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What Ride makes you Nervous the Most?

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The drop tower seems to be the trend here... I used to hate them but after riding The Giant Drop, I realised it's a feeling you have to get used to; the whole bloodrushing to the head/loosing the stomach/gravity pulling/intense feeling dropping 390 ft thing. by the second ride my arms were flailing about as we were dropping!

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Big drop towers. The pants always get a good filling in queues for them. Scream! at Heide Park had a nice 50 min queue, which gave me a massive dose of nerves when it came to actually sitting in the seat and then getting to the top. It seems higher of course, as its built on the side of a hill. I love the thrill I get from the fear though, so i'll keep going back for more.

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For me it's any ride with a 90 degree drop, such as a free fall (or a B&M Dive Machine/vertical Intamin Rocket if we're talking roller coasters).


Out of all the coasters I've ridden, I was definitely the most nervous on Xcelerator. When the 0-82mph in 2.3 seconds launch hit me, I was like, :o :shock: . And then the vertical 200 foot drop out of the Top Hat...I was shaking from head to toe for like half an hour after riding Xcelerator.


TTD or Kingda Ka would be out of the question for me...for now, at least.


Super "Hope that's not too humiliating" Dasher

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I think I would be nervous before riding Kingda Ka. I mean the top is so high.




I screamed like Ned Flanders the whole way up Xcellerator.


The point in Xcelerator when I stopped worrying about how fast we launched and started worrying whether we launced fast enough...

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S&S Shot towers. I go on them so many times, but it's the anticipation that gets me!


No kidding. I am actually more scared during the wait time with the little bounce. The actual ride is basically a fast elevator ride.


Hellevator at Playland 202 foot S&S

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SOB. I'm always afraid it's going to collapse and/or the trains break into bits.


Oh yeah, lapbar failure always scares me on SOB too, they seem so flimsy...


Skycoasters... I hate them. I rode PKI's ONCE, and almost had a heart attack climbing the lift tower. And I still haven't worked up the courage to ride a Slingshot.

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S&S Shot towers. I go on them so many times, but it's the anticipation that gets me!


Yeah.... actually, the only one of those I've been on is on top of the Stratosphere in Vegas. You wanna talk S&S shot towers times infinity.... especially when they lift you up a little before it shoots. You have NO idea when the op is going to hit that button... I've been on the Big Shot about six times, and every time, I still scream when they shoot us up.


What a rush. :shock:






PS: I'm still trying to work up the courage (and money) to do a Skycoaster. X was bad enough, but those look worse.

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Yeah.... actually, the only one of those I've been on is on top of the Stratosphere in Vegas. You wanna talk S&S shot towers times infinity.... especially when they lift you up a little before it shoots. You have NO idea when the op is going to hit that button... I've been on the Big Shot about six times, and every time, I still scream when they shoot us up.



Just went back to the Strat last week, after 4 years. Despite much trepidation, I found X-Scream exhilirating rather than terrifying...but then, I think we didn't get the max-out program other riders did. And Insanity was more an "I can't believe I'm whirling around 1000 feet in the air" experience than a major scare. But Big Shot still packs a punch; my partner said it was his fave of the three, and I'd just about agree.

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Either Mummy at Orlando (I had to ride it 6 times before I "officially" rode it with my eyes open then whole time) and TTD... there's nothing like sitting front row, first train to run after being closed for 5 days, watching none of the test trains clear the hill, being pulled out, looking at that hill, and WAITING for those goddamn lights to turn... AHHHHHH!!!!

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