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Geauga Lake Discussion Thread

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This gets better and better...


I loved that show!


Anywho - the hours and hours of entertainment that this is providing me is wonderful. Job sucks right now, so a little break for some Dipper Hilarity is just what the doctor ordered (if doctors actually ordered such things, that would be cool.)



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The sale wasn't really finalized to begin with.


If Kat bought the coaster, then shouldn't she be the owner? Why is she referring to another party as the "owner"? From her own site:


After two weeks of negotiations, a sale was finalized on September 30, 2010 and Harold Garmonsway and Kat Jones were named the new owners of the coaster.


If that's what's really going on (aka she and Harold never owned the coaster), then they seriously misrepresented themselves when they started soliciting donations. That would be fraud.

In all seriousness, there really needs to be some concrete answers given, asap. If I had even donated $0.01 to this debacle, I'd be knocking down their doors demanding an explanation, pronto. Her supporters can whine all they want about how we've mocked this whole effort; but the fact remains, this is bush league bull****. Period.


I said it before, and I'm sticking to it. Clowns like Kat and Kiwi are giving the rest of the respectable coaster community a bad name by masquerading as intelligent enthusiasts on a "mission to save a piece of history."

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The sale wasn't really finalized to begin with.


If Kat bought the coaster, then shouldn't she be the owner? Why is she referring to another party as the "owner"? From her own site:


After two weeks of negotiations, a sale was finalized on September 30, 2010 and Harold Garmonsway and Kat Jones were named the new owners of the coaster.


If that's what's really going on (aka she and Harold never owned the coaster), then they seriously misrepresented themselves when they started soliciting donations. That would be fraud.

In all seriousness, there really needs to be some concrete answers given, asap. If I had even donated $0.01 to this debacle, I'd be knocking down their doors demanding an explanation, pronto. Her supporters can whine all they want about how we've mocked this whole effort; but the fact remains, this is bush league bull****. Period.


I said it before, and I'm sticking to it. Clowns like Kat and Kiwi are giving the rest of the respectable coaster community a bad name by masquerading as intelligent enthusiasts on a "mission to save a piece of history."

Couldn't agree more!

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Bainbridge — The forecast for the future of the Big Dipper roller coaster at the former Geauga Lake amusement park may turn out to have more twists and turns than the ride itself.


Ohioan Kat Jones, the organizer of the project to save the ride, and Harold Garmonsway, the project’s founder, reportedly were involved in purchasing the coaster Sept. 30. But according to a blog post today (Dec. 2) on the website “Save the Big Dipper,” — http://savethebigdipper.org/ — the purchase of the coaster from its owner may have hit a snag.


“The owner and the owner’s agent have expressed their desire to cancel the deal we had come to agreement on concerning the sale of the Big Dipper,” the post states.


“Our interest at this point is in saving the Big Dipper from the previously announced demolition by the parties that purchased the coaster at the Cedar Fair auction.


“We are currently under experienced legal guidance so that we may do everything within our power to save an important piece of amusement history.


“I sincerely hope for everyone’s understanding as we work through the new challenges we are faced with.”


Tom Woosnam of APEX Western Machinery Movers, an agent for the coaster’s former owner, and Jones did not immediately return phone calls or e-mails for comment.


For more, see the Dec. 8 edition of the Aurora Advocate.

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Man, I knew she was a moron but I have to admit I never saw this coming. Completely lying about already owning the coaster is just amazing. However, she just may be so stupid that she does not understand the concept / rules around ownership.


Asking for donations like this is just down right lower than low....

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Looks like I need to find a new avatar. My current one was a representation of the project "a Monkey trying to F*&K a football".


Also, I want to give Robb kudos on his posts over at GLT. Most of those folks do not seem to be as bad as I thought after seeing the latest interaction with him. They are not flaming and seeing why their was an original joke that TPR created... I hope that they continue to let Robb post updates there. This seems to really have helped with understanding of the joke of the misdirection Kiwi and Kat have made.

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All I want for Christmas is the Big Dipper.... I've seriously got $1000 and no plan.. If their deal falls through, they've got a buyer who will do absolutely nothing with the coaster except remind TPR that he bought it (and possible light it on fire if I can get a permit)..



Chris "Yes I'm serious" Connolly..

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And the winner for most hated coaster enthusiast goes to...


*drum roll*




"sadly... Kat could not except this award tonight because she's currently living on cloud 9, which is located due east of a pipe dream and about 3 miles northwest of fantasyland."


Seriously though - this girl, and thats all she is, some random girl... really thought she had the know how to take on this type of project? She, sadly, is about to become the laughing stock of the enthusiast community, the amusement industry, and probably most of northern ohio. Additionally... she's probably backed herself into a big corner by accepting money under false pretense. If I donated to that scheme, i'd be demanding my money back yesterday.


She is giving enthusiasts a bad name...


The truth is - she has no idea what it really takes to tear down, store and rebuild a rollercoaster - but the fact she is a member of all these internet forums and makes videos on youtube about her trips (like people care about her opinion) - that gave her all the credentials she needed to take on this project...


perhaps her new website should be www.savekatjones.com


with donations going to the Kat Jones legal defense fund...



(youre gonna need it)

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I'm waiting for the lawsuit


There won't be a lawsuit. Not when, as far as anyone other than Kat knows, only $384 are involved. Some lawyers charge more than that per hour. And let's face it: It's not likely that she collected much more than $384.

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^ That's why I say take her to small claims court like Judge Judy. Not only can TPR (members that donated) get daytime TV exposure for fun. We can watch Judge Judy call her an idiot that could not organize a birthday party, let alone an initiative like this.

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^Seems like a lot of trouble to go to for 50 bucks. Frankly, if I were Kat, I'd be relieved that the original owners are cancelling the "deal." Embarrassment will eventually pass.

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^ That's why I say take her to small claims court like Judge Judy. Not only can TPR (members that donated) get daytime TV exposure for fun. We can watch Judge Judy call her an idiot that could not organize a birthday party, let alone an initiative like this.


As someone who donated (only $1), I have no desire to appear on the goat rodeo that is daytime TV. I guess that makes me a bad American. I'd consider being on something like HGTV or maybe a game show. Apart from that, no thanks.

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^ That's why I say take her to small claims court like Judge Judy. Not only can TPR (members that donated) get daytime TV exposure for fun. We can watch Judge Judy call her an idiot that could not organize a birthday party, let alone an initiative like this.


That would be funny to watch, even though I usually avoid daytime TV.

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^Seems like a lot of trouble to go to for 50 bucks. Frankly, if I were Kat, I'd be relieved that the original owners are cancelling the "deal." Embarrassment will eventually pass.

Yeah, it really is too much trouble to go through. No one is going to take her to small claims court, but it's more the principal. She had no business claiming "ownership" of something that it looks like she never actually owned. And she either needs to give back all the donations she received, which I have to assume she would do, or no one would ever trust her again.


Her going to the press and actually getting coverage for this makes things a lot worse. If it turns out that she never was the owner, and she fabricated this entire story that the news outlets picked up, I'm SURE they will run that story and make a laughing stock out of her. Local news LOVES this kind of stuff. They already posted an article in the local news based on her blog post calling out the same things we have.


I said this at the very beginning and I'll say it again now, Kat is doing everything the exact WRONG way. And sadly, if she would have actually read many of the postings here and listened instead of getting immature and defensive, she might not be in this situation today.



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Yes, that is were I was more a less going was principal. When I was off a few days for Thanksgiving, I was bored and surfing around TV. Someone on that show was sewing someone else over $20 just on principal. I can not remember though exactly what it was about (something to do with a wedding cake mistake), since i was half paying attention.




Robb, I just read some of the string at GLT and some of the comments on Kat's site that you referenced. Agreed, she will not probably post those. However, why the hell did she post the other questions without answering them? Just strange as hell that she would put the comments in plan view and then not answer the questions... Kind of dumb.

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