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The "Rant" Thread


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The crappy ways they seal up DVDs annoys me. Okay, protective plastic. But then they have "Security device enclosed" stickers on each end. When trying to take them off they stretch the good cover plastic and leave crap all over it! So many of my DVDs look like crap because of those. Who cares if a security device is enclosed anyway? Is it to warn people not to steal it? So why can't they just put a sticker on the outside of the protective plastice so it can slide of? But no, instead they ruin all three sides of the case.

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I hung out with my cousin's side of the family friday and they are some of the most ghetto people on earth. The kids were downstairs at a family function smokin pot! The adults were upstairs drunk and staggering. It was a complete mess. Some 50 year old lady that was a friend of the family was also drunk and tried to hit on me with her husband in the next room! I told her to give it a rest before I go tell him.


Then we left there and took another cousin home and found out her aunt lived around the corner from my father's house. The aunt (who was also drunk at 11:30pm) started calling my stepmom all kinds of names and wanted to go around the corner to kick her butt because she thought my stepmom wanted her husband.


That's when I lost it.


"If he's hanging with your drunk a$$, he ain't no good and my stepmom don't want him. You don't have sh@@ either; you need to sober up and sit your butt down; because if you go over there I guarantee Lena (my stepmom) will kick your tail in the yard then my father will grab you and throw you back to your house. That is if Lena doesn't whip our her pistol and start blasting. If she does, don't say anything... just run. Don't go over there acting crazy. You've been warned, drunk b@tch. C'mon Bo (my cousin) take me home 'cause your family is givin me a rash and this isn't the look I'm to achieve."


My cousin was embarrased again... this is the same family that started fighting at her wedding reception and somebody got stabbed.


I'm glad to be back home away from that mess... at least my side of the family is way better than that except for a few shifty members.



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Australia getting knocked out by the bloody English in the rugby world cup, if they had played their best and been neaten fair enough, but they played like a bunch of pot plants who had forgotten how to play. Oh well, at least unbackable favourites New Zealand got knocked out as well.

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Why do people feel the need to start a thread every time they go to a park for the sake of asking people how busy it's going to be that day? Is it going to affect whether you go or not? What difference does it make if you positive that's the day you are going? Do you really not know how busy Saturdays are? I don't get why people feel the need to make separate threads for that, especially when most of the information is generally listed on park websites. Yeah, sure, sometimes there maybe good questions you need to know that can't be found on the park website or by searching the eleventy-jillion other park tip threads that people have made, but most of the time it just seems pretty freakin' pointless.

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Why does the weather have to go from 25 degrees to 7 degrees (celcius, yay Canaba) as soon as I get a dog I need to train to poopie outside? Why couldn't it wait until she has the hang of it and doesn't take 45 minutes to pee every single time? Where did the hoodie weather go?? It's supposed to go summer, fall, THEN winter. It's not winter yet, GO AWAY COLD!

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Why do people feel the need to start a thread every time they go to a park for the sake of asking people how busy it's going to be that day? Is it going to affect whether you go or not? What difference does it make if you positive that's the day you are going? Do you really not know how busy Saturdays are? I don't get why people feel the need to make separate threads for that, especially when most of the information is generally listed on park websites. Yeah, sure, sometimes there maybe good questions you need to know that can't be found on the park website or by searching the eleventy-jillion other park tip threads that people have made, but most of the time it just seems pretty freakin' pointless.


We've actually discussed this, believe me it annoys all the mods too. We've come up with a solution, but it's going to take a little bit of work on our side. Since it's technically the off-season, it'll be a little easier to start now and have it rolled out for next spring.

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People. Is anymore elaboration needed?

I agree. People just plain suck.


I was PLANNING on going to 2 haunted houses tomorrow, that are right next to each other, with a few friends. I started this maybe a week and a half ago, asking my friends who would want to go. A few said yes so i sent them all an e-mail with info about prices when to meet etc. Just a few hours ago, i found out from someone else that one of my friends just didnt want to go and wanted to go party instead. While I would have no problem with this usually, the fact that its the DAY BEFORE and I already bought the tickets just makes me so mad. So I talk to her online not too long ago and ask her why shes not going, and when shes going to pay me. She refuses to pay me and calls me stupid for buying the tickets. I loose it and just scream its the day before and i then tell her she better bring me the money on monday and sing off. She's already started to spread rumors about me...

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I'm seeing more and more people put the dollar sign ($) after the dollar amount, as in "500$." Were we not paying attention in school that day? The dollar sign goes first, then the dollar amount, as in "$500."



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I'm so angry at Gamestop.


I went in yesterday to trade in my DS for a DS Lite, and they said that they needed my charger for some reason. But I left it at my friends house, and he tried to return it to me but gave me his Gameboy SP charger, which still works for the DS. I don't know if they'll look that carefully at the charger, but I'm thinking they won't realize. It's the exact same thing.

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This is actually a rant on behalf of Diana. She works at Abercrombie and is on call much of the time. That means that she doesn't even know if she has to work until an hour before her shift starts.


If she doesn't work, then the day can be wasted because she doesn't know if she's working or not. If she does work, she has an hour to get ready and be there. Pain in the butt if you ask me.



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That was one of the absolute WORST things about working for them.


They didn't do it when I started working for them, but 4 years later they decided it was a good idea.


Luckily, it had always been my 2nd job - so I had an excuse. "Can't come in, gotta work 9-5 at my job that actually pays me "

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