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The Official TPR Bag of Crap Thread!

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I don't go to my mailbox often so I was extremely excited to see my first ever TPR Bag-of-Crap in the box Thanks Robb


But now my post is crap compared to the one IloveRides posted lol

Edited by Gigalyte
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Yet another bag of crap trip report?! Well, Robb seems to want them, so who am I to argue?


There are many like it, but this one is mine.


Sneak preview!


Yep, same stuff. But really cool stuff!


I honestly have no idea what park this is.


But what really separates my TR from the rest is that I'm going to show you what's on that "blank" CD....


Yes, it's CE6!


Thanks TPR!

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I was expecting several work-related packages today, none of which appeared...... but what did appear unexpectedly??? A bunch o' crap.... a bag full, in fact. All the international park maps will give me something interesting to read at work later And the luggage handle wrap will get used for travel next week.


Who doesn't like getting random packages in the mail unexpectedly? Other than government buildings, of course....


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My Bag of Crap came sooooo overstuffed! Thanks again, Robb!


Here's what was inside.


Park Maps:

-Central Park Japan

- Seoul Land

- Skyline Park

- Kijima

- Lotte World

- Movie Park Germany

- WB Movie World Australia

- Sea World Australia

- Adventureland

- Nasu Highland

- Mirabilandia

- Legoland California

- Gullivers

- Universal Studios Singapore (Loved this one)

- Six Flags Great America

- Drayton Manor

- Canevaworld Movieland Park

- Howl-O-Scream 2009 Guide


TPR DVD's and Media:

-Coaster Expeditions 6 + 9!

- Happy Tree Friends : Vol 1 (loved this)


Extra Goodies:

-TPR Handle Grip

-TPR Zip Bag

-2 fantastic TPR Pens

-3 delicious TPR Mints

- Save Teh Big Dipper "Coaster"

-TPR Luggage Tag

- 3 Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party stickers

- Robbie Kenievel Temp Tattoo

- Universal Studios Singapore "Madagascar : Crate Adventure" Pass

- Universal Studios Singapore "Treasure Hunters" Pass


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Ive always wanted a bag of crap! How exactly can I get one besides emailing Dan. Or is that the only way?


Contests happen weekly on the TPR Facebook page. Click the link in my signature and "like" the page if you haven't already.

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Yesterday was crappy to the max! I immortalized the moment appropriately, with crappy iPhone photos. But this is just the start. Many of the treasures discovered within our craptacular gift will come in handy soon. That's right, road trip!


Attack crap! My kid has crap on the brain!


You get the idea.


A box within a box... Layer upon layer!


How did they know? Robb and Elissa know all!

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I just got my two bags of crap today at my university and the mailroom guy was like, "Hey Rob, you got two bags of crap? Wanna explain?" So I did. Unfortunity I got two of the same exact bags, .

You are officially taken off the "Bag-o-Crap" mailing list


--Robb "I do these for free...and it costs me hundreds of dollars to send out...if you're going to complain, you're no longer eligible..." Alvey

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I suddenly feel an urge to increase the number of emails I send to Dan and the number of entries into the Game Exchange contests. All part of Robb's plan? If so its working quite well!

I did send the bigger bags of crap to some of our Game Exchange winners!

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What a glorious day it was walking into the house and low and behold my awesomeness in a bag had arrived. My very first bag o crap from TPR, a privilege and and an honor to get some very cool stuff.


So in spirit of ILoveRides and the journey his bag took I figured I would post a trip report of my bags trip of epic proportions. I hope you enjoy my bag o crap around the world in 1 week.


No other mailman could handle such a package.


A stop in Italy to give the Leaning Tower of Pisa a helping hand since its looking a little slanted.


A pit stop in Egypt for some treasure hunting at the pyramids.


Ahhh Paris in the summer. The wine, the food, the culture . . . the bag o crap!


A trip thru the grand canyon is always a must.


The great wall of China. Fact - You can see the Great Wall and the bag o crap from outer space. True Story!


Winner winner chicken dinner!


These bags of crap have been around a lot longer than we initially thought.


Everyone loves a puppy and a bag of crap.




Who knew these bags had the power to travel back in time.


Looking for the disco yeti. Sorry the yeti you find here actually works.


Finally arriving in south Florida hanging out on the beach sipping margaritas and checking out senoritas


After a long trip around the world and thru time my bag has finally arrived.


Without further ado i present to you my kick ass bag of crap = )

Edited by Hockeyman55
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