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I am thankful for TPR. It's been the best year of my life since I registered.

I am also thankful for

--Silver Dollar City and RMC for the best roller coaster I have ever ridden.

--Intamin, Premier, GCI, CCI, Mack, S&S and B&M for the other great coasters I have been on.

--All members of the Texas/Midwest tour for the greatest summer ever!

--Alan Schilke, Werner Stengel, Ron Toomer, Anton Schwarzkopf and all the other great designers.

--Silver Dollar City for Cinnamon Bread and all the other amazing park food.

--Silver Dollar City for teaching me what a world class theme park is.

--Silver Dollar City for the cave tour.

--All parks in the Texas/Midwest tour including SFOT and Mt. Olympus.

--NTaG, iRat and Shockwave for being the reasons to return.

--Hades360 for teachig me that Chinese knock-off coasters are butter smooth

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It's still the holiday weekend, so I'm thankful for:


1. TPR Trips- while this looks like year 2 without a trip, the two trips I had been on were the most awesome trips ever, and I met some of my best friends on those trips. It's nice to have a variety of people from all over the world to discuss roller coasters/amusement parks.


2. Park: Knoebels


3. Coaster: El Toro, The Phoenix, and really every coaster I've ridden, because good or bad they've all been an experience I can share with others.

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