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La Ronde Discussion Thread

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  booink said:
  Vonni said:
There is a rumor on Screamscape that La Ronde may remove Super Manege (apologies if I spelled that wrong) at the end of the Summer. If that turns out to be true, hopefully it is a sign that La Ronde will receive SFMM's Green Lantern rather than SFStL lol!

I hope the rumor is true, IMO The Super Manege isn't the worst coaster in the park considering how much Le Monstre sucks with its PTC trains, but its area looks very depressing and the coaster itself is in a desperate need of a coat of paint, which I think will never happen. Considering La Ronde improved the surroundings of every new ride they added in the recent years, a new attraction replacing this coaster - whatever it is - plus a bit of new concrete and paint would be great.


  Jason Maier said:
Any reason why Six Flags never attached a Hurricane Harbor waterpark to La Ronde? Lack of


There used to be a waterpark at La Ronde in the 90's (before Six Flags bought the park), but it has been gone for more than 20 years. I'm not sure why it was removed (a little bit of research would probably give you the answer) but I would guess the venture wasn't worth it considering there are at least 3 other water parks within a 1 hour drive from La Ronde.







Did the water park occupy the land that Le Vampire and (formerly) Cobra are on?

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  Vonni said:
  booink said:
  Vonni said:
There is a rumor on Screamscape that La Ronde may remove Super Manege (apologies if I spelled that wrong) at the end of the Summer. If that turns out to be true, hopefully it is a sign that La Ronde will receive SFMM's Green Lantern rather than SFStL lol!

I hope the rumor is true, IMO The Super Manege isn't the worst coaster in the park considering how much Le Monstre sucks with its PTC trains, but its area looks very depressing and the coaster itself is in a desperate need of a coat of paint, which I think will never happen. Considering La Ronde improved the surroundings of every new ride they added in the recent years, a new attraction replacing this coaster - whatever it is - plus a bit of new concrete and paint would be great.


  Jason Maier said:
Any reason why Six Flags never attached a Hurricane Harbor waterpark to La Ronde? Lack of


There used to be a waterpark at La Ronde in the 90's (before Six Flags bought the park), but it has been gone for more than 20 years. I'm not sure why it was removed (a little bit of research would probably give you the answer) but I would guess the venture wasn't worth it considering there are at least 3 other water parks within a 1 hour drive from La Ronde.







Did the water park occupy the land that Le Vampire and (formerly) Cobra are on?

Yes it did

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Honestly, what I'd love to see with this park is a second entrance over at the tail end of where Cobra was, maybe a separate entrance for season pass holders. Then at the far end of the space have some eye catching flat ride, maybe a Zamperla Endeavor. Then I'd love to see Monster bulldozed. It is a massive coaster that takes up a lot of room that could never be RMC'd. They could use half of the space to build a GCI Woodie and use the other half for future expansion. Then I'd love to see Super Manege removed for whatever, probably Green Lantern, and then new trains on Boomerang and the SLC. I know most of that will probably never happen, but it's just a pipe dream of what I think would make people love that park.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  DarienPoint said:
Super Menege is honestly really fun, rode it this week for the first time and got airtime on the first hill before the two corkscrews!

The airtime on the first drop and on the first hill in the back is stronger than Goliath's lmao

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  DarienPoint said:
It's been confirmed on La Ronde's Instagram that Super Manege is closing August 27th. Ugh, such a good ride.


That's correct! According to a post on Twitter, it will be closing forever on August 27th to make way for the new for 2020 attraction, which will be announced on August 29th. The Super Manège definitely looked to be on its last legs when I had visited the park for the first time in May 2018. I look forward to seeing what takes its place!

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  coasterbill said:
That sounds like a great place to put a used Zacspin.


Lets hope they remove the awful modifications Cal OSHA required for it to run in California. I heard Insane at Grona Lund is pretty good.

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I liked Super Menage. With that portable frame, it had a lot of shock absorption built-in and was much more comfortable than most Vekoma/Arrow corkscrew coasters. Cosmetically, it couldn't have looked worse (when I was there in 2015)... but a lot of stuff at the park didn't look good. Years of cheap paint jobs dont' help. Such a shame as the park seems like it really could be a world-class place under different management/company.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, if this isn't the most "La Ronde" way for a ride to make its final run...




Copy/pasting that French text into Google Translate produces the following:


The iconic Super Ride of La Ronde came to an abrupt end as a passenger's safety harness broke off when one of the trains climbed on Sunday, triggering an emergency stop.


"Safety sensors on the Super Manège stopped the initial climb of the train. All passengers were evacuated from the arena to continue their visit to the park. The safety of our customers is always our top priority and the ride will be closed for a thorough inspection, "Six Flags, which manages the amusement park, emailed the company.


It is on this note that ended the life of this carousel which was at its last weekend of operation after having entered service in 1981.


Culminating at 22.9m, the Super Manège was the first roller coaster with inversion of La Ronde. It reached a maximum speed of 65 km / h.


The new roller coaster that will replace the Super Manège will be unveiled on August 29th.


RIPieces Super Manege


Interesting to note that the article specifically says that it will be replaced by a "roller coaster". I mean, I think most of us feel that this is GL from SFMM, but still interesting that apparently local news has been given the impression it's a coaster as well.

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This is too funny. Imagine if any coaster enthusiasts (although I'm not sure if any really go to La Ronde) were waiting for that mystical final public ride and this happened. They'd all throw a collective fit.


  DILinator said:
Interesting to note that the article specifically says that it will be replaced by a "roller coaster". I mean, I think most of us feel that this is GL from SFMM, but still interesting that apparently local news has been given the impression it's a coaster as well.


Technically they could relocate their new-for-2018 Super Loop to that spot.

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  DILinator said:
The iconic Super Ride of La Ronde came to an abrupt end as a passenger's safety harness broke off when one of the trains climbed on Sunday, triggering an emergency stop.


This has to just be some kind of translation error or fake news right? Like... I know this park is awful but I can't imagine the restraint just broke off.

Edited by coasterbill
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La Ronde, Quebec’s leading destination for thrills and family entertainment, will introduce the first ever free-fly coaster in Canada. Vipère takes coaster riding to the next level, sending riders on a head over heels journey with unexpected drops, vertical free-falls and gravity-defying somersaults. This thrilling ride will give guests the feeling of weightlessness as they soar outside the confines of a traditional track.








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Hope they can restore the ride to how it originally is supposed to be run like its sister, Insane at Gröna Lund.


On a side note, is it me or is Vipère a bit of a weird name for this ride? Literally meaning "Viper" in French, this is supposedly themed after a venomous snake. The name would have been more fitting for a coaster with a longer train to be honest.


Perfect ride for La Ronde though.

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