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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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  TJ27 said:
My friend I were discussing which park is better Knott's or SFMM and he said Knott's is better because every ride is faster.I ask him how fast the fastest coaster at Knott's goes and he says Xcleleator goes 85. Then I ask him what is the fastest coaster at SFMM and he says "The Termination Salvation Ride" I then told him that SEFK has reached 104 mph and APOCALYPSE goes 50 mph. He then told me that his brother who works at the park was the first one to ride SEFK in SEPTEMBER 2009 and some one died because it went too fast so they made SEFK go 40mph and the only reason it makes it to the top of the tower is because the use a chain to pull it up. To prove to him wrong I show him rcdb and he said that SFMM pays RCDB to put false statistics on their site so people will go to SFMM


That was painful to read!

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I just remembered one from a while ago...


Back in 2007, my local fair had a wild mouse in the midway, and there first "non-wacky worm" coaster in years. So my one of friends said-

"I don't want to go on that ride, it may stop in the middle!"


Friend-"The motor in the car might brake!"

Me-"Roller Coasters run on gravity dude, there no motor in the car"

Friend-"No, I saw them turn off the car so they can do inspections!"

Me-"What ever"


I know that its common for GP not to know some things, but come on, most of the GP can get that one right.

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  TJ27 said:
My friend I were discussing which park is better Knott's or SFMM and he said Knott's is better because every ride is faster.I ask him how fast the fastest coaster at Knott's goes and he says Xcleleator goes 85. Then I ask him what is the fastest coaster at SFMM and he says "The Termination Salvation Ride" I then told him that SEFK has reached 104 mph and APOCALYPSE goes 50 mph. He then told me that his brother who works at the park was the first one to ride SEFK in SEPTEMBER 2009 and some one died because it went too fast so they made SEFK go 40mph and the only reason it makes it to the top of the tower is because the use a chain to pull it up. To prove to him wrong I show him rcdb and he said that SFMM pays RCDB to put false statistics on their site so people will go to SFMM

Wow! I'm not sure what's more shocking, the fact that I know who said this or that you were considering to take him to WCB 2012.

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We just left SFMM and we saw a sign with X2 on it. So, my brother asked me what coaster it was and i said it was X2. He says that he thought that X2 had red restraints instead if orange ones. A couple days later, i had to explain to him in front of our mom that CGA and Knott's were owned by Cedar Fair instead of Paramount.

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While waiting for one of my Beast rides yesterday I was standing in front of a group of girls. During the spiel they say "Enjoy your ride on the world's longest wooden roller coaster" and one of the girls says "There's a coaster in Texas that's 5 minutes long."


I had to think for a second. They decided to ask the ride op how long the coaster is, time wise.


Then the same girl raved about The Rattler. I shuddered.

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Any else watch 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show last week? One of the placing questions was "How fast is the fastest roller coaster in the world?"


The closest guy said 138, which really wasn't bad. The lowest guess was 100 and the second-lowest was 108 or something.


Honestly, I expected the guesses to be a lot worse, but I still am surprised that a lot of people don't know that coasters can go faster than 100, or the other extreme when I hear people thinking they go way faster than they actually do.

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  VinTheAttendant said:
^I missed that episode. Did they actually use Formula Rossa's speed or did they forget that coasters exist outside the US (so many people still think Kingda Ka is the fastest coaster)

I know people who say that Volcano is the fastest coaster. Not even kidding.

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The people in this video just said the stupidest things. If i were ever interviewed by them about a new attraction. I would actually say something that sounded well thought-out.


P.S.: I'm not super annoyed by the dumb thing the GP say. But, i still find this thread entertaining. What really irks me is when they act like they're above everyone else and break the rules. I am not a hypocrite, and therefore do not want to seem like one.

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It's funny that at Action Theater @ CGA, a 3D Theater. I was at the top level and looked down at a couple pairs of 3D glasses. Who would be stupid enough to throw their 3D glasses? I mean they would have to see the ride in 2D.

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^Maybe they wanted to see double vision?


I heard a good one today at my niece's softball tournament. I was showing my 4-year-old niece CGA and the Drop Tower. Afterwards my niece's team mates came by and were looking and asking me if I've been on "The Drop Zone." I told them that it was my favorite ride there when they then told me that their mom went on it when she was 4. I don't even think the ride even existed when her parent was 4...lol...Shoot, I don't think the park even existed or maybe it just opened its doors.

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  XYZ said:
It's funny that at Action Theater @ CGA, a 3D Theater. I was at the top level and looked down at a couple pairs of 3D glasses. Who would be stupid enough to throw their 3D glasses? I mean they would have to see the ride in 2D.


They could have thrown them after the movie was over...

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  deathbydinn said:
  XYZ said:
It's funny that at Action Theater @ CGA, a 3D Theater. I was at the top level and looked down at a couple pairs of 3D glasses. Who would be stupid enough to throw their 3D glasses? I mean they would have to see the ride in 2D.


They could have thrown them after the movie was over...


It was before the ride in the queue after they give you the 3D glasses.

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  XYZ said:
A few years ago I heard a lady say that they're taking down Flight Deck because it's sinking into the lake. Must've delayed the removal.


I remember joking with my cousin about the "Sinking helix" last season after we had some good rain. The pond water level was slightly higher than normal so the footers were pretty much submerged. I then told her "OMG Flight Deck's Sinking!" Yea, I remember that rumor, as well as hearing about the so-called haunted areas of the park (such as the haunted Pictorium). This then triggered me to come up with very bad names for the rides: "Inverti-Ghost" and "Top Gun: The Jet Ghoster." I even included a photoshopped ghost grabbing his hat from the Flight Deck area.

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