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I do like those really long train rides. Because they are so long they have a different pace than a normal coaster. The way they speed up and slow down is a bit different, and makes them fun. Nothing amazing of course, but I do like them!

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Nice! One thing I like about Jaguar at Knott's is the long train- it makes for a unique experience in my opinion. But the layout of this one looks much better! The only thing that I think might make it even better is if it had the same helix at the end that Jaguar has. Also, it's crazy to know that the train is longer! According to RCDB, Viktor Vandorm has a 20 car train, whereas Jaguar has 15 car trains.

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Can you imagine Six Flags or Cedar Point putting a Dag Fart coaster on one of their properties?? Some people wooled be so offended they'd call for a boycott while others will see the humor in it all and go there more often to spite those who are against it.

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The theming is what's truly missing in American amusement parks! It would be nice to go to Six Flags or Cedar Point properties and see them theme the rides to the themed section than just making the station house a part of the theming and the rest is just open space. Sure it costs $$ but you'd think they'd want to give us our monies worth rather than pay us 'minimal theme service', LOL!

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Wow, some of these videos are crazy. That "pregnant lady" thing could definitely never exist in America, because it would probably cause people to see it as "emotionally disturbing and traumatic." But these videos are all perfect examples of why TPR rocks. Thanks for bringing a small bit of theme park fun to this month!

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Today's Daily April video is the world's only S&S Free Fly coaster - Tranan!


(Yes, multiple comments DO count for more than one - but don't be stupid and post like 20 times in a row and keep your posts ON TOPIC with the videos!)

Edited by robbalvey
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This was a great, if odd, coaster.

And keeping our arms out was sometimes scary!


And too short a ride, but then this version

was the first of it's kind, yes?


Just like Oblivion for the dive coasters.

Edited by Nrthwnd
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Lots of fun, and definitely an unusual experience when you swing over the top of the track. I like how an actual bird is flying around the ride at the end of the video.

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  SoCalCoasters said:
I really want to see more of these get built, or have one of the newer iterations of the Technology make an appearance in an attraction. My guess is the cost is prohibiting.

I'm pretty sure that it's actually pretty cheap (maybe $3-4 million) and the real limiter on sales is the dire capacity.

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