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The "Rant" Thread


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  EBL said:
  Wes said:
^ Hahahaha, you're going to be shocked how much ridiculous "high school drama" occurs in the work place.

I second that, Wes. In the 30+ years I've been in the workplace, I've seen plenty.




It's always going to be there wherever you go, but I'll take that drama any day over this. At least I'll be getting paid while I have to put up with it, instead of the other way around and having to pay tuition out the ass!

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  MayTheGForceBeWithYou said:
^Yeah, these are the same people who would have dragged their 5 year old on things like Alien Encounter.

Yep. This actually reminded me. People...STOP BRINGING YOUR DAMN KIDS TO HALLOWEEN HORROR NIGHTS/KNOTTS HAUNT. If you can afford a baby sitter/don't have family maybe you should consider your children's BRAIN before taking them to this stuff. I have a friend who, to this day(he is almost 19) will not step foot into a haunted house because he was taken to haunt when he was like 4. I mean, do some people just not think...at all? I know this is a weird thing to bring up at this time of year, but a month or so ago I saw Black Swan, and some lady brought her like 6 year old and he sat next to me. It was pretty gory, disturbing as hell(if you dont shudder at least once your god) and two chicks have sex on screen. No way was he able to comprehend what was happening and he ended up semi ruining the movie for me because he started freaking out toward the end, but he also kept asking questions. I kinda wanted him to shut up, but no way did the kid want to see Black Swan, his stupid mom brought him to see the movie. Seriously... people... get smarter... PLEASE. If not at least be smarter with your children!

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  the ghost said:
Yep. This actually reminded me. People...STOP BRINGING YOUR DAMN KIDS TO HALLOWEEN HORROR NIGHTS/KNOTTS HAUNT. If you can afford a baby sitter/don't have family maybe you should consider your children's BRAIN before taking them to this stuff. I have a friend who, to this day(he is almost 19) will not step foot into a haunted house because he was taken to haunt when he was like 4. I mean, do some people just not think...at all?


Well, if not that, parents just need to understand their child's limits. I worked at a haunt in October, and had 7 year old kids loving it, but adults were also getting so scared they had to leave the haunt.

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Don't you just hate how people change?

In 6th Grade, she had no friends. In 7th grade, she was sat next to me in 5 classes. I talked to her. I brought forth her inner social butterfly. 8th grade, we were best friends. 9th grade, she changes. She ditches all of her old friends for new ones.

I miss the old her. I made her.

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Why is it that people can't debate about things without it getting ugly? Hell, I was watching a friend at a debate tournament, and when the other team was obviously backed into a corner, they told the team my friend was on to go screw themselves. I mean, come on, you can't use your own wit to talk rationally?

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  Ace Of Spades said:
Why is it that people can't debate about things without it getting ugly? Hell, I was watching a friend at a debate tournament, and when the other team was obviously backed into a corner, they told the team my friend was on to go screw themselves. I mean, come on, you can't use your own wit to talk rationally?


Or better yet...just admit to them being the better team. Really now.

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Dear Mrs. Cabrera:


TEACH US THINGS. I know we're in trig and that makes us "smart", but don't assume we remember every little thing from Algebra 2. If we're reviewing a concept, don't show us the bare basics and make us figure out all the other complex ideas for each lesson, EXPLAIN THINGS.


You suck as a teacher right now. Teaching doesn't mean putting a totally new concept on the board, and asking students what the next step towards the answer would be. You're supposed to walk us through a variety of problems, letting us understand everything we're about to see. Don't just push us off a cliff into the insanely hard math like you've been doing for the last month.

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^ I hope she doesn't read TPR...


We just got a Fresh&Easy store today. Rant: not enough parking. People were out there yelling at other drivers (one guy let out quite a stream of profanity when someone didn't move their car at his command). I just parked across the street and walked over. Hopefully once the store has been open awhile things will die down.



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We're in the process of buying a house. All the paperwork's been submitted but we're waiting for word from the underwriter on a closing date. Why does it take so long?! It's been almost two weeks since we got everything turned in. Our credit scores are good, debit to income ratio is good, so what's the holdup? Grrr. I'm just anxious to start packing and get moved in!

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I hate that Yahoo Answers doesn't give any way to contact users, except for Yahoo mail.


For example, I recently answered a question where the person was wondering about why M-rated games were restricted to buyers 17 and over. One of the other people answering said:


"See not all kids are like that. There was a kid who reenacted some GTA stunts shot some people stole a car and what not. Then lets not forget a few years ago a 5 year old drove a car to school because he thought he could because of a video game...oh yea the kid crashed into a tree and luckily did not hit anyone"


I read this and immediately thought "BULL****." So I decided to send a message to him, asking for a source for those incidents, to see if he really is bluffing or not. But lo and behold, there was NO way to contact him from his profile. He didn't have his email set up, I couldn't send a private message, nothing. That sort of thing REALLY bugs me.

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