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The "Say Something Random" Thread


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There are a lot of trenchs being dug around my house by the power company to a new main power line through our area.


As I was out driving around today with the family, we noticed that a lady had a little mishap and dropped her front wheel into the trench. So I looked at the car (a 5 door Daihatsu Charade) and got into the trench and started to lift the wheel up as another passer-by pushed the car away from the trench.


All went to plan until the lady driver tried to turn the wheel, which has now left me with nice purple bruises on my forarms. The things you do while trying to be a nice person.....

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Raccoons showed up in back yard, first time in weeks. We thought they'd all moved away - hah. They did their usual 'digging around' a few old dead log pieces I have propped up. Nothing seriously damaged, but a bit of a surprise to find out they were still around. Ah nature and all it's unexpected-ness.

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My computer is really annoying me... It's either double posting or not posting at all or freezing... I need a new drive. But I have no money!! Must find a new job... and a bigger start-up drive... and a pony...

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