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New B&M FAMILY coaster at Happy Valley Shanghai!

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Is it wrong to say that this is officially now on my bucket list?

This actually looks really fun.


I like how banked some of those turns look. What should we expect from the first B&M family coaster??

Probably well paced, and most likely isn't going to pull more than 3 Gs. Maybe we'll see a little low-G hangtime on those first couple hills?

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Maybe it's just me, but does anyone else think the transition from the camel back hump to the figure eight on the B&M just looks a little..... Funky?

I honestly think that it's the angle of the photo.

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While Vekoma makes the ride look better, B&M uses less supports and it seems to have tighter twists and turns than Vekoma.

Is it really that fewer of supports?

Only by a few, like maybe 3 or 5 less. It's not a big difference, but it could have been another reason why they chose B&M.

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