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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I think there are a lot of neat things they could do with the queue, and even something as simple as a dance club atmosphere would fit in perfectly with the theme.


This ride looks really neat, and while I can't say it will climb to the top of everyone's respective top tens, it is something different that will surely please those lucky enough to ride it.


Jake "So where is USH's coaster?" Sundstrom

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^^^I respect your opinion, but there's no reason MCBR=trimmed. A ride with one MCBR could be trimmed significantly more than one with ten MCBRs. It all just depends on the amount the brakes touch the train (if any at all). It's fully possible the ride won't lose a single mph throughout the course due to the MCBRs. And even if they do trim it, it's still possible the pacing will be fine. One example I can use of this is on Raptor at Cedar Point. The MCBR does slow it slightly, but the turn after the MCBR and the final two corkscrews, helix, and turn into the station are all just as intense as the rest of the ride. It all just depends on how it's designed, and none of us will really know this until we ride it.

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To counter your example, take Mean Streak, a roller coaster at the same park. From what I understand, it used to be one hell of a woodie when it first opened, but when I got to ride it, the various sections of trim brakes completely ruined the ride, its speed, and its intensity. There were trim brakes going down the first drop!


Generally speaking, however, trim brakes and MCBRs do take away from some speed. I am aware that this is most likely to keep the intensity level down (Universal is a family park, after all), but us thrillseekers might not find it as good of a ride...oh well.


EDIT: Vondroff, what else are we supposed to do while we wait for the ride to be completed? (;

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Universal will make changes to concept art or animation if they decide to scrap something.


The rings are in the concept art, the rings are in the revised concept art, and the rings are in the POV video released days ago.


I think there's still going to be some rings.

It's just a finishing touch.


As for the ride, I don't think that it will be the greatest coaster ever, but it has some really cool stuff that I want to experience.

I'm not going to deem this coaster as cursed and I'm not going to say that it won't open on time. All I'm going to say is that I will be patient and ride it when it opens.

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I would prefer that they add the rings back onto the lift. The POV animation made them look like an awesome effect. I have no idea what the official word is, though.


I have to agree that they look like an awesome effect, I cant wait to ride this ride when I head back to Florida.

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From what I've heard..the rings will be part of the ride. There's been no mention of them being removed cause of time constraints or budget. The only things that were originally cut from this project was the LCD screen that was supposed to adorn the side of the lift and the "Hollywood" letters seen in the first piece of concept art.

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LoL Watermelon. We say it.. but it never really works all that well.


I figured I'd try it here...it kind of worked


Ya I too hope the rings as well, albeit a small addition, it does seem to add something to it...like being a rockstar walking out from the backstage area to take centre stage in front of a huge crowd...

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I don't know if it is a rumor or if it is true.

So I ask it in this topic and not the rumor thread.


Some time ago i found a message on the internet about HRRR getting a special Citywalk entrance, near the Blue Man Group building.

This special entrance could be used by people to ride HRRR after Universal Studios was closed for the day.


I really hope this is true, because I really want to ride this rollercoaster as many times as possible when i'm in Orlando this September.

And Universal Studios closes at 6pm in September, so i could really use those extra hours.

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Yes, a Citywalk entrance is planned, but it has been planned for some time in the future. The infrastructure was installed to support it during construction. It should happen eventually, but it's hard to say when.


The other coasters don't run late due to noise. This one has already tested to be quiet enough that, for now, running late is not an issue. Of course, time will tell.

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hey guys, i was on screamscape.com, and he pointed out that Universal has updated the HRRR website. there is a spot to check out the new trains! and it may be a surpise to some people, but the "lump" on the lap bar is not the camera, but in fact the interface to choose the song you want to rock to while riding! The cameras are actually on the back of the headrest from the seat ahead. Now for the front row, I'm not sure, b/c they didn't mention what they did for the front row. Check it out! http://www.hollywoodripriderockit.com/#/the-ride/vehicle

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I went back once more to Universal, this time with family, so I had the chance to grab a few more photos of Rockit. I was pleasantly surprised to find that construction on the lift has resumed, picking up at a rapid pace to reinstall the formerly removed lift track. I got the park around opening and half of the lift had already been put back into place, and by the time I left, one of the last vertical pieces was being lifted for installation.


Nothing new here.


Prepare for the rise of the arches!


This lonely worker was inspecting the newly installed lift track for a good twenty minutes.


I figure it'll be done by the end of the day, or at the latest, early tomorrow.


Arch junkies will love this ride.


That was fast!


Work continues on the station and the surrounding ride track.


I think I ever posted a photo of this view, so here you go!


This is some serious deja vu...

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I went back once more to Universal, this time with family, so I had the chance to grab a few more photos of Potter... Not too much has been done, but the work over the last week is still significant. More steel has gone up in what will be Hogsmeade, but The Flying Unicorn and Hagrid's Hut remain untouched.


More set pieces for Hogsmeade are sitting at Nassal and even more metal framing for the village (and Hogwarts) is sitting in the vacant lot awaiting transportation.


Lots of steel fills in the gaps from last week.


Untouched. Unchanged. Unimportant.


The building on the left has received new metal framing to support its roof.

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