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The Knott's Berry Farm (KBF) Discussion Thread

P. 651: Montezooma's Revenge project terminated?

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  Jew said:
Perhaps the location change was so that Windseeker wouldn't be in the way of a new coaster snaking through the boardwalk in 2012?


How would it be any easier having the new coaster snake around the Sky Cabin instead of Windseeker? Seems the two are quite similar in diameter.


Fiesta Village is going to be a disaster during Haunt when this thing opens, that area of the park gets pretty crowded as it is. I don't like the location at all.

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The thing with the Sky Cabin is that its overall width is constant, meaning that a coaster track could theoretically be designed to go around it. Windseeker's outside diameter varies as the entire assembly climbs and rotates faster (and descends, rotating slower), meaning that the swings are in various positions, which could interfere with the operation of a coaster. Therefore, it was better to keep the Sky Cabin where it is, though the effort they're going through to put Windseeker in Fiesta Village seems awfully complicated in its own right.



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^It just seems that if they can squeeze the attraction into an area of the park where surrounding coasters already exist, they could most certainly find a way to surround the tower in the Sky Cabin location with a new coaster that hasn't even been built.


Remember, the only reason this location works is because the swings aren't at full spread and speed until the gondola rises above the surrounding attractions and Silver Bullet (which is 150 feet tall). It would be the same in the Sky Cabin location, too.

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If I am the guy in charge of construction at KBF, my logic is "why the hell am I going to build a new ride and all the infrastructure that goes with it if I am going to have to tear it all up/close down the ride while I build my next ride a year later?"


But that's just me. I could be totally off-base. I just don't believe this is being done simply to "preserve a Knott's landmark."

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^Yes of course, and I agree. But the park has been talking about the Sky Cabin and it sounds like it's probably going to operate again in the near future. Who knows if any of this is true, I'll believe it when I see it. But they have removed the K from the top of Windseeker in the newer promotional photos, which may mean the Sky Cabin and K on top of it is there to stay for the long term.


  chickenbowl said:
^How the heck do you know that? Have you seen this company's ride operate before? Maybe it reaches full speed at a lower elevation. Nobody knows that yet.


First of all, no reason to get snappy. I don't just make stuff up to be dramatic.


Second of all, reading can explain A LOT if you decide to pay attention.




"Gahagan said the site works because the ride doesn’t open up to its maximum circumference of 110 feet until it rises 300 feet into the air — well above the roller coaster tracks surrounding its base."

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^The size of the ride could still be an issue though. The footprint of Windseeker is much larger then the sky cabin, even when its just sitting at ground level. And even when it rises into the air, whether its spinning or not, the ride structure takes up a lot more "air space" all the way up the tower, where as the sky Tower takes up very little. Yes, the tower seems to be the same size, but the ride over all is much large and takes up more space in all aspects.

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  chickenbowl said:
^How the heck do you know that? Have you seen this company's ride operate before? Maybe it reaches full speed at a lower elevation. Nobody knows that yet.


First of all, no reason to get snappy. I don't just make stuff up to be dramatic.


Second of all, reading can explain A LOT if you decide to pay attention.




"Gahagan said the site works because the ride doesn’t open up to its maximum circumference of 110 feet until it rises 300 feet into the air — well above the roller coaster tracks surrounding its base."


I wasn't trying to be rude, I was just curious how you would know that, and tone doesn't translate too well in my typing. I wasn't doubting that the ride does that. To me, it just sounded like you were making up stuff, so sorry if I came across as accusing.


I never saw that random ocregister news article, so paying attention wouldn't help me.


Thanks for making me out to look like an idiot though, because simply answering my question and posting the article as proof wasn't enough.

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  Jew said:
If I am the guy in charge of construction at KBF, my logic is "why the hell am I going to build a new ride and all the infrastructure that goes with it if I am going to have to tear it all up/close down the ride while I build my next ride a year later?"


But that's just me. I could be totally off-base. I just don't believe this is being done simply to "preserve a Knott's landmark."


Exactly. When is the last time anybody at Knott's cared about preserving a landmark outside of Ghost Town?


The Goldies rehab looks very nice.

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I agree that the Sky Cabin will eventually go. It's had issues over the past few years, and although I would like to see it stay, that's just not practical. It does make sense that if they are going to put in a new eventually in that area, to leave it for now and remove it later.


The area for the Windseeker seems really cramped, but that area is pretty dead most of the time, so I wouldn't think that crowds would be an issue most of the year.

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^^As well as every other ride in fiesta Village... La Revolution just has a Spanish name and colors. Jaguar is a modern coaster with a Mayan Temple. And there are the swings, the Ship, and the Mexican Hat Dance. Its all just theming to modern rides. This ride will be no different and they have already changed the color of the ride to match the area. So its been addressed. Plus Knott's does sometimes try to theme the ride to the area such as the station and sometimes the queue. So It probably wont be any different then any other ride addition in recent years.

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Just a heads up for folks thinking of going to KBF. I was there today for 4 hours and enjoyed it. If you're an Xcelerator fan beware, it's still only 1 train operation and they've blocked off 1 entire car = 4 seats! That's a significant reduction of passengers for this ride. Read -- long wait times...

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