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Blackpool Pleasure Beach (BPB) Discussion Thread

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From the presser...


A new paint job indicates the parks commitment to maintain historical, significant and thrilling rides in the UK.


Man, just SMDH here. They're practically begging for angry enthusiast chatter.

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Pleasure Beach today posted pictures of the current work being done to Revolution, including a HUGE amount of scaffolding. The money they must have spent this year on scaffhold for rides im guessing would be insane. The whole of the Valhalla facade and Rev loop. Thats a whole lot of scaffhold! Anyway onto pics.


Oh noes, where did the loop go!


There is some track hidden in there somewhere.


Say goodbye to Irn-Bru very soon.


For more pics check out Pleasure Beach Resorts Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pleasurebeachresort

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  cal1br3tto said:
There is something appealing about a lot of these gray color schemes. I do like the "industrial" vibe as well.


I also am liking the grey. The whole structure looks like a bridge to me. I need to get on one of these Arrow shuttles before they disappear.

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  • 2 months later...

I have a few updates for you all taken a few weeks ago.




Fire breathing Dragons

There is a few changes to a couple of scenes inside.


EDIT : I forgot to mention that the new signage for the Wallace and Gromit Thrill-O-Matic have been put up and can be seen here - http://www.pleasurebeachexperience.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1420&start=620#p40662

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There is a few changes to the ice room they have added a few ice sculptures which light up and just before the 2nd drop there is a twilight sky effect and a laser, thats it really. effects were still on and off during my visit. Sadly Pleasure Beach never sorted out the drainage problems with the boat they were coming back with over 5cm of water in the bottom of the boats. This was due to the water vortex just dumping the water into the boats, thankfully this was turned off before my ride and I stayed pretty dry

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  cfc said:
I remember them using a shop vac to suck up the water when the boats came into the station back in 2006.

They used it but it didn't really make a difference.


  australianalex said:
Revolution looks awesome, does anybody know if it's re-opened yet?


Yes Revolution reopened yesterday!

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Good pictures.


I grew up in Blackpool so we went all the time. I also worked there for a spell.


Glad to see that they are keeping the revolution.

I would love to see them preserve the other classic rides at BPB like the Big Dipper, Grand National, Wild Mouse, Steeplechase and Revolution. They could also do with a new coaster, something special.


Although the park is only on a small plot of land, there is actually a lot of un-used space. Also there are plenty of other rides, that are not worth preserving, that could be demolished.

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  indiana695 said:
Good pictures.


I grew up in Blackpool so we went all the time. I also worked there for a spell.


Glad to see that they are keeping the revolution.

I would love to see them preserve the other classic rides at BPB like the Big Dipper, Grand National, Wild Mouse, Steeplechase and Revolution. They could also do with a new coaster, something special.


Although the park is only on a small plot of land, there is actually a lot of un-used space. Also there are plenty of other rides, that are not worth preserving, that could be demolished.


Lots of wood has been replaced on the mentioned rides. Lots of work went on during the closed season. Steeplechase had some work done to the station. The Big Ones station had a complete re paint and the structure of the ride was also repainted as well. I must say Revolution is looking fantastic and it looks brand new!


The Swamp Buggies have been completely removed from the park including the Lighthouse towers so it looks like the rumours of the Sawyer bridge being demolished might actually be coming to true and this should open a lot of space for a new coaster.


  tiger01 said:
Will the Waterfall still be used? That's probably the best part of the ride. It made the area so much more atmospheric.


The waterfall has been on and off in the last few weeks, it is still soaking the station roof.

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I also have a trip report from Sunday 10th June.


Who went : Me and Patrick


Ride time : 10:30 - 5:00


Rides closed : None


Ride Count


Big One - 3

Infusion - 2

Revolution - 7

Grand National - 2

Wild Mouse - 2

Valhalla - 2

Steeplechase - 2


Big Dipper


Avatar Airbender

Krusty Krab Order Up



Riding Revolution after its refurb

Riding the Big One with Richard, he is a great guy I wish him the best of luck with his marathon. He said he is planning on doing around 110/115 days on it!

The weather was great all day

Valhalla first time I rode it today almost all the effects were working and it was great!



Big One opened after 11, we never got told how long the wait would be or else I would have gone to another ride.

Second ride on Valhalla around 5 O'Clock, it seemed that most of the effects had been turned off at this point

Leaving PB after a great day.



I also don't like the new Big One announcement, it is boring and creates no atmosphere at all and just sounds silly at points.



Thanks for looking

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  • 4 months later...

So Screamscape has reported a rumor that the Wild Mouse will be leaving during the offseason... has anyone else heard of this? I would be quite disappointed if this were true. I still haven't had a chance to ride it, and it's not like I could easily get a chance anywhere else.

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That would really suck, Wild Mouse is an awesome ride and I really enjoyed my ride on it. I wouldn't be surprised though, with the amount of Pleasure Beach's classic rides that have been removed in the last few years.

Oh well, at least I have the Blackpool Wild Mouse's not quite as intense cousin near me.

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  UrbanLegend said:
So Screamscape has reported a rumor that the Wild Mouse will be leaving during the offseason... has anyone else heard of this? I would be quite disappointed if this were true. I still haven't had a chance to ride it, and it's not like I could easily get a chance anywhere else.



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