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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I just came back from my trip to universal on Monday....There was no testing but i saw a few workers painting and doing some ground work...The Hulk was a 40 min wait as were most rides in the park...I could not ride due to back problem...This is the one thing i miss is riding coasters...We may go back in August...Thats when our season passes are up...Next yr it will be Disney...

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With regards to the Mirror Article, he doesn't actually imply that he, or anyone else, has ridden it.


He states he has sat in the seat - nothing remarkable or unbelievable about that. He then goes to describe what the coaster will be like.


It's 'cleverly' (I use the term loosely) written to read like he has, to the passing eye, but makes no actual claim to have done so.



Additionally, the UK market is indeed very important to the Florida Parks - and USO in particular seems to be putting a lot into extra marketing.

As a travel agent, my Mother was 'sent to' USO for one of these behind the scenes tours of all the parks (included sea world as I recall) in November. The aim was for them to go back and 'sell' the destination to the customers back in the UK.

She left a couple of weeks later

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-Anyways whats the real definition of a soft opening i never knew what I meant?


It's basically a testing period where the general public is substituted for the test dummies. The ride is open, but it may not be running all effects and it can be shut down at any time.

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Another article, basically confirming the rings will still be there and there could be 5 trains on the track at once.


Even though most aesthetics look done, the rings still have to be done and 3 trains at least tested. Think end of July/beginning of August looks more likely, with soft opening beginning July at earliest.

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This better be open by early july or at least soft openings ^^^^.

But I honestly don't think it should take that much longer like I'd give it one week with putting the rings up and another week with testing and one last one for double checking things.

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^20th of june??? probably not a soft opening...according to what some people are saying here. but I think they should. I mean, look how quickly manta had its soft opening after it started testing, less than 2 weeks later, so there still is hope! so good luck to you, and if no softy, then good luck with a hard hat tour!!!

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