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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Whoever suggested that Splashwater Falls could be replaced with a Mack Power Splash may have hit this right on the head. With the chain's good relationship with Mack, and the possibility of the Dubai park adding one, it seems like a good guess.


If they decide to add another Justice League ride, I would be a bit annoyed.

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WSB here in Atlanta said that Six Flags will be posting another clue today at about 7.


LOL was that 7pm Mountain Time? Its almost 8pm and they're over there posting pics of disco balls and yapping about dance parties.



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If it is the bumper cars, I can't really see what could go there comfortably in its place outside of a flat ride.

Wait is that the clue? Is there a disco ball in the bumper cars? What did I miss?

I don't remember there being a disco ball, but I'm guessing it's the "drive over" part that is the real hint here, but who knows. This is just more confusing.

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Apparently "The Bump" was a 70's dance craze. I never thought I'd learn something interesting from Six Flags but here we are... lol


Also, now that I look at that building on Google Maps it's huge, it's ugly and it would be a great spot for either a free spin or a Justice league dark ride. There's a ton of land behind it too.

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Out of all the rides to be removed, this is probably the one I'm most ok with.


I really was hoping for a coaster or an epic flat but honestly I see this pointing towards Battle for Metropolis. The placement is good (right beside the Metropolis Park section of the park) and that is a decently large building that I imagine they could expand on the back end. It's also connected to some additional building space on the left side isn't it?

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Maybe a flat ride package like SFOT got. They'd have to get rid of some trees but a giant frisbee and/or one of those new Enterprise jawns. But I'm thinking JLBFM is probably perfect to replace the bumper cars.

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^I agree it almost HAS to be Justice League. It's a great choice but I would still prefer a Zamperla Giant Discovery. Best flat ride I've been on possibly. I just don't see them using that location for such a ride, plus the park has invested in two thrilling flats in recent history (Sky Screamer and Joker Chaos Not Coaster) and with the number of flat rides they've installed recently I just don't think that's their first choice.

Edited by SFOG1991
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I hope they make the entrance to the ride inside Metropolis Park, although being right beside the big sign entrance to that area is fine too. I just don't want them messing with Cotton States Exposition because it looks really nice as is. They already invaded on that space enough with Hurricane Harbor.

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Posted around Noon today...


What are the chances they are closing the Dodge City Bumper Cars, and putting a JLBFM installation there, next to Superman?


Hadn't heard this specific idea before posting, but now it's all the rage!


It makes a lot of sense, honestly...

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^ All sorts of ideas for a replacement are being explored and mentioned here, though I agree a JLBFM ride makes the most sense there.


Also, why do people on here always have to be "I thought of that before everyone else, here's a quote to prove it".

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Hey, I just think it's funny that there has been talk for days here about this, and I just read and observed, and then I post this, get little traction from it at first, and now everybody's posting it! Just a simple, and humorous observation.


Honestly, what's really predictable, is people taking offense at it, and acting like me pointing it out was some lame, enthusiast-y thing!

That response, I was counting on!


I'm not even saying this is what it's going to be. It's just funny that it's suddenly become the idea de jour, that's all!

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^^^ Well it's a good idea, and awesome for you for pointing it out before any of us did. However, I think the new clue made the idea much more plausible and that's why its become, as you so eloquently put it, the idea de jour...


I think there's a lot of options here. There's tons of space, for all we know the building could get razed and we could be looking at a new coaster back there. In fact, didn't someone actually/recently SEE markings on trees near the carousel? So that doesn't line up with the bumper car/JLBFM thing. I guess we're just gonna have to wait and see.

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I'm not really familiar with the park, which is why it was phrased as a question of plausibility in my original post. And, I wasn't technicality the first, as somebody else mentioned JLBFM earlier, which set me to looking at Google Earth to see what kind of room there was around Superman. Which of course, led to that observation. It was just a thought that came took me, if that's what it is, yay, and if it's not, yay. I was more trying to be humorous, than obnoxious, but you know how fine that line while posting on the internet can be. It's all good though! I'm just looking forward to one more exciting (presumably) thing being at SFOG when I actually finally get there!


I also think the free spin idea for that location is a good one, maybe themed to a superman villain, or another JL member.

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