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What bands need to go away?

Sir Clinksalot

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Granted there are some bad rappers and songs out there,


Every Lil' Wayne song. I never knew someone could think of things so horrible towards women.


I think Lil Wayne was pretty good when he first started out; besides all of the songs that were offensive, he actually had somewhat decent lyrics and great flow. Now his lyrics are horrible and his flow is even worse, especially when he is on someone else's track.

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IAs a person who enjoys all types of music (not as a mod of this site), I'm sick of kids who know very little about rap saying dumb crap like the entire genre sucks. Criticize individual artists all you want, but rap has and will remain a relevant, creative style of music. Current mainstream hip hop has more creativity and freshness that current mainstream rock does.


I admit it, I have to get gangster and listen to some random rap song somtimes.


No, you should just stop being so closed-minded about music. The whole genre of rap contains some of the most powerful lyrics ever written. Granted there are some bad rappers and songs out there, but you still shouldn't base a whole genre of music on three or four songs you heard on the radio.


No I was joking. But seriously somtimes I do enjoy it. I guess its some of the stuff people rap about, like being sexist and drugs.


I do not even know if this is a "true" band but I think the Naked Brothers Band is horrible.


And yes.. They are truly truly horrible!

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Green Day....If you hate americia.....just leave


American Idiot is a modern punk album. Punk began as a type of music that often was political. There was nothing revolutionary about them criticizing America in an album.


Just because somebody criticizes their country doesn't mean they hate it. People criticize parks on here all the time but that doesn't always mean they hate the place.

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^I love Nickelback! They have some pretty awesome songs... (If Everyone Cared was my favorite song for a LONG time...)


Yes, Naked Brothers Band needs to disappear... quickly. But I think Hannah Montana rules (she's my wife, BTW ), Jonas Brothers are okay, and Drake Bell's band on "Drake and Josh" is decent as well, IMO.


But I can not stand the Plain White Tees! GO AWAY NOW!

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Metallica--Ok, you had your good ol' days, but JUST LET IT FUCKING DIE ALREADY!!!

Megadeth--See above

Simple Plan--Old stuff was good, (I'm Just a Kid, Crazy, Perfect, ect) but with your new album, you've made yourself look like losers.

Fall Out Boy--Just Fall Out, Boy.


And someone earlier said Slipknot, I highly disagree with you. Yes, the constant fans are annoying. Most of those kids at school know very little of the band. If they knew some of the stuff a true Maggot knows, they wouldn't like the band very much. I bet they can't name the members by number, mask or instrument.

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Muse are one of the most overrated bands ever to exist. I can't stand their music with the incredibly long instrumental sections that offer nothing.


Oh and Radiohead. I downloaded their newest album for a grand total of £0. Gutted! I haven't really listen to it either.


Oh and Avril Lavigne can kiss her Canadian ass goodbye, nobody is buying tickets for her tour anyway.

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Any votes for Panic! At The Disco? Paramore?

Panic at The Disco, yes. Paramore, no. Don't like how mainstream Paramore has got though. I guess it's good for them though.

Anyways I hate Simple Plan and the other poser bands like them.

Disney/Nickelodeon artists.

Not really a fan of MCR's new stuff compared to the old stuff, but TBP is still good.

Panic just released a new song, which is one of the worst songs I've ever heard.

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Metallica--Ok, you had your good ol' days, but JUST LET IT fudging DIE ALREADY!!!

Megadeth--See above

Simple Plan--Old stuff was good, (I'm Just a Kid, Crazy, Perfect, ect) but with your new album, you've made yourself look like losers.

Fall Out Boy--Just Fall Out, Boy


I agree with everything here except for Metalica. It's not exactly as if they are constantly releasing stuff anyway.


Oh, and i also think that Simple Plan were always losers.

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