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  Cyrbuzz said:
What theme park or roller coaster thing are you thankful for?

I am thankful for...


- Tokyo DisneySea

- El Toro

- Epcot Food & Wine

- All of our TPR members who take time out of their day to post to our Forum, comment on our Facebook page, and send us tweets!

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I am thankful for Idlewild and Kennywood, the parks that sparked my interest into coasters.


Roller coasters that I am thankful for:



Millennium Force


Apollo's Chariot

and many more!


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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I'm thankful for:

-The parks I have visited(SFGAm, Parque de Diversiones, Mt.Olympus)

-The coasters I've ridden(X-Flight, Raging Bull, Viper, etc...)

-The coasters I'll ride and the parks I'll visit in the future.

-Being a TPR member

-Being a coaster enthusiast!


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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I am thankful for:

Cedar point


anything at holidayworld

Someone finally building a new ride here in vegas(it looks awesome so far)

The chance to finally bust my el toro cherry next year and see what all the fuss is about

Having tpr around to have somewhere to go and be nerdy on every day


Have a happy thanksgiving everyone.

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Happy Thanksgiving to all my TPR friends!! I hope you all have a great one!


I'm thankful for discovering this awesome site, for Robb, Elissa, and the mods for keeping it running, and that my home park will have an AWESOME RMC for 2014!!!

Edited by DanM64
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I'm thankful that I was given the brain power to not be one of the countless morons that go shopping today or tomorrow. I am educated enough to shop on Amazon on Black Friday, haha.


I'm also thankful for SCANDI 2014! WHOOOO!


And, you know, you guys and girls and all that gushy stuff.

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Happy Thanksgiving TPR!


I am thankful for TPR and all the knowledge I have gained from this site. I am also thankful for Disney because they set the bar in an immersive experience. I am also thankful for Universal Studios in realizing what Disney has and is trying to bring some semblance of it to us thrill seekers.

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It's not Canada's holiday (ours was last month),

but I am still very thankful for....


* Coaster at Playland (PNE)

* Theme Park Review

* Tokyo Disney Resort

* TPR Tours!

* Still being physically able to ride all coasters, good and evil.

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In the theme park world, I am thankful for...


-Having several great parks within 100 miles of where I live

-Designers who are not afraid to push the limits even if projects aren't always successful

-Getting the opportunity to travel to parks outside of California

-The existence of several online communities to communicate with others who share this hobby

-All the hard work Robb, Elissa, and the site moderators do to keep TPR the best theme park enthusiast website


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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