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Overrated Parks

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Six Flags Great America was only OK, I guess my opinion was based on that they had so many clones that I had been on before - Batman, Superman, Deja Vu, Ragin Cajun, Sprocket Rockets. Or inferior versions of coaster types I have been on elsewhere: Raging Bull (B & M hyper, neutered into absolute impotentency), Vertical Velocity (impulse), Demon (arrow looper), Iron Wolf (stand up, please make it stop).


Probably a much better park if you haven't been to a lot of other parks.


Only commenting on the rides alone, there were some very cool enthusiastic people working there, who were very good to us.

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I guess the biggest letdown for me was dollywood because silver dollar city which owns part of dollywood was great and I thought it would be as good, but when I went there over the summer I thought it wasn't nearly as good mostly because there seemed to be a lot more small details at silver dollar city that makes it pleasurable.

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Any Disney park.


Especially Epcot, one of the worst parks I have ever been to.


Bad rides, hot everywhere with no shade. Bad rides, bad rides.


Even though Cedar Point is my #1 park it is a little overrated by some people.


But to use the argument of it only has a handful of really good coasters is beyond me. While I agree with the statement, I also have yet to find another park with any more than a few "really good" coasters.


I also think it has it's own unique atmosphere just as good as any park.


But if someone can point me to the Universal theme park with 10 world class roller coasters I would love to go.

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Any Disney park.


Especially Epcot, one of the worst parks I have ever been to.


Bad rides, hot everywhere with no shade. Bad rides, bad rides.


You must not be 21. Epcot wasn't made to thrill roller coaster enthusiasts with their rides. I don't think.


I'm going with Cedar Point.


But that doesn't mean I don't like going there.

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Kennywood, no question.


Phantom is too short.


They need another steel coaster besides Phantom and Exterminator.


They don't have any modern woodies, only old, rickety ones.


You can easily do everything at Kennywood on a crowded day and leave moderately early because of boredom.


No good dark rides.


A collection of mediocre flats


Besides the Potato Patch, the food is "meh".

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Kennywood, no question.


Phantom is too short.


They need another steel coaster besides Phantom and Exterminator.


They don't have any modern woodies, only old, rickety ones.


You can easily do everything at Kennywood on a crowded day and leave moderately early because of boredom.


No good dark rides.


A collection of mediocre flats


Besides the Potato Patch, the food is "meh".


I have to Disagree. Phantom is one hell of a ride, the woodies are awesome (especially jack rabbit) The walk through haunted house and the ride one were aweosme, the flats are incredible (I'm talking the caterpillar, kangaroo ride, the wet top spin, and the other stuff. We had an amazing time at Kennywood. So what if Kennywood doesn't have a bunch of rides, the environment is great and that means more to me than hundreds of rides.


Growing up around a corporate park (Dorney) the food is superb, not as good as Knobels but up there.

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But if someone can point me to the Universal theme park with 10 world class roller coasters I would love to go.


Obviously we won't, it's just a matter of what you enjoy. I for one, love Cedar Point. I love the place! But I also much prefer IOA over it. When I go to CP, I go to an amusement park with a ton of fun rides. When I go to IOA, I go to a theme park that transports me to another world and has a handful of awesome rides. What Disney did for me as a little kid, IOA does for me as an adult. The place is so incredibly themed, it's fun just to walk around. Then you throw in the incredibly themed awesome rides like DD, Hulk, and Spiderman and it just tops off the experience. CP and IOA are pretty much completely different kinds of parks in my opinion. It's just all about what you look for I guess.


Anyway, I have to put in another vote for Holiday World. I might have even said something about it earlier in this thread. I'm not sure. It's not that the place isn't good or fun, but enthusiasts just rave about the place and I just don't walk away as impressed as others. Yeah, they've got a nice collection of woodies, the place is generally clean, drinks are free, and it's got a slight small park charm to it. That's about where it ends for me though. The water park would be awesome, but I just get tired of waiting an hour to do every slide, or constantly having people bump into me in the pools. The place has grown to big for it's own good in my opinion. And the ride collection is ok. Nothing really unique or cool.


I'm not saying I don't like the place. I like it a lot, but it's just not what people make it out to be for me. It's kind of lost most of it's uniqueness it might have once had for me.

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I have to Disagree. Phantom is one hell of a ride, the woodies are awesome (especially jack rabbit) The walk through haunted house and the ride one were aweosme, the flats are incredible (I'm talking the caterpillar, kangaroo ride, the wet top spin, and the other stuff. We had an amazing time at Kennywood. So what if Kennywood doesn't have a bunch of rides, the environment is great and that means more to me than hundreds of rides.


Growing up around a corporate park (Dorney) the food is superb, not as good as Knobels but up there.


I don't know, maybe because I've been there so many times, I've "burned it out".


Phantom and Jackrabbit are too short for having to wait so long. Half of their flat rides are for kids, seriously. The Disk-O is probably the most boring and pointless flat ride I have ever been on, besides those in kiddieland. Kangaroo gets old after a while. I have never ridden a Top Spin so I can't comment on that. The only flat rides worth it at KW, in my opinion, are SwingShot and Aero 360.


By the way, Kennywood doesn't have a caterpillar, that would be at Idlewild.


Kennywood has gotten really boring lately because they aren't adding anything, and, like I said, you could get everything done there with hours and hours to spare and be bored out of your mind.

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Just an idea...what if everyone just set their expectations really low for each park that they visit from now on?? Would that mean that every park would rock and then be everyone's favorite???


For example..."I heard that BGE really sucks, so IF I manage to ever go, I am sure that I would just have a miserable time. The ride op's will be horrible, the lines will be too long, the coasters will be lame, and the food will be over-priced and taste like complete garbage!"


Then...you ride Griffon and it blows your f-in mind!!!

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Although I really like Cornball Express, and Steel Hawg is pretty good, Indiana Beach is very overrated IMO. I dont hold small parks to corporate park standards, but this place is ran like crap even for a small "expect to be ran like crap" park. Cornball Express didnt open until like 2pm when I was there (they finally got around to walking the track at around noon) and Steel Hawg didnt open until around 3. Steel Hawg running 2 cars sending one car like every 4 minutes. With the empty seats thats like 8 people every 10 minutes, on their new most popular coaster! Gimme a break. Too many rides opened late/closed early, the employees (especially a few of the managers) were a**hats. Only reason id ever go back is for a new credit if they get one.


Knotts Berry Farm, its overrated even though its not rated very highly Once you ride everything once theres literally nothing to do there other than Xcelerator (which is an awesome coaster when its running). All of the other coasters either completely suck or are boring (or in Ghostriders case might be good one day and beat the living sh*t out of you the next which is why I tended to avoid it).


IMO Lake Compounce is pretty overrated. Its a nice little park but there isnt enough to get me to pay the admission + parking to get me back there. Boulder Dash is really good but not as amazing as everyone cracks it up to be, and other than that nothing special.


Havent heard many positive reviews about Canadas Wonderland but considering I have 14 credits from there and I can only remember the name of a few of them it deserves to be on this list (one of which I only remember the name because it was one of the worst coasters ive ever ridden). The Togo standup was awesome and a nice surprise, Behemoth was good but not great, and all the other coasters flat out suck.

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Cedar Point is a great park, but f*ck the best amusement park in the Entire WORLD.


Those Golden Ticket Awards should say:

Best Amusement Park in the world*


*when it's sunny with a low possibility of rain with Milennium Force not snapping a cable and Dragster not sheering off brake fins and winds are lower than 15 mph and it's warm enough to get a "good" ride on Magnum in the first car, 3rd row, and when Mean Streak gets condemned.

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I used to be picky with parks (hence my post on the previous page ), but I'm not anymore. I like every single park I go to, to be completely honest. I only have around a 3 or 4 month window when I can go to parks, and a good 9 to 10 months where I can't, so i make the most of it when I go to a park, and just enjoy the fact that I'm at a park.

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Hershey really sucked, as did Europa Park. I just couldn't find a way to have fun at either of them which probably sounds crazy as they are two very loved parks on here .


Yeah, I don't get it either. I think Europa is the best park in Europe (including Paris Disney). But to each his own.

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I'm glad I didn't read this thread prior to last week's trip to Hershey and BGE, I might have skipped them or gone in with a bad attitude. The parks were a lot of fun. BGE was as beautiful as advertised with a handful of quality coasters to go with two top-notch dark rides. Hershey didn't have the best coasters ever, but Great Bear, Storm Runner, Fahrenheit and Lightning Racer were nice. I don't regret the trip, that's for certain, but I'm glad we saved Great Adventure for last. El Toro exceeded every high expectation. Kingda Ka wasn't all that.


I have a hard time choosing an overrated park. I'll go with Legoland California. There's no there there unless you're 5 years old. Yawn.

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I just couldn't find a way to have fun at either of them which probably sounds crazy as they are two very loved parks on here.


This is easily one of my most enjoyable quotes I read every now and then from different folks.


I mean, really, you couldn't find a way to have fun? Not an ounce of fun? At all? Really?

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@ Feel the Force:I agree with you in the regard that a park is a park, but I moreso want to point out how parks have this reputation of being great when what the park actually delivers isn't what the hype around it is. Enthusiast hype is one thing, but when you tout about being the best park in the world, I expect your rides to run in light rain...

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Gröna lund! (But Insane was nice tho),

Seriously tho I think there aren't that many great parks as Ive always thought. I mean I don't even think I can name 10 parks in Europe that I consider have a great line up worthy of visiting even tho many have a good coaster or two.


ADMIN EDIT: It's OK to have an opinion. It's not OK to be disrespectful of others. I'll go on the record as someone else who likes Grona Lund a lot. Chuck

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I can name many parks that are under rated that I have been to...


But the parks I have been to that are over rated are


Cedar Point

Six Flags Great Adventure

Six Flags Over Georgia

Six Flags Magic Mountain

Darien Lake- I put this on here because from the trip reports I hear, and my trip there, it was over-rated EVEN THOUGH it is barely rated. Some people don't seem to understand that in this thread.

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^Then alert me the next time you attempt to be funny.


Back on topic, I can't think of a park that I felt was seriously overrated. Maybe Paris Disney (but only slightly--it's still a great park).

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^^You broke two rules. If your comments were directed towards someone you know that is fine. However, you don't know the people you directed your obscenitites towards and they don't know you. One job of the moderators is to prevent trouble before it escalates and sometimes we err on the side of caution.


2. Have fun! That's the most important rule. Friendly debates are acceptable, but flame wars are NOT! Personal attacks will not be tolerated, will be deleted, and could lead to suspension or your Theme Park Review membership being banned.


3. Objectionable material will be deleted! This goes for any photos, files, posts, etc that include obscene gestures, offensive language, etc. Basically keep it clean, or, keep it "PG-13."

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I think I might have gone to a different Cedar Point than everybody else...


When I went, it poured at least 2-3 times on two of the four days I was there...but they didn't close any of the coasters, except Top Thrill Dragster was closed for a short time when the rain was really torrential. Millennium Force had a train taken off, but the line was so short that it didn't need all 3 trains running. I'll have to say though, Millennium Force hurts pretty bad in the rain.


But, overall, I thought Cedar Point was fantastic...I liked most of the coasters, the food was decent, guest service was great, and operations were very fast. It was pretty much everything it was hyped up to be.


I think some people are sort of confusing the title of the thread here...Darien Lake? WTF? How is this park overrated? It's not even "rated". I've never once heard anyone say OMG DARIEN LAKE IS THE BEST PARK EVARRR! All everyone ever says is "yeah, if you're in the area...".


That being said, I think the *most* overrated park I've been to would be Hershey. But, that being said, it was only slightly overrated. I still had a great time.


I'd almost want to call USF/IOA overrated, as far as the fact that I get "ride bored" after about 2 hours. You can't go there expecting a Cedar Point or Six Flags Great Adventure number of rides/coasters. But the theming and artistic design that goes into these parks are unlike anything I've seen, especially at Islands of Adventure. I wish every theme park looked like that. Plus, the fact that they dispatch trains faster than the operator can say "all clear", and the fact that CityWalk and Mythos rule, makes the Universal Orlando Resort not so overrated.

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