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Skyplex Orlando Discussion Thread

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^I had once imagined a really really tall ride that started with a normal sized drop and first element which would then, after each one, decrease its height gradually so that you got a similar top speed at the bottom of each element over and over again until you reached ground level (hope I've made myself clear).

Basically this can be it. Like I said, they can make this a really boring ride or an awesome one.

It might still be a fun ride, but it'll definitely be an interesting design challenge. Any element you have, any airtime hill, whatever, must be done while also turning.

That is interesting, but in can perfectly be done. If you "intercept" an airtime hill with a curve, and take the G forces generated from the turning into account you will end up (assuming you want to maintain the negative Gs) with a sort of outside banked turn/hill.

So I am looking forward to seeing what they can come up with.

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That is interesting, but in can perfectly be done. If you "intercept" an airtime hill with a curve, and take the G forces generated from the turning into account you will end up (assuming you want to maintain the negative Gs) with a sort of outside banked turn/hill.

So I am looking forward to seeing what they can come up with.


Or you could do an overbanked hill and turn those negative G's into positive G's pushing you back down into your seat.

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^I agree that height alone DOES NOT guarantee a good roller coaster. But at the same time, just because this has a 500-foot lift hill DOES NOT guarantee itll be a lame ride that is trimmed to death and boring. Neither side knows enough about the ride yet to make the call.


The thing is, there will have to be trims about every 100 feet or so (vertically speaking), and that's being generous. Because of the nature of the ride you're constantly turning, so the faster you go, the heavier the positive Gs will get. Imagine a ride where every time you pick up any serious speed, you hit a trim or a block brake and slow way down again. True, you have the added thrill of being so high up, but that'll only last for the first few elements. This is why people are skeptical. It might still be a fun ride, but it'll definitely be an interesting design challenge. Any element you have, any airtime hill, whatever, must be done while also turning.


Just because the ride is generally on its way downward, that doesnt mean there can't be upward slopes along the course of the layout. Sure, there will be parts needed to be slowed down, but theres nothing suggesting the whole track will be a big downward slope. It can use momentum to slow down several times with some upward spiraling elements.

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^The ride may go up at some points, but it will mostly be going down. The point is, regardless of how the speed is controlled, as long as it's circling the tower it won't be able to stay above a certain speed, say, 40 mph, for more than a few seconds at a time. And it can't reach those speeds all that often or you'll be spending most of the ride pressed into your seat getting sick. It'd be like riding Mission Space 500 feet in the air.


In my world Alan Schilke = GOD so if he is playing even a small role I seriously doubt this ride could suck! I will feel a lot better once I see vertical construction but it's hard to not get at least a little excited for this! S&S build's solid rides and I love where they are headed! Gosh I feel like a giddy school girl and this thing wont even open till 2016! This is like Kolmarden all over again!


Personally I'm not that excited that Alan Schilke is involved, if he is actually designing it. Consider for a moment what his designs for RMC are most often praised for:


Relentless pacing - It won't have that, for reasons described above.


Unexpected pops of ejector airtime - It won't have that, since that requires speed, and as I said, the faster you go around the tower, the more banked the track will be and the more you're pressed into your seat, not out of it. It can have minor airtime, but you'll have to be going pretty slow for the radius of the turn to not counteract the negative gs you're going for.


Tight, rapid-fire directional changes - It definitely won't have that, or directional changes of any kind, seeing as there's only one direction it can go: around. Around and around and around in circles. Wait, inline twist into a half loop, now it's going around and around in circles the other way!! Yeah.


I'm ready to accept this for what it is, a gimmick. A hell of a gimmick, possibly, but like its strata coaster brethren, not a particularly substantial coaster. That would require going, like, some direction other than around and around and around.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was wandering through Skyplex website, and I came across this picture that nobody seemed to notice. Unlike other renders which were a little bit crooked when it comes to the track, this one seems to show the real layout! Or at least a more realistic version of it.



I spot an inversion at the very top! Looks like an heartline roll that ends in an outward banked turn and dives! Crazy.

We can see three MCBR during the descent, which is honestly not that much (= cool thing), but I do expect extra trims.


I wonder how they're going to support the track, though.

Edited by KingRCT3
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Hhmm yes I'm gonna stick with my original statement and say gimmick. The same layout 3 times on the way down with MCBR's is not very original. Lets just hope that the fact that it is so high up will make it better.


High Roller was a lame layout but the height made it all the better. Lets hope this is the same.

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Hhmm yes...




It might not even be a final render, guys. Still, even if it is, it'll still be funky. Do you complain that Dragster or Kingda Ka is a simple up and down? I mean, I do, but let's not split hairs.

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Yep, I'm not persuaded that this is anything other than a slow, boring toboggan 500 foot in the air.

I have a feeling people are going to be pleasantly surprised when the actual layout is announced!

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Yep, I'm not persuaded that this is anything other than a slow, boring toboggan 500 foot in the air.

I have a feeling people are going to be pleasantly surprised when the actual layout is announced!


I agree. I don't see how people can judge a ride when they haven't even seen what the layout will be

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I don't see how this ride couldn't be completely insane. I mean, I know High Roller was at a higher height and turned out to be lame, but this one is going to have inversions and it's going to be designed by Alan Schilke. I can't wait to ride.

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Yep, I'm not persuaded that this is anything other than a slow, boring toboggan 500 foot in the air.

I have a feeling people are going to be pleasantly surprised when the actual layout is announced!


So you confim the layout posted here is not the real one? Is this somewhat close however?

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Yep, I'm not persuaded that this is anything other than a slow, boring toboggan 500 foot in the air.

I have a feeling people are going to be pleasantly surprised when the actual layout is announced!


I agree. I don't see how people can judge a ride when they haven't even seen what the layout will be


I and others are skeptical because the very concept of the ride is extremely limiting. There's a reason the world's best coasters aren't built in the shape of a perfect circle. Most of the time "turning" is considered an element onto itself, whether it's a low high-speed turn, overbanked turn, etc. Everything this ride does must be done while also turning. Turning around and around and around in circles, for 500 feet. The faster you go, the faster you're turning, meaning higher banking and more positive Gs. See the problem? You can't go very fast for very long, since the whole time you're going fast you'll be plastered into your seat getting sick. Trims everywhere. Somebody chime in if I'm wrong about any of this.


Now I'm no engineer so maybe they'll find some way of making it a good ride despite all that. But I do think the skepticism is warranted. It will be very interesting to see the final layout.

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Yep, I'm not persuaded that this is anything other than a slow, boring toboggan 500 foot in the air.

I have a feeling people are going to be pleasantly surprised when the actual layout is announced!


I agree. I don't see how people can judge a ride when they haven't even seen what the layout will be


I and others are skeptical because the very concept of the ride is extremely limiting. There's a reason the world's best coasters aren't built in the shape of a perfect circle. Most of the time "turning" is considered an element onto itself, whether it's a low high-speed turn, overbanked turn, etc. Everything this ride does must be done while also turning. Turning around and around and around in circles, for 500 feet. The faster you go, the faster you're turning, meaning higher banking and more positive Gs. See the problem? You can't go very fast for very long, since the whole time you're going fast you'll be plastered into your seat getting sick. Trims everywhere. Somebody chime in if I'm wrong about any of this.


Now I'm no engineer so maybe they'll find some way of making it a good ride despite all that. But I do think the skepticism is warranted. It will be very interesting to see the final layout.


With correct usage of inversions, the coaster will be able to change directions so as not to be turning simply in one direction the whole time. Also, the width of the actual "pole" could be large enough to allow for some decent speed without insane forces or nausea. But the most important thing to look at here is that speed is completely relative. What ride is more fun to you, Millennium Force or Maverick? Maverick has a top speed around, what, 20 mph less than MF? But it still packs a punch. My point is speed doesnt dictate everything. If the elements are tight, the illusion of speed will be there no matter how many trims are needed, and the sensation will only be amplified by the fact that youre so high up in the air. I mean, to me, a wild mouse feels zippier than a B&M hyper...well the same concept applies here.

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^The most you can hope for is an inversion that gets you turning around and around in circles the other way. Wild Mice and Maverick both maintain excitement through quick, unexpected directional changes. You won't get that here because there's only two directions the coaster can go, clockwise and counterclockwise. I'm imagining that the only way you could get "tightness" of elements is in rotational change (snappy barrel rolls and banking changes) and elevation change (sharp slopes downwards or upwards). A very limited bag of tricks to work from. Also, both of those examples you mentioned demonstrate how trims disrupt the flow and pacing of a ride no matter what speed you're going (Maverick during the hill after the second launch, wild mice throughout the course), and this will be that x10.

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I still think they'll find a way to add a big drop in the layout. Even if it means a 300ft drop finale (into a brake run), they could get it into the layout. I don't see anywhere that specifically states the layout will be entirely contained within the circumference of the tower footprint.

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