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Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (SFDK) Discussion Thread

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I'm so very pleased with this design! There's so many airtime hills, and that drop looks insane! After riding OR, and TC, Im sure that these inversions will be some of the best out there!


The way I see it, Roar's footprint is really just a lot of turns without many straights sections, yet they've really managed to squeeze as many airtime moments into it as possible! I think it's the best I could've hoped for with what Roar was. And if those straight hills are sustained ejector (like the blue side under the stall of TC), then it could very well be in my top 3. We shall wait and see!!! I'm very excited to have this so close to me!

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Discovery Kingdom wins for best Six Flags addition in 2016, though the New Revolution announcement for Magic Mountain is really cool too.


  dannyboy13 said:
Can I start the petition now for an S&S Free Fly Spin replacing boomerang in a few years?


Just kidding, Joker is all I can focus on today


If it is to replace Kong I am all for it and will be the first person to sign that petition.

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I've heard EGF's curved drop is packed with airtime so if The Joker's drop is anything like that, it will be awesome.


As for making fun of the first element's name (I admit it doesn't exactly roll of the toungue ), coasters (especially RMC's) are getting such psychotic elements that I think designers are starting to run out of ideas on naming them. I mean, we went from just going up in a circle (loop) to rising and turning in the direction opposite to the roll. Try to come up with a name for that!

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  canadianparkfan said:
every curved drop I've done is pretty weak in the airtime department.



If you look closely, the upper half is a straight drop. It doesn't start to bank until past halfway down, so the air should be sustained as long as it would be on a fully straight drop.

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  Mater said:
  canadianparkfan said:
every curved drop I've done is pretty weak in the airtime department.



If you look closely, the upper half is a straight drop. It doesn't start to bank until past halfway down, so the air should be sustained as long as it would be on a fully straight drop.


If I want airtime on the first drop at SF:DK, I'll get on the back row of Medusa. But RMC always sounded good at trying to maximize ejector airtime.

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This looks like another RMC winner! This cannot be good for or make GCI happy though when one of their coasters gets redone just 16 years after being built and by one of their competitors who is probably the hottest coaster manufacturer out there right now.

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Just me, or does this look like the most reused structure on an RMC? Other than the second half being kind of reversed, they basically are using the entire ride all over. I'm so used to them cutting out major sections that this really gets me excited for this one.


This may have been discussed already, but anyone else notice that it looks like they pushed the start of the lift back and made it a steeper incline? This could just be the animation being a little off... but having ridden roar probably more that 1000 times over the years, it's definitely noticeable to me.

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^I think the taller, slightly steeper lift is how they managed to keep most of the first drop on the same route as Roar's. It's a much steeper drop and tighter curve, but it behind its descent a tad later making the path about where it was. It's a smart way to work with the structure and the airtime in the back row on the drop looks absolutely ridiculous because the apex is so tight.

Maybe it's just me but this looks like the most appealing of the smaller I-box conversions so far (the larger ones being the Texas projects).

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the park i'm going to miss is the "tunnel" and the banking turn that gets you close to the outside of roar's exit, where you can wave or yell at people waiting by the exit. Doesn't look like Joker has either, other then the first section being close to the security gates.


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  Fire2box said:
the park i'm going to miss is the "tunnel" and the banking turn that gets you close to the outside of roar's exit, where you can wave or yell at people waiting by the exit. Doesn't look like Joker has either, other then the first section being close to the security gates.



You mean the shed?

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