disney parks. I told him he should go to Universal to give me updates for everyone but he never made it. Sorry, anyways I really can't wait to see some more updates and in previous pictures it looked like the castle has been getting a lot of attention.

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Thinking about it, I can't see why (unfortunately) they would need a castle themed queue for Dragons.


They already got their main castle with Hogwarts, and I don't recall any others in the book. Unless Hogwarts is close enough to Dragons so the queue looks like an extension off of it, I can see why they'd change it to the Champion's tent.

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My brother was just in Orlando but sadly only went to all the Disney parks. I told him he should go to Universal to give me updates for everyone but he never made it. Sorry, anyways I really can't wait to see some more updates and in previous pictures it looked like the castle has been getting a lot of attention.


I go to Universal about every other week and to be honest there really isn't very much *visible*noteworthy progress that occurs on the WWoHP. I always bring a camera with me just in case but it's never very exciting. However if you guys want some construction updates just let me know.

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^ Exactly.


And furthermore, specifically in regards to Universal Orlando, when was the last:


- Jurassic Park?

- Men in Black?

- Shrek?

- Twister?

- Mummy?

- Jaws???



Seriously, the parks are doing just fine with what they have, and have made an excellent choice with Harry Potter.


As you mentioned, the Potter books came first, and will be passed down through generations. It tends to get lost or forgotten, but the fact that this series of books helped revive childrens interest in......*gasp*....READING, says quite a lot. I think that alone is worthy of "classic" status.


And again, if anyone still questions how long the park is willing to stretch a character's or franchise's popularity out, take a stroll through Toon Lagoon.


Very good point! I fully believe that the HP series will be in pop culture for a long time to come. And even if it's not, WWoHP will do fine, lust like all the lands/rides that have ties to the movies you mentioned.

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And furthermore, specifically in regards to Universal Orlando, when was the last:


- Jurassic Park?

- Men in Black?

- Shrek?

- Twister?

- Mummy?

- Jaws???


And again, if anyone still questions how long the park is willing to stretch a character's or franchise's popularity out, take a stroll through Toon Lagoon.

Not to undermine your point (because I absolutely agree with it), but Mummy was '08 and the next Shrek will be next year.


But those notwithstanding, I agree that there should be no worries for Harry & Co. Not only are they much more recognizable than many of those listed (especially those in Toon Lagoon nowadays), but IoA is putting much, much more into this land than any of those other attractions. So even if the name did somehow fade (though it won't), I would imagine the atmosphere there would still be just as strong without the immediate brand tie-in. They aren't going to lose with this.

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Not to undermine your point (because I absolutely agree with it), but Mummy was '08 and the next Shrek will be next year.


Don't forget Jurassic Park 4 that assigned script writers in 2004, and had 2009 as a target year for release, only to have plans shelved shortly after Michael Chricton's death.


As for Harry, I don't think there'll be any problems with the brand and time until 2020 or later. The books are going to be a school mainstay for the careers of some teachers who are today in the beginnings of their respective careers. Avid Potter readers are most certainly going to pass Harry down to their kids. Harry might not be in theatres, or have new adventures being constantly written, but there's more than enough material there to fuel a brand at least through the 2010's. Brand awareness isn't something that Harry Potter will have to worry about for the depreciative life of these new buildings at the very least.


If anyone thinks going 10 years or more without a change to an attraction is going to be a problem, there are already plenty of Orlando attractions that have already gone that long without a major change with no changes on the horizon.


This looks like it will do exactly what USO wants it to do. That said, I will most certainly miss Lost Continent's original themeing, especially all that awesome themeing inside Dueling Dragons. We may never see that much effort put into an original non-movie based theme for a major theme park attraction again.

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I am really excited for this and only get more excited as more information comes out! I love the part about the Hippogriff ride. Wouldn't it be really cool if they actually made everyone bow at the coaster before you got on?


I probably wouldn't have come back to Universal on one of my Orlando trips for quite a few years but some friends and I are already planning a late 2010 or early 2011 trip to see all the new Harry Potter stuff.

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I am really excited for this and only get more excited as more information comes out! I love the part about the Hippogriff ride. Wouldn't it be really cool if they actually made everyone bow at the coaster before you got on?


That certainly seems to be what they're implying. Would it be wishful thinking to hope for an animatronic Hippogriff on every car?

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But what happens when they stop making movies? They have already stopped making books. I wouldn't consider harry potter to be a classic.


I don't know, look at Star Wars. They made the last of the original Star Wars trilogy in 1983. Star Tours debuted in 1987. The Star Wars brand was still extremely popular by the time the prequels came out in 1999, and is still extremely popular today.


Or Indiana Jones, which is a series FAR LESS popular than either Star Wars or Harry Potter. Last movie came out in 1989, ride came out in 1995. It still gets some of the longest waits at Disneyland.

Indiana Jones is a perfect example of how a high quality attraction will continue to be popular regardless of the popularity of the film/book it was based off of. With Harry Potter and the new land at IOA, I think this will be the case as well. Not to say that Potter isn't popular, but that even if he wasn't in 20 years, the quality of what is being built will be able to stand on its own for future generations.

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• The Flight of the Hippogriff ride (family friendly coaster) will center around The Care of Magical Creatures Class. Hagrid will give instructions on how to properly behave and approach a hippogriff. You’ll need to keep eye contact, bow and it will bow back. Then you can get on the ride.


I can see it now:

Dad-"Ok, Timmy; bow to the hippogriff so we can get on the ride."

Son-"Aww, that's lame. Do I have to?"

random 40-year-old guy-"Hey, kid. Hurry up and do it. You're holding up the line!"

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^^I remember something about guests having to recite some "enchanted phrase" to get The Flying Unicorn moving... It may have just been the ride ops trying to pump up the guests, but whatever the case, the bowing seems to be another gimmick to make the re-theme seem to be more than what it really is.

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Just to go off topic for a moment, did anyone else get the new survey from Universal Orlando about upcoming rides.


Transformers, Indinia Jones, Battlestar, The Simpsons, Harry Potter and a new Spiderman.


There was also questions about a third park.

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I haven't taken that survey yet, but I have received it.


^The latest Indiana Jones movie came out in 2008 and was the highest grossing film worldwide. (It was #2 in the USA, but adding in the whole world made it #1) The next Indiana Jones film seems to be on track for 2011 or 2012.


I believe the contract for HP at IOA is for 20 years, with 2 optional 10 year renewals.


As for the book series... J. K. Rowlings has publicly stated both "Never say never again." and that she can't read any fan fiction because of legal reasons. The legal reason is for protection... if she writes another book series in the HP universe, she can't be sued for stealing someone's idea if she can show she never read what they wrote. Most pro writers do this for their own protection... but the interesting thing is that she feels this way. I don't think she's done with the HP universe, not by a long shot.


WWOHP looks really interesting, but I'm wondering where the interactive elements are going in. The Universal/Magiquest license deal is all but publically confirmed, but very little has been heard about it. I'm surprised that we haven't seen some evidence of their animatronics being installed yet.



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