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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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I've had pretty good luck with the hearts. Been able to visit 8 towns and have gotten enough hearts to buy the tree with a couple left over. Still haven't seen any hearts in my town yet.


Woohoo, got my first cards and hearts from you. Thanks!


Was able to visit some towns now, hope it will add up tonight when I get about 60 towns to visit, must be at least some I will be able to enter (I hope)


Edit: Weird thing, I get cards from people I can not visit and give cards back. Secondairy I hot a bunch of cards and hearts, then I was thrown out of the game. On return the cards where back and the hearts already collected still on the counter. Collected them twice. Weird but no complaining there.

Edited by vuurvogel
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I got lots of cards recently too, but every one of them I couldn't reciprocate. I managed to get into a few towns, but then it kicked me out and now I can't even connect to the server. If EA ever tries their hand at a car that drives itself, remind me to relocate onto an island in the middle of a large lake

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I got into several more towns today, but still have many more that say they need the update. This is, as you know full well, despite the fact that I know most have been updated. At least I got enough valentines to buy the tree today. The only towns that haven't had valentines to click on so far were Robb's and Elissa's.

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With how crappy their updates and servers have been I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't planned. Like a post a while back mentioned, they 'open' up a group of people at a time, then more a while later. That way they don't have everyone flooding the entire system for the first few days. Makes a lot more sense, but it would have been much better to just say that. A simple note in the update saying "over the next few days you'll be able to access more and more friends," would have been nice. But this is EA.

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With how crappy their updates and servers have been I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't planned.

Planning a staggered roll out of servers and trying to keep confused users at bay is WAAAAAY more effort that EA puts into anything they do. Trust me on this, as someone who has worked with them before, no way would they put that much effort into it!


--Robb "We should just be happy it works!" Alvey

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I was finally able to get into most of the Other Springfields! So I was finally able to give out valentines! It's still saying a couple of neighbors are using the old version of the game even though they've left me valentines in my Springfield, so there are still bugs, but it's a big step up from yesterday when I wasn't able to visit anyone!

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Have we figured out why some towns don't have Valentines Cards in them? I got into a bunch more towns today, but about half of them just had the normal dollar signs and registers. No cards at all. I would even wait, make sure everything had reset, but cards never came up. Are they on a much longer regeneration or something?

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^I have no clue. I've had some buildings (like the school) that have had multiple hearts on it. Just seems completely random.


Another thing I noticed with the new updates is that my XP reset at 0 for level 25. Does this mean new levels?

Edited by ernierocker
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The cards that don't give hearts don't annoy me as much as the towns that have no cards at all. For those of you who played at Halloween time you'll remember that you didn't get Candy (the version of hearts or santa coins) for every tap or toilet paper or egging...it was just random. I'm more curious about why there are no cards at all. If I maybe need to stagger my times for going to towns better or what exactly is causing it.

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I'd agree with the random idea, for now.


It does seem a bit odd though. I suspect we'll see some kind of pattern emerge after a few more days go by.


Just wondering though - How many have already used as many hearts as you can? I only have two buildings (Phineas Butterfat's and Howard's Flowers) left. I already bought the mini-golf. The only thing left of the quest queue is the Choo-Choo Train - so I'm assuming that after that, it will unlock the Wiggum's House, and Elissa's pet, Ralph.


I mean, now that I can access about 85 out of 99 other Springfield's, the hearts come pretty fast. Especially when friends visit my town.


They said that this will only last til the end of February, so I guess that's a good thing for me. I should be building the Burns manor by the end of today, so I can continue working of beautifying/rearranging (for lack of a better terms) my Springfield, and then start stockpiling money for the escalator and skyscraper.


By that time, I would hope to also have the Wiggum's house and the chem lab (?) as well. Then I guess I'll be ready for the next update.

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Another thing I noticed with the new updates is that my XP reset at 0 for level 25. Does this mean new levels?


I don't think so. I think that will wait for a major update. Mine was reset too, but I've already racked up 61,000 xp (about 1/2 way) on this current "level".

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The cards that don't give hearts don't annoy me as much as the towns that have no cards at all. For those of you who played at Halloween time you'll remember that you didn't get Candy (the version of hearts or santa coins) for every tap or toilet paper or egging...it was just random. I'm more curious about why there are no cards at all. If I maybe need to stagger my times for going to towns better or what exactly is causing it.


Two of the towns I visited with no cards in them just had all their characters walking around not doing any sort of actions. I wonder if the cards are only associated with acting characters??? Maybe? I'm not sure.

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So, I've noticed that the towns that I can't find any cards in are not having their characters do any actions. Could it be that once you finish a mission, your town will have so many cards available? That could explain why I have had multiple hearts available at the Kwik-E-Mart and the school since I usually have multiple missions going on at the same time at those two places. That could also explain why sometimes the card is found on a building, and sometimes on a character. If the mission is building based, then the card will be on the building. If the mission is one where the character is outside, then the card will be on the character.




Just to test this theory, I just finished the Kent Brockmam Viewtube in the Brown House mission. Let's see if I have a card on one of my brown houses if the near future...

Edited by ernierocker
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