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Kolmården Discussion Thread

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This is for a family to ride, right? And how young is the "youngest" (read: height) in that family?


So, what's possible with this guideline?


No inversions. No huge long drops.


And yet...fire? And maybe themeing with a "saw mill"?


I'm done. Will wait for the announcement.

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My other thought is a tall drop into a completely underground coaster!

I actually had though of this before too. But then I came to the conclusion that it would pretty much feel like and indoor dark coaster.

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On roller coaster database it's listed as an extreme wooden coaster. Here come an RMC woodie with inversions and a hole that goes underground through a ring of fire. Maybe it will be launched? That's what I hope for!!!


Robb and the park have not released any details on the type of attraction it is. That is merely speculation.

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I'm sitting back and just enjoying the speculation/discussion swirling through this topic. Sounds like it will be a very exciting announcement!! And kudos for this place wanting to put itself on the coaster map! I saw a photo trip report someone posted, and it already looks like a fantastic zoo/animal park! Looking forward to hearing more details soon.

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^World's tallest, fastest and longest wacky worm!



YYYYeeeeeeeeeeahhhhaaa !! Finaly, the best idéa, so far ! Wish it would come true.... (hmmmm).


I've been prophesizing this for some time now in the holy text that is TPR chat.

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I do have to wonder if the fact it's still listed as wooden on RCDB means something. Yes, I've read all the posts regarding that, including about the NDAs, but I agree with others that RCDB has a reputation of not posting mere rumors, plus it's updated frequently so there's clearly lines of communication open. Could it be that they were allowed to release this little tidbit? Or is the park just letting it stand to fuel speculation even though it may be wrong?

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All that I can say is that I have already seen some mistakes on RCDB. Alpina Blitz was featuring a 70m height drop and they made a new entry for Indiana Jones at DLP despite that the refurbishment is only on the loop and the theming.

I send emails to correct them and now it's fixed. But still, they posted some misinformations. So it can happen.

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I do have to wonder if the fact it's still listed as wooden on RCDB means something. Yes, I've read all the posts regarding that, including about the NDAs, but I agree with others that RCDB has a reputation of not posting mere rumors, plus it's updated frequently so there's clearly lines of communication open. Could it be that they were allowed to release this little tidbit? Or is the park just letting it stand to fuel speculation even though it may be wrong?


RCDB actually put of loads of false information. Usually they take it down before anyone notices it, but they do it a lot. Also they have been wrong in the past when rides is finally announced.

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First of all, I really love when the park owners gets involved in a discussion here, it really proves they are enthusiasts.


Second, I am of course excited that a park in Sweden is buillding something big/cool/innovative/anything you can ride. Face it, we only have two full scale thme parks here, and then some smaller parks, mostly catering to families. So any news from our parks is great. I don't think we will see any record braking coasters here, but given the quality of rides we see in the other parks owned by the same guys, I am sure it will be worth more than one visit.


So April already feels like a great month. Opening of Helix at Liseberg and the reveal of Wildfire. And hopefully spring...

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I believe that this will be an RMC Woodie- Launched Coaster as there has been talk about there being ones in the making.

-First Post!!!-

First of all: welcome to the forum!

That would be a great idea (and I'm sure one day RMC will probably do that) but right now we know nothing really so we will just keep speculating

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According to RCDB, it's classified in Extreme rides, like any hypercoaster. Does it really mean something ? Silver star for example is for families..

I'm expecting a combination of dark ride, drop tower, and giant slides

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Don't you guys see it...Wildfire is just a code name for the true project name:




No wonder Robb is so excited!!!

Now that is something I want to see become a reality!

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Am guessing this will be the first Vekoma/RMC since Vekoma signed the deal to sell RMC coasters in Europe and have said the first installment will be in 2016. Possibly with a vertical drop into a hole in the ground (like Oblivion), and with some sort of fire element (possibly surrounding the hole). That would be good.

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