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The "Rant" Thread


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  Ace Of Spades said:
Why must the world constantly remind me that I'm a failure in all regards? I mean, couldn't I get a hint of happiness from anything at all?


Nature of the beast my friend. You've gotta make your own happiness and follow your bliss and all that crap Chin up - everything ends up working out in the end.

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Some kids' freaky paranoid parent people complained to the school board that their kids would, quote, "roam the streets" when they left the exam rooms all week two weeks from now. So, of course, the "concerned" (read= evil) school board wondered, "hey, why not tack on another two and a half hours of regular class AFTER the kids' exams? And for almost every exam day, too!".


So, of course, EVERYONE has to suffer because a few (maybe about 4) kids, who happened to live near the head offices of our board, were just crazy enough to have to stay in school three hours longer. And this means I can't visit my friends, buy ice cream, work on RCT2 projects or even just take a well-deserved early afternoon nap.


If I ever go to Dorval (the place where the board makes its "big decisions" [read= evil schemes; mischievous plots; money-wasting plans]), I've got a couple things I'd like to say.

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More ranting by me.


RCT2 rant, nothing too important, just something I want to vent about.



Ok, so your someone in the RCT Community. You have RCT1, RCT2, and RCT3. If you do RCT2 stuff you will be compared to the top dogs over at NE (new element, where the best of the game are). I don't understand why that there needs to be a relationship between everyones RCT parks with that other site. Its like the newest person to the game has to be judged by everyone as if they are going for spotlight, or if someone starts making eye candy its like everyone has to jump at him(or her) saying "OMG, SUBMIT THIS TO NE". How about no, we do not need to bring up New Element every time a RCT2 park shows up.


For RCT3 the "pros" hang out over in shyguysworld and rctlounge. Some of the most amazing parks are over there. Over here on TPR everyone knows Coasterdude5 as the "best RCT3 parkmaker". Now, when someone posts up a RCT3 park here; do they get reminded of the fact that there is a whole community dedicated at making eye candy.


Point is; Stop comparing peoples work to a website. It would be like me to compare every other coaster websites success with TPRs


Anyways, some people are going to get upset with me for this, but this is something in the RCT community that has been driving me insane lately.


(No, I don't hate NE; I just hate when people compare others to them)





Additional rant - You know how on a laptop when your typing a lot of stuff, then all of a sudden you finger slips and goes somewhere else on the written area, and you don't notice until its too late.

Yeah, I really hate this.



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Ok, so your someone in the RCT Community. You have RCT1, RCT2, and RCT3. If you do RCT2 stuff you will be compared to the top dogs over at NE (new element, where the best of the game are). I don't understand why that there needs to be a relationship between everyones RCT parks with that other site. Its like the newest person to the game has to be judged by everyone as if they are going for spotlight, or if someone starts making eye candy its like everyone has to jump at him(or her) saying "OMG, SUBMIT THIS TO NE". How about no, we do not need to bring up New Element every time a RCT2 park shows up.


For RCT3 the "pros" hang out over in shyguysworld and rctlounge. Some of the most amazing parks are over there. Over here on TPR everyone knows Coasterdude5 as the "best RCT3 parkmaker". Now, when someone posts up a RCT3 park here; do they get reminded of the fact that there is a whole community dedicated at making eye candy.


Point is; Stop comparing peoples work to a website. It would be like me to compare every other coaster websites success with TPRs


Anyways, some people are going to get upset with me for this, but this is something in the RCT community that has been driving me insane lately.


(No, I don't hate NE; I just hate when people compare others to them)




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I hate how parents think that by locking you in your house they're protecting you from all the 'bad things' out there. And that they think it's somehow going to make you a better person by sitting inside bored while your absolute best friends, practically your brothers, are staying the night somewhere. When it's a holiday and I have a three day weekend. And that your parents think that because you hung out with a girl in a hottub you automatically had an orgy with them (true story..) Parents are so ignorant......

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My ears are still ringing from the amazing Secretions show last night.


Last time this happened, it didn't go away for about a week... We'll see.


UPDATE: Well, it's Wednesday, and it's seemed to stop already. Even the muffled sound in my right ear, which is what lasted a week last time, didn't persist longer than a few days. Yay!

Edited by onewheeled999
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  Sir Clinksalot said:
You know, I don't mind when people stay at our house, but there comes a time when it's "time to go" and some people just don't get it.


I would really like to spend some time with my family today without having to entertain you.


Well I didn't stay the night at the same person's house three times... And when your friends are all basically a family, and know each others parents very well. I'd say it isn't too much of a stretch to be out for the weekend. But my parents apparently think I'm having too much fun. I understand where they're coming from, but parents need to know when to stop treating their kids like children and allow them to spread their wings and think for themselves.

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