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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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^^ Wonder if the songs on their playlist are the songs that will be on the ride.

From the site under the jam tab

Check back often to discover which artist's you can rock out to on this ride!

Once I get down to Florida I can't wait to ride this, especially with some awesome electronica music blasting!

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Following up on the news that the top of the lift had been removed, I made my way over to Universal once more to grab some photos (and meet up with a good friend). Here is what I've got from today...









And the rest is just an update of the newly stocked merchandise for Rip, Ride, Rockit, already on sale in the Music Plaza gift shop.


A better look at the previous...


The top brake run was being inspected today. (Notice the unpainted walkway extending from the staircase--that was added later.)


The station has received a new mesh fence suspended from the roof, presumably to prevent guests from tossing anything towards the trains and guests while they are on the lift.


Work continues on the station amidst, including the addition of theming to the queue area.


Not only is the top of the lift missing, but now, the entire lift track itself is gone.

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I love that song...


Back on topic while searching for some HRRRRRR footage, I found an official non-animation POV of the ride with one of the songs that will be on the ride! It was apparently recorded before the track removal...


MOD EDIT: Link removed, please stay on track and do not post seedy stuff like this. For those that missed it, it was a link with a ton of pop-ups, not a link to a POV.



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Some new info has been posted to IOACentral.com's boards from Noelno, a construction worker on the project.


So far i don't really see anything going on with the firehouse but im sure some kind of lighting will go in thre even though a mee fog system would be cool. As far as the lift coming down goes, i don't know why Universal decided to change anti-rollback systems like they did but the lift coming down is not really a bad thing. Think of it this way, by going ahead and finishing the track we were able to test the lift, brake stations, not to mention make sure the vehicle even made it around the track. If Universal had waited for the new rollback pieces to put the lift track in then all those tests would still need to be done.

I wish Universal would have went with B&M but apparently when this project began B&M had a 5-year waiting list. Anyway, if Universal would have waited for B&M then we probably would not have a new coaster because the economy went to crap.

Oh, here are a couple more pics.


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^Why is that link affiliated with Hack Mail? Thats not a good sign...


Honestly I have no idea. The Hack Mail site seems a bit... seedy now that you mention it.


I'm keeping it there for the Rick Roll (yeah I ruined the surprise), but if anybody has a problem with the link, I'll be glad to remove it.

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^^So according to that guy, HRRR was supposed to be made by B&M?

Also they took the lift down to change the anti-rollback system?


I've been rick rolled 3 times in this darn thread As my friend suggested, I don't scroll over the link to see the actual address. I always fall for them.

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Early rumors suggested an actual clone of Hollywood Dream, but I don't know how legitimate they were. I'm also not sure how that would work, considering Terminator takes up the space HD would otherwise occupy.

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^^^ I wouldn't say that HRRR was supposed to be a B&M coaster.


When I interviewed the Creative Director Louis Alfieri he said that they went with Maurer Sohne because of the X-Car. It allows them to do some of those one of a kind inversions that he said wouldn't be possible with a longer B&M train. He gave props to B&M mentioning that of course the company has several and he worked on Hollywood Dream, but they set out to do some new maneuvers that hadn't been done before and the X-Car proved the most capable.

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I'm really hoping that all the MCBRs placed throughout the ride don't screw up the ride's pacing as it shows in the POV.


I was kind of wondering the same thing. When I asked Alfieri about this he said that the layout was designed in a way to provide some air time after you drop out of those brake runs.

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^I think that's a bit dramatic. Plenty of rides rust like that before getting a new paint job and they're fine. Rust isn't something that necessarily equals serious problems, if any problems at all. The rust is clearly surface rust that will easily be taken care of when they refinish the ride which will most likely happen before HP opens.

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